Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 245 Don't Miss It Again

Chapter 245 Don't Miss It Again
Ten years ago, he was still young.

There was only time to see the fish rippling on the water, but he was powerless to keep it.

Ten years later, he returned again.

The net has been laid, and he will not miss it again.

He buried his head on the koi's shoulder, smiling deeply.

Wish I could keep this moment.



Armor Hall.

The koi let go of the boy.

He leaned on the koi and said, "It was so scary just now, my legs went limp from fright."


"Brother, go by yourself first, I'm fine."

Koi's sense of responsibility welled up in his heart, "It's okay, it's okay to hold you!"

She bent over and picked up the young princess by virtue of the height difference.

His tone was moving, "Brother, you are so kind to me."

"I'm your brother!" Koi smiled softly.

Ah, it's nice to have a brother.

Much better than Lu Yunting's garbage.

With such a muttering in her heart, she led him around the mech hall.

Koi originally wanted to choose the best mecha, but when the boy was trying out the mecha, he finally chose a new one.

His tone was guilty, "I'm sorry brother, I only use a new phone armor..."

Just as Koi was about to speak comfortingly, he continued, "It's because my aptitude is too poor, I shouldn't be a player on the battlefield... I should go to retire."

"how come."

The koi's mind was running fast.

As a late-stage straight man, Koi is actually thinking seriously about how to comfort his girlish younger brother.

She had a flash of inspiration, "The ancient god used the new mobile armor before! He still fights one against a hundred, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. You have to believe in yourself!"

The young man let out a sigh, his tone full of expectation, "Who is the ancient god?"

"...It's the one of the SSR-class mech Abyssal Tyrant."

"He finally used the SSR-level mecha, it must be very powerful, I can't compare it." His tone darkened again.

The koi wanted to slap itself.

After a while, she finally thought of a very good answer.

She said seriously: "No matter how powerful the ancient god is, my brother thinks that you are the best."

"Really?" He smiled again, "Is my brother the only one in his heart?"

Koi's heart was comforted, "Yes, yes, my brother only has you in his heart..."

"You can't go back on your word." His smile deepened, "pull the hook."

"Good good."

Koi agreed, but was dazzled by his smile.

She didn't realize that the current self is equivalent to King Zhou You who smiled for Bo Baosi.

It was just a matter of setting fire to the mech hall. The boy Bo smiled, what a pull hook.

She finished pulling the hook, and finally stamped with her thumbs facing each other.

He said in a low voice: "It was also done before pulling the hook, you just forgot."

"...Yes, is it?" Koi felt guilty.

Wow, she is not a real brother, of course she will forget.

But the words could not be said, she asked: "How about you tell me, I will remember."

"You said, there will be one for me in the game hall in the future."

Koi felt his brother's deep love for the boy.

In the game hall, she would rather operate with both hands by herself, and she doesn't even want Xiao Tiantian to rub her seat.

The boy's elder brother even gave him a seat directly. This is true love!
"Brother remember?" he said.

"I remembered a little bit." Koi said.

His tone was somewhat expectant, "Then next time you go to the game hall, can you take me with you?"

"...Of course." Koi agreed.

Anyway, when the time comes offline, she won't be the one who takes the boy to the game hall.

(End of this chapter)

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