Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 263 how lonely is invincible

Chapter 263 how lonely is invincible

Those people around were dumbfounded.

Others don't know Zhu Rong, so they don't know.

Zhu Rong is not only one of the six gods, but also the captain of the Imperial team, how can a mere player be able to fight on the ground.

And judging from this posture, it has been a long time since the fight, and even this player has faint signs of winning.

Where the hell did this pervert come from...

No, this person seems to be a thug hired by Zhu Rong's idiot fans!

Could it be that she didn't even plan to join the reserve team, and just wanted to be the captain? !

The last time he was so perverted, Jin Yu was the only person who directly relied on beating the coach of the Imperial team to be in the top position!
Is it possible that this person is still learning Jin Yu? !

At this point, the battle has begun to tend.

The laser sword in Koi's hand moved slowly, but with a terrifying force that even Zhu Rong couldn't resist, it came towards his cockpit position, which was the dog's head.

"Stop me!"

The deputy team rushed up immediately, ready to attack the koi.

"Get out of the way!" Zhu Rong yelled, "She is a challenge!"


Everyone around was stunned.

To challenge the captain of the Imperial team, is it possible that this person really wants to be in the top position? !

The deputy team was also dumbfounded, but still stopped because of the rules.

He said suspiciously: "He is not even a reserve member, why challenge?!"

But Zhu Rong said: "It doesn't matter if he is a reserve or not, as long as he is challenged, everything will follow the rules... Wocao, you don't really want to behead your head, do you? My brother has such a big hatred, can you cut off my neck?!"

Zhu Rong explained to the deputy team that the laser sword is already very close to his cockpit.

Zhu Rong started.

"I admit defeat, you calm down!" He said.

"Admitting defeat is admitting defeat, and it doesn't mean the battle is over." Koi said, exerting strength again.

With unstoppable power, the laser sword passed through Zhu Rong's cockpit.

But at the same time, Vulcan's own system immediately ejected Zhu Rong from the cockpit when it sensed danger.

The ear-piercing friction sounded again.

The cockpit was completely destroyed, and electricity was flowing everywhere.

Even if it is an SR-level mech, it will inevitably be destroyed, and it explodes.

The koi evacuated the moment the cockpit was destroyed, and was not affected.

However, when she saw that Zhu Rong was still alive, she raised her sword again and walked towards the weak and helpless him.

The deputy team immediately stopped her and said, "Enough, your challenge is successful!"

"so what?"

Koi didn't bother to pay attention, and was going to bypass him, and continue to discuss the philosophy of life with Zhu Rong.

The philosophy of life is divided into the origin of life and the demise of life.

The topic she was going to discuss with Zhu Rong was the latter, to let him feel the fear of being shrouded in death.

The deputy team stopped her again, "According to the team's rules, except for challenges, private shots are not allowed."

Koi frowned and looked at him, "What?"

The deputy team took a deep breath, resisting disbelief, "I mean..."

Zhu Rong immediately poked his head out from behind the deputy team and bbed loudly.

"What he means is that you succeeded in the challenge and will take my place from now on!"

Koi: "..."

She didn't bother to pay attention, and raised her hand to grab Zhu Rong.

Like a nimble loach, Zhu Rong quickly jumped out of the hand of the koi's mecha, and raised the chip in his hand.

"I have recorded the battle video of you defeating me, thank you!"

"Ah, I don't want to be the captain of any imperial team for a long time, how lonely it is to be invincible."

(End of this chapter)

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