Chapter 271 Skin Hunger

She has always kept a safe distance from people and is used to being alone.

The only person in my memory who has had contact with him is a teenager, but he just wants someone to talk to him.

She has no experience with people and doesn't know what to do, so she shows her most poignant side.

Now smooth the edges and corners, restrain the edge, and replace it with another mask.

She still doesn't know how to get along with people.

If it's just a simple conversation with someone, she can still handle it.

However, faced with crying, making trouble and hanging herself, she was at a loss and could only compromise.

Lu Yunting probably grasped this point and tried his best to create a sense of presence.

At first she spoke harsh words and even broke his dog's legs, but then she gradually got used to him.

So she should be able to get used to Feng Xianning...

But one thing that is very troublesome for koi is.

She is used to Lu Yunting because she can automatically ignore his existence.

He was like skin hunger, he wanted to cling to her, and he couldn't ignore it.

Facing Feng Xianning's rhetorical question, she didn't know how to answer.

She subconsciously said, "No, I don't know..."

Feng Xianning said oh, and still hugged her, "Why don't we go to a fun place."

"A fun place?" She subconsciously said, "A game hall?"

Apart from the game hall, she doesn't know where to play.

Her life is very monotonous, study, game hall, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a dead house.

"Okay." His tone was much more cheerful, "Then this time, can we play together?"

"What's the meaning?"

"I don't want to sit by and watch you play anymore, I want to be together."

"I am used to……"

Feng Xianning embraced the koi from behind and held her in his arms.

He stretched out his hand and pressed his slender index finger on her lips, stopping what she was about to say.

"I told you, did you forget?"

He said he wanted to become her habit.

After his voice fell, he let go of his hand, giving Jinyu a chance to reorganize his language.

But this doesn't mean that Feng Xianning can settle down completely. His fingertips rubbed her soft lips, which were rough and itchy with thin calluses.

The undercurrent that couldn't be hidden in his eyes surged, and the strength was slightly stronger.

The koi took a breath, subconsciously aware of the danger.

Her desire to survive exploded, and she said, "Let's play together..."

"Can I sit next to you without moving a chair?" He lazily said, but still didn't let go of his hand.

The koi was so angry that it wanted to bite his finger.

This man simply held grudges to the point of horror, how could he still hold onto such details!


The koi had no choice but to say, "Yeah."

"What do you mean?" He asked, "Can I do whatever I want?"


"Then, I want to hold you and play games." He made a request.

As soon as the koi was about to speak, he guessed her reaction and continued, "You can do whatever you want."

Koi subconsciously said: "Could this be too sudden..."


"Yeah, I'm not used to it yet..." Not used to it.


Koi did not speak.

She silently shed tears of regret.

She feared that she would never be able to jump out of the hole that Xiao Tiantian dug for her.

until buried alive.


gaming room.

The koi brought Feng Xianning to the old place.

The boss immediately gave a warm welcome and said, "Xiaoyu is here again today? He brought someone with him. This is..."

The boss winked very much, and didn't say anything immediately. His eyes pointed to the koi carp, which was ambiguous.

It's the first time to bring someone to the arcade, boyfriend, right? !

(End of this chapter)

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