Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 232 I'm So Scared

Chapter 232 I'm So Scared
"Improbable." Koi thought for a while and said.

The hierarchy of qualifications is clear, and one can only strive to strengthen oneself to the extreme within the framework.

Koi is a double-A qualification.

This is very good for the Imperial team and the school, but if she is faced with double S-level qualifications, she may only be beaten.

However, those with double S-level qualifications will not be addicted to games.

These big figures have all become bigwigs in various places in the interstellar world.

There is no boss in the water, and koi can also be the overlord.

She was relieved by that.

Qin Yuyin sighed, "Ah, if it's possible..."

The biological park can at most improve the genes of offspring, or maximize the aptitude.

But changing qualifications... This is a difficult problem that has not been broken so far.

If someone can do this, it will be a sensation among the stars and become a research object.

However, it is also possible to be granted permission to hide.

Koi thought for a while, and said, "If possible, it wouldn't be you."

Qin Yuyin glared at her, "Koi carp! Do you believe that the dog is going to bite someone!"

"I'm so scared, the little milk dog knows how to scare people before all its teeth grow." Her tone was very provocative.

Qin Yuyin didn't jump as usual, and sighed, "Forget it, you're right."

"Even if I can improve my aptitude, I don't think I can do it."

Once her brain hole was opened, she couldn't stop it.

"Ah, maybe it's like something in a novel, reshaping the body! Hey, the first step is bloodletting, bone removal, and then..."

"Are you talking about cooking? You can eat it after removing the head." Koi glanced at her.

"No no, I haven't finished yet." Qin Yuyin became more and more excited, holding her hand mysteriously.

"First, the family was destroyed and abused, and then the qualifications were changed unexpectedly, and the enemy reached the pinnacle of life!"

Koi: "...don't you read all meaty articles?"

"Wow, shut up! Can't I change the taste?" Qin Yuyin just said, then thought of something.

"Oh, by the way, I saw a handsome guy today! Super handsome! I think he must be so handsome that he explodes, and his voice is so good that it's uncontrollable!"

"Well, are you a god?"

"No, it's not my male god! I saw it in your classroom today, hehehe and we chatted for a while."

"Oh, and then what?"

"Then I didn't have time to ask for the Skynet identification code. What a pity, I was bewitched by his voice, so I only cared about flipping through the photos."

"Photo? What photo?"

"It's nothing, just some private photos, very beautiful, really." She looked serious.

Koi squinted his eyes, always feeling inexplicable, but it wasn't quite right.

At this time, the notification sound of the smart watch sounds.

"Late for class, if you fail to scan and sign in in time, 0.5 points will be deducted."

Qin Yuyin screamed, "So many points deducted again!"

"I think it's okay... You don't know, in the performance class of the e-sports department, 30 points will be deducted for being late, 50 points for leaving early, and 100 points for absenteeism."

"Is it so arrogant?"

"Oh, by the way, speaking of this, I remember that there is a new teacher in the e-sports department, have you seen him? Is he handsome?"

Koi thought for a while, "No, the whole army was wiped out."


Jin Yu told Qin Yuyin about the process at that time.

Everyone else was on the road, in the middle, and down the road, and they were all wiped out within a few minutes.

At that time, she was the only one who was paddling in the jungle area and happened to be disconnected by the teacher, so she escaped and earned a lot of credits.

"You might not be so lucky next time... You can't withdraw from the class yet." Koi complained.

"My heart hurts a lot." Qin Yuyin said: "But it's okay, the teacher can't see me now, and the teacher will definitely come out to lead the class for the final exchange assessment."

"We will meet when the time comes, the teacher said that I will pass it for you at the end of the term!"

Koi: "Huh? Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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