Siberian Tiger King

Chapter 299 Tiger Clan Army

Chapter 299 Tiger Clan Army
Reiki has recovered for more than 60 years, the Tiger Clan Kingdom has been established for more than 60 years, and Jin Biao has protected the Tiger Clan for 60 years.

It's time for the Tiger Clan to come to the front line of battle, show their strength, and fully contact the humans on Earth.

Humans quickly made a plan and agreed on a time with Jin Biao, and then Jin Biao sent the Tiger Clan army to fight jointly with the humans on Earth.

In the capital of country Z, the East Asian coalition forces of the Eurasian Union have assembled here.

This time, the coalition forces marched from four directions and four fronts to attack the various branches of the aliens in the Americas.

At this time, experts from East Asia, mainly from country Z, have already assembled here.

"Haven't the Tiger Clan masters arrived yet? The Tiger Clan really doesn't have any concept of time, and they don't know the exact number, strength, discipline, and whether they know how to cooperate?"

On the playground, a human extraordinary sixth-level master said.

"The tiger clan must have the strength, but discipline and cooperation, don't even think about it, tigers are not human!"

Another extraordinary sixth-level expert.

"The Tiger Clan is now basically and mainly supported by the Tiger Emperor. If it weren't for the Tiger Emperor, we humans can easily wipe them out now."

"The Tiger King of Siberia and the Tiger King of Changbai Mountain are still very strong. I don't know what's going on now. Have you broken through to the Primordial Spirit Realm?"

"Probably not. There is no limit to the size of beasts. They need to accumulate more, and it will be slower to break through the primordial spirit. However, with the strength of the Tiger King of Siberia and the Tiger King of Changbai Mountain, even if the current cultivation level is the sixth level of extraordinary, it should be able to compete with humans." Extraordinary seventh-order counterbalance!"

"The strength of Yuanshen Realm is beyond what you can imagine. Communication between heaven and earth can make up for the physical gap, and human beings of the seventh level of superhumanity can completely abuse the tiger clan of the sixth level of superhumanity!"

"Among the beasts, besides the Tiger King, there should be some who have broken through to the seventh level of Transcendence, just like the Blue Whale King back then..."

Thinking of the silence of many people in the Blue Whale King, it is the only existence on earth that can compete with the Tiger King, even the Southeast Asian Crocodile King is almost there.

"The Tiger Clan is here!"

Suddenly a human master raised his head and said solemnly.

Everyone else also looked at their watches, and sure enough, it showed that the Tiger Clan was within ten kilometers.

But just now it was clear that there was no movement.

You must know that their watches are connected to the tower system.

This means that the human detection system only discovered the Tiger Clan within ten kilometers, and this was the case when the Tiger Clan showed up on its own initiative.

How the Tiger Clan escaped the detection of the system...

wait, no!
The tiger family displayed by the system...

"whoosh whoosh"

The tiger clan has arrived, one by one spread their wings and hover in the sky...

That's right, the Tiger Clan came here by flying. Every Tiger Clan has a pair of iron wings stretched out from behind, wearing battle armor, especially the fiery red giant tiger at the head, which is shining red all over, with a wingspan of more than 300 meters. Rice, covering the sky and the sun...

God, when did the Tiger Clan have such a powerful existence.

This is simply the Tiger King 20 years ago!


The Tiger Clan began to gather their iron wings and land.


The giant tiger headed by it fell to the ground on all fours, and the ground paved with bluestone and carved with runes burst into pieces.

"bang bang bang"

Giant tigers landed one after another, followed by supernatural giant leopards, lynxes, and cat beasts. The huge playground was soon filled with tigers, and at the same time it was fragmented.


A master of human primordial spirit flew out from the tower and asked:
"Excuse me, is it His Royal Highness the Tiger King of Changbai Mountain?"


Er Biao nodded.

"Yes, my lord. This time, my lord has led a total of [-] Tiger Clan masters to participate in the battle. You can start at any time. Just talk to me about the battle plan on the way."

Er Biao's body shrunk, and at the same time, the bodies of the Tiger Clan behind him also shrank, and all of them became about two meters tall at the shoulders.

At first glance, humans can't tell the strengths and weaknesses.

At this time, a strong human looked at the time on the watch and found that there were still 5 minutes before the appointed time.

Looking at the tiger team, tigers, leopards, lynxes, and cats are all neatly arranged, orderly, and silent.

This is a well-trained army!

The tiger tribe arrived on time, and with such cooperation, the human side naturally boarded the spaceship and set off without delay.

Tiger Clan still flies...

The size of the tiger clan is there, even if the body is shrunk and the mass remains the same, the power of the spaceship made by the earthlings cannot bear it.

The strong man in the primordial spirit realm flew with Er Biao, talking about the battle plan while flying.

Almost at the same time, in Europe, Sanbiao led another team of Tiger Clan to the meeting place here.

In this battle, the Tiger Clan dispatched a total of [-] masters at the crystallization stage, divided into two teams, the second biao led [-] tigers, and the third biao led [-] tigers...

Both Er Biao and San Biao have already broken through Yuanshen. Among them, San Biao broke through by himself, and his shoulder height has reached a terrifying 40 meters. Er Biao relied on the resources of Jin Biao, and his shoulder height also reached more than 30 meters. The throne of the three masters, the top five in the world.

That's all Jin Biao can do, San Biao is expected to be half-god in the future, as for Er Biao, it depends on chance.

Just as the Earth Alliance and the Tiger Clan army were operating, Jin Biao also came to space.

Due to Jin Biao's irregular cleanup, there are no alien satellites in the space near the earth's surface.

The mothership is also far away from the surface to avoid being attacked by Jin Biao.

Jin Biao used laws to hide his figure, and changed his supernatural powers many times in the process, but he was still discovered when he was about a hundred miles away from the mothership.

In space, the detection system of the mothership is almost invincible. Except for the real gods or masters of concealment, it is difficult to escape.


The alarm sounded in the mothership, and when the system showed that it was Jin Biao, the mothership did not choose to fight, but chose to flee immediately...

A mothership is no match for a demigod, or the probability of being destroyed is too high.


Jin Biao used the gravitational force in space to pursue.

When there is no space to jump, it is very slow to increase to one-tenth the speed of light with the size of the mothership, and it will take at least a few minutes.

"bang bang bang"

The mothership spewed out several single turrets, and they spread out to target Jin Biao.

At the same time, it is also a main gun and dozens of secondary guns of the mothership.

"bang bang bang"

Their first shots were all web attacks.

Especially for the mothership's main gun, the power grid is huge, and dozens of secondary guns and single forts are added to attack, blocking a space area of ​​nearly a hundred miles at once, and it is continuous, not going out in a flash.

Jin Biao was intercepted and could only go around from the side.

Fortunately, it didn't take long at his speed, but when Jin Biao bypassed, he found that the mothership was gone.

The mothership just disappeared from sight so abruptly!

'Could it be that the mothership disappeared after a space jump? '

In the absence of a space node, the mothership can also forcibly break through the space barrier and perform a space jump, but that consumes too much and damages the hull, so the general captain will not do this.

But who would care so much at a critical moment?
Was it just a moment of crisis?

The key is that Jin Biao didn't feel the spatial fluctuations...


(End of this chapter)

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