Chapter 38
The arrival of the tiger dad adds a sense of security to the severe winter.

With the tiger dad around, neither the wolves nor other tigers would dare to come again.

Even if other adult male tigers break in by accident, it is almost impossible for Tiger Dad to lose with his current peak strength, so...

But the tiger father only stayed with the tiger mother for three or four days before leaving.

Or because of the moose, otherwise...

Jin Biao's family of four returned to normal, but the winter was getting deeper and the weather was getting colder and colder. The temperature soon fell below minus 25 degrees, minus [-] degrees...

In such cold weather, herbivores look for a sheltered and warm place to keep out the cold, and rarely come out to look for food.

Therefore, the hunting of Jin Biao's family became more difficult.

Can't find prey!

The tiger mother hadn't caught any prey for two days, and Jin Biao's family was growling with hunger.

Jin Biao has never been so hungry since he was born.

Hungry, now I really feel it.

A normal tiger would have no problem starving for a week, but now that Jin Biao was growing, he couldn't let himself continue to be hungry like this, so he had to take action.


Jin Biao growled at the whole family.

Mom, two little brothers, come with me!


The tiger mother and the two younger brothers looked at each other, not understanding what Jin Biao wanted to do, but they followed him out of trust.

Jin Biao has always been a maverick, but he has never let them down, so...

They hope that Jin Biao can bring them unexpected gains this time!

Just walking, the tiger mother and the two younger brothers were stunned, because Jin Biao was not going to the mountains or the grasslands, but went straight to a small lake.

Now the temperature is below minus 25 degrees Celsius, and the ice layer on the lake is at least one foot above, so it’s okay for a truck to drive on it.

Why did Jin Biao bring them here?

catch fish?

Do not be silly!
Can it break through the ice?
Even if you can break through the ice, do you dare to go into the water to catch them in such a cold day?

I'm afraid I won't be able to come up if I go down.

Then come here...


Jin Biao's body suddenly rushed forward, drawing a long snow path on the ice and snow.




The tiger mother and Er Biao and San Biao were speechless.

That's what you brought us here for?

No longer hungry, no more hunting?
Later, Er Biao and San Biao also rushed out.

"Wow, that's cool!"

"Brother, you can still play like this on the ice? Why didn't you bring us to play?"

Er Biao and San Biao were happy, and played with Jin Biao on the ice for a while, only the tiger mother stood there, eyes full of helplessness.

Finally, his body warmed up. Jin Biao came to a raised snow bag near the lake and pushed aside the snow on it, revealing a big grass ball with a diameter of more than one foot, which seemed to be tightly wrapped, but it had already Frozen by ice and snow.

This is……

What does he want to do?

Tiger Mom was puzzled, and then she saw...

"bang bang bang"

Jin Biao began to slap vigorously with his tiger palms.

Because of the grass, the ice here is not very solid and tight, so it is much worse in terms of hardness.

"bang bang bang"

The ice grass shattered, and the sound became more and more muffled.

Jin Biao began to tear with his claws, grabbing up the grass and crushed ice, and continued.

The tiger mother, Er Biao, and San Biao were all attracted.

Da Lang (brother) what are you doing?
Jin Biao ignored them and continued working.

Then they saw an ice hole appear, not pierced, but getting deeper.

Both Tiger Mother and Er Biao and San Biao had surprise in their eyes, but what's the use of digging through this hole, which is less than a foot in diameter, can you go down?

Do you dare to go down?
Even if Jin Biao wanted to take risks, the tiger mother would not allow it.

This day, if you go below the ice layer, you will almost die, and what if the ice above is frozen when you float up?

The tiger mother growled at Jin Biao, telling him to stop such fearless behavior.

But Jin Biao didn't listen to what the tiger mother said, and continued on.


Finally, Jin Biao slapped the air with his palm, and the ice layer broke through.

A gust of water gushed up, almost hitting Jin Biao.

Fortunately, the pressure in the water is limited and the spray is not too high.

After the water filled the ice hole and stopped rising, Jin Biao continued to clear the ice and made the hole below bigger.

It really sucks!

What is Dalang (big brother) doing with this hole?
Tiger Mother, Er Biao, and San Biao looked at the ice cave in confusion.

Because at this time they discovered that the ice cave seemed to be unable to accommodate Jin Biao, even Er Biao and San Biao.


What is he trying to do?

All done, and then...

Jin Biao glanced at Er Biao, San Biao and Tiger Mother.

Because of the slapping just now, it is estimated that the nearby fish have been scared away, so it is at least an hour or two before catching fish.

After such a long time, the hole has already been sealed again.

So they need to be stirred constantly.

While preventing the hole from freezing, it still attracts fish.

That's right, Jin Biao was planning to go fishing.

What to fish with?


Jin Biao had watched cartoons before, and he didn't know if it was feasible, so he just took it for fun.

If that's not possible, wait for the fish to come up for air and grab it with your claws.

There is a lack of oxygen in the water in winter, and fish in open-air caves will definitely come up to take a breath after they find it.

As long as there are fish they have a chance.

Because Tiger Mother, Er Biao, and San Biao didn't understand, Jin Biao must be the first one.

Jin Biao turned around, facing the hole with his buttocks, squatted down on his hind legs, and then put his tail into the ice hole to stir it slowly.




Tiger Mother, Er Biao, and San Biao were stunned.

Da Lang (Big Brother) What are you doing?
They felt that Jin Biao's actions should have a deep meaning, but they couldn't figure it out.

Time passed slowly, because Jin Biao's tail was constantly stirring, the ice hole was not frozen again, but the tip of the tail was still quite cold after being placed in the ice hole for a long time, finally Jin Biao couldn't hold on anymore, and he asked Er Biao to come over.

Er Biao is very curious. He was curious when Jin Biao put his tail into the ice hole and stirred him up. Now that Jin Biao asked him to come, he immediately gave up playing with San Biao and ran over to imitate Jin Biao. , squatting down on its hind legs, and stretching its tail into the ice hole.

'Well, it's a little cold! '

But it's okay because of the blocking of the fur.

Er Biao kept stirring with great interest.

But this guy was impatient, and it was fun to stir at first, but after a while he kept repeating this action, and he couldn't bear it when there was no other reaction.

Er Biao wanted to take his tail up and change it to San Biao or give it to his elder brother Jin Biao again. At this moment, Er Biao suddenly felt a sharp pain in his tail, and then something bit his tail and kept pulling it down. Not small.


Er Biao suddenly panicked, stood up on his hind legs like a conditioned reflex, and ran forward.


A big catfish weighing five or six catties broke through the water and flew out with Er Biao's tail.


(End of this chapter)

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