Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 248 The Skynet Account Has a BUG

Chapter 248 The Skynet Account Has a BUG
"Really?" His tone was worried, "Why don't you take a look."

"No, it's still not necessary." Koi refused.

What she is using now is a man's body data, and she doesn't want to see herself grow so much leg hair, so she wears military boots.

"Why?" He asked, "Brother, if you got knocked before, you would tell me even if nothing happened..."

Koi: "..."

It seems that this brother is very good at acting like a baby.

Inexplicably, an image of Feng Xianning twisting her ankle and pestering her to hug her and hold her high appeared in her mind...

Wait stop.

Koi came to his senses, and said casually, "Everyone will change."

"... also." He said, his face regained his composure.

Koi looked at the handcuffs on his wrists and said, "I bought a new mobile phone armor, so let's go to the base."

"Brother, it's getting late now, it's time to go back to eat." He said, "Let's talk about this in the game tomorrow."


Koi's mental strength is a bit exhausted now, so it's good to go offline and rest for a while.

She said goodbye to the boy, and left offline.

She exited the smart watch and lay on the bed in the dormitory.

The koi got up, it was not early outside, and the sunset glow stretched far into the sky, like the most vivid stroke of thick ink and heavy color.

what did she think of...

She originally wanted to go to the battlefield to find Xue Kunpeng, so that she could act bravely.


Plans can't keep up with changes.

Thinking of meeting this young man out of nowhere today, and treating him like his brother, I feel a little dazed.

She shook her head and left the dormitory without paying attention.

She bumped into Qin Yuyin head-on. She was using a smart watch and was talking to someone.

"No, how could it not be found!"

"I obviously have cloud backup, but if there is a bug, this is all your problem..."

She talked for a while, and the other party's answer was to return interstellar currency compensation.

After Qin Yuyin bargained for a long time, the CIA hung up the phone and looked at Jinyu.

"What's wrong?" Koi asked.

"There is a bug in my Skynet account, and all the photos are gone..." Qin Yuyin said aggrievedly, "That's the picture I saved at the bottom of the box."

Koi was surprised, "Don't you often take pictures?"

"I..." Qin Yuyin didn't know what to say.

Although she doesn't take pictures often, but she can capture koi!

But she didn't dare to tell the truth about this kind of thing, otherwise it would not count as a bug in the Skynet account, and she would be ravaged by the koi again.

Qin Yuyin immediately changed the subject, "Anyway, Skynet's customer service told me to compensate for the interstellar coins, and it's no big deal... By the way, where are you going, are you alone?!"

"What do you want to do?" Koi was wary.

She immediately said: "I didn't think about what to do, didn't I tell you today that I met a super handsome guy?"

"He said he might be waiting for someone at the wishing pool at night, would you like to take a sneak peek?"

Koi immediately said: "No."

She has Britney now, no matter how handsome other people are, that's it.

"It's just a glance, you just hide nearby and look at it, it's super pretty, I guarantee it's your favorite type!"

Koi smiled: "I love learning, don't break us up."

"Okay, then I'll go back first." She said, and walked away in despair.

Really lucky today.

In the morning, she met that handsome guy who couldn't see his face, but he was definitely good-looking. She thought she was about to change her luck.

The acting class in the afternoon also went well, but I didn't expect it.

The Skynet BUG, ​​which has been rare for decades, will let her hit it. Today's luck is simply 'against the sky'!

(End of this chapter)

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