Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 267 Don't be angry with me, okay?

Chapter 267 Don't be angry with me, okay?

Koi decided to make it clear to Feng Xianning.

She quickly went down the dormitory building, glanced at the information, and came to the vicinity of the biological garden.

The sky is still early, the belly is white, and the sun has not yet risen.

At the beginning of the twilight, the species in the biological garden are still sleeping in their dreams, only her slight breathing and heartbeat are lingering in her ears.

She looked around, but did not see Feng Xianning.

She frowned and stood there waiting.

Ten minutes passed, and still no one appeared.

Was he angry and playing tricks on her?

Koi glanced at the smart watch, but he didn't have any answer.

Koi sighed.

Ah, it seems that I am really angry...

She was a little disappointed, but she also breathed a sigh of relief. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, a figure quietly appeared behind her.

Koi wasn't too surprised, he knew it intuitively.

He still came.

She pursed her lips slightly and looked up. He looked a little tired, his clothes were not neat, and he seemed to come here in a hurry.

"You...where did you come from?" Koi was taken aback.

"Sorry, I'm a step late." As he spoke, he grabbed the koi's wrist, his eyelashes drooping slightly, hiding the surging emotions in his eyes.

He pulled her wrist, and the koi was unprepared, and staggered into his arms.

Feng Xianning hugged her and said softly, "It's a good thing you're here."

The koi wanted to break free, but didn't really want to open it.

His voice was gentle and soft, not at all like he threatened her just now.

"I thought you were already here." Koi said.

Feng Xianning: "I'm trying my best to catch up."

His delicate chin rubbed her soft hair with a flattering touch.

A low voice rang in my ear, "Don't be angry with me, okay?"


The koi wanted to turn its head to avoid it, but in his arms, all it could do was to crawl further into his arms.

The koi felt the coolness in his arms, with the dampness of dew and the smell of green grass.

He didn't live in the school, and he came here early in the morning at dawn, thinking that he was in a hurry.

She doesn't need to guess to know that he is not taking the right path, but taking a shortcut.
It is estimated that the roof of the biological garden was turned over...

Koi is very experienced in this area, and he almost guessed the general idea.

She opened her mouth, and she swallowed everything she wanted to say after going back and forth a thousand times.

She is cowardly again.

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence." He still said softly, as if he was afraid of scaring the koi in his arms away.

For a long while, there was no reply.

Feng Xianning let go of the koi slightly.

She got out of her arms and looked at him a little puzzled.

He didn't speak, just squatted down and pinched her ankle with one hand.

The slightly cool fingertips touched the skin of the ankle, causing a shiver, as if it wanted to penetrate into the bottom of my heart.

She thought he would forget what happened just now, but she didn't expect to remember it.

This move was unexpected.


"Don't move." He lowered his eyes, his movements did not allow struggle, but he cherished them.

He pinched a corner of the clothes with his fingertips and lifted them up slightly.

A bruise was particularly eye-catching on the snow-colored skin.

The koi panicked inexplicably, and subconsciously explained: "This is the last time..."

The last time she climbed on the roof of the biological garden, due to the special construction, it was really difficult to climb up, and it took a long time to hide.

"What was the last time?"

"It's just..." Koi shut up again. If she told him the reason was to avoid him, she might die.

The desire to survive caused her to change the subject.

(End of this chapter)

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