Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 255 Buying is Earning!

Chapter 255 Buying is Earning!

Koi is still hesitating.

As soon as she clicked, a new message popped up on the smart watch.

A perfect miss, she clicked into the message.

[Anonymous: Don't forget about today's event. ]
Koi: "..."

For the first time, she really wanted to learn swear words, and swear back without repeating them.

Koi took a deep breath and held back.

[Code Contra: Do you know what you just interrupted? ]
[Anonymous: What? ]
[Codename Contra: I want to send a message to my wife...]
The koi finally mustered up the courage to prepare, but when she was interrupted like this, she was discouraged again.

[Anonymous: You scared me to death. What’s the point of sending a message? You can send it another day. I thought I was interrupted while doing business. ]
The other party didn't seem to understand Koi's inner thoughts.

Koi didn't want to talk about it.

Today is the time to go to the battlefield to be brave, and the first business can't be broken.

She rubbed her forehead, forget it, let's find Xiao Tiantian after the matter is over.

[Codename Contra: Assemble now? ]
[Anonymous: Yes, we will gather in the teleportation hall, which will catch them off guard hehehe. ]
The other party sent an emoji of rubbing hands, obviously waiting for this day for a long time.

It is very convenient for koi to log in to the game. After a trip to the bed, the mental power is connected to the game.

Teleport hall.

There are a lot of players coming and going here, some returned safely, some dragged broken mechas to the recycling station for rescue, and some were insured in various Amway battlefields.

As soon as the koi squeezed into the crowd, an enthusiastic salesman handed him a leaflet, with the insurance written in capitals on it attracting attention.

"Friends, are you still worried about the expensive mechas of "Dawn" and can't afford the loss and maintenance? Are you still worried that the mechas will not be able to keep in the battlefield one day? The battlefield is safe and secure, you can earn it if you buy it, you deserve it have!"

"Not interested." Koi said, "I'm using a new mobile armor anyway."

Although she also has a mecha, she prefers to use a new mobile armor. Although the combat effectiveness is low, at least it can save a lot of money.

"Oh, it seems that this friend is very frugal, then why don't you consider joining our financial management association, the merit and points can be doubled!"

Koi glanced at the other party, "Are you still working part-time?"

"Yeah, two jobs, life is hard." The other party said.

"...Does the game side care?"

"We are all institutions established through formal channels. This game has a high degree of freedom. Why should they manage the insurance company's financial management association that we have built on our own?"

Koi: '"..."'

Interstellar robbers make money by robbery.

Insurance companies make money by virtue of their ability to Amway players.

It's all up to each other.

Koi smiled, "I'll blow your dog's head to pieces with my ability, and you won't be able to make money if I kill you, believe it or not?"

Insurance company part-time salesman of Wealth Management Fund Association: "..."

"Farewell! Goodbye, brother!" He was very sensible and left quickly.


Koi finally quiet.

Seeing that he was so uncooperative, some salesmen around also took a detour.

After waiting for a while, she received a message saying that he was not far away.

Koi looked over, and the other party excitedly waved to her.

Koi was silent for a moment.

This is an acquaintance, and she doesn't need to add an ID, just by the face she has seen several times, she knows who the other party is.

The famous brain-dead black fan of "Dawn", chasing after Zhu Rong's number one mad dog.

Zhu Rong killed my whole family.

Fate, really wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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