Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 239 The Honest Fishing Boy

Chapter 239 The Honest Fishing Boy

Koi immediately changed his words, for fear of leaving a bad impression on the boy.

She said: "For love and justice, this is a necessary sacrifice. You don't want those novices to be robbed? They need protection!"

"Oh." He said, "Brother, you must also remember to protect me. I am also a novice, weak and helpless."

"Of course." Koi replied.

He smiled and hugged the koi, just up to the chin of the koi's current height.

The cutest height difference.

The koi was silent, she couldn't hold back, stretched out her sinful hands, and rubbed the boy's soft hair.

She repents, and chops her hands when she goes back.

Sweetie, I'm sorry for you...but...

The boy is really cute, she is powerless against him.


For no reason, the koi was entangled by a boy who recognized his brother halfway.

They friended each other.

The koi's ID is very normal, and the opponent's ID is also very normal - an upright fishing boy.

The koi swept it away and didn't pay much attention, "What will I call you in the future?"

He paused, "Brother, don't you remember my nickname? You used to call me by my nickname."

"Hmm... forgot." It was obviously not her brother, but Jin Li was inexplicably ashamed.

"Little fairy."

His tone is light, don't turn your head away.

After he finished speaking, his face was calm, but his ears were a little red.

Koi: "..."

Who gave this nickname!The brain has been eaten by zombies!
"Brother? You chose this name, have you forgotten?" he said.

"I..." Koi wiped his face.

It seems that my brother is also a useless name, and this is not a bit of a waste.

However, if you really look at it carefully, the boy is indistinguishable from male and female, and his appearance is extremely harmless. At first glance, if he doesn't make a sound, he might really be mistaken for a little fairy.

"Then, how about a compromise, and I call you...Xiaoxian?"

"Then call it Xiaoxian."

"Okay, okay, Xiaoxian." Koi breathed a sigh of relief.

It's better to be a little idler than a little fairy.

The boy said again: "Brother, what are you going to do next?"

"Brave for righteousness?"

"Anything else you want to do?" he asked.

"Oh, right."

Only then did Koi realize that Xue Kunpeng had been forgotten by her.

Xue Kunpeng was not received in the backpack by the koi before, and was completely stocked.

He probably ran to the battlefield to play.

"Have you been to the battlefield? Let me take you shopping."

"Okay." He smiled, "A new phone armor?"

Koi thought for a while, "Why don't I go with you to buy a better mecha, one with stronger defense..."

Only when you really become a brother can you know how worried you are.

Koi's heart is very entangled, and he wants to spend all the money to support his family on the young man.

Sure enough, Xue Kunpeng was right, you can't just keep a puppy.

It's a waste of money!
"Okay, thank you brother." He smiled shyly.

Koi stared at him for a while, then looked away, "Well, it's not too late, let's go now."


Koi took the boy to the mech hall.

On the way to the mecha hall, there are quite a few bases, and people come and go.

The road was not smooth sailing.

In front of the koi, it was blocked by a group of people wearing base uniforms.

She frowned, the visitor was not kind.

The boy subconsciously wanted to step forward, but she pulled him behind and scolded him, "Stand back."


"I'm your brother, listen to me."

He could only stand back, where the koi couldn't see, his eyes swept over with murderous intent.

Soon, they realized that they were locked by the cold murderous intent, as if falling into an abyss...

Everyone, dripping with cold sweat.

Fishing Boy (holds up the harpoon): A friendly smile.

Koi: shivering.JPG.

(End of this chapter)

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