Chapter 275

The koi was nestled in Feng Xianning's arms, unable to move, her whole body was stiff.

She pressed the buttons on the gamepad mechanically, not knowing what she was playing, and her attention was not on the game screen at all.

Feng Xianning hugged her, wrapped in a fiery breath that could not be ignored.

He buried her neck, his posture was like a swan crossing his neck, extremely intimate.

Koi can't play anymore.

She stopped and was about to speak when he raised his head, as if he had just woken up, with a lazy and hoarse voice, and said:
"Is it over?"

As soon as Koi turned his head, he saw his sleepy eyes.

The aggression of the whole body was wiped away, leaving only the defenseless and dependent posture.

Like the most innocent young man, his eyes were free from impurities, looking towards her, with a slight uplifting smile.

This kind of temperament seems to coincide with a certain figure in memory...

She was a little distracted, and his voice sounded in her ears again, "Huh?" The ending was slightly raised, with temptation.

Koi: "..."

The temperament has changed from a simple boy to a very dangerous old wolf dog. The koi is afraid that it will be bitten suddenly.

She turned around and said:

"It's nothing, my hands were sore just now, take a break and continue playing."

"Oh." He lowered his eyes and said, "I really need to improve my physical fitness. It's only been more than half an hour. I really can't hold it at that time."

"...Okay, I'll go back and train hard."

It always feels weird.


Feng Xianning woke up, he didn't watch the game, but the koi.

Koi looks calm on the surface, but is actually very flustered.

Also look!What to see!

"You're about to step on a bomb." He reminded aloud.

The koi came back to its senses, it was already too late.

The game character she manipulated stepped straight on the bomb. over.

"You shouldn't operate like this." Feng Xianning narrowed her eyes slightly, leaned close to the koi's ear, and said softly:

"Or what are you thinking? Huh?"

The koi had just started a new round, and when he felt him getting closer, the heat of his breath seemed to burn his skin.

Her hands trembled, the game character slipped and jumped off the cliff to her death.

Feng Xianning couldn't help laughing, the laugh was short and soft, her lips slid across the skin behind her ears, her tone was harsh and triumphant.

"Not sure."


Who is deliberately disturbing her concentration!
"You should let me go."


"'ve affected my game play!"

"Concentration is not enough, more exercise is needed."


Koi wanted to stand up, but he wrapped his arms around his waist to hold it still.

The koi was like a big pillow at the moment, his face rubbed back and forth against her neck, his lips slid over, causing a shudder, as if he was looking for a suitable position for his mouth again.

Koi panicked even more.

She is a late straight man, but at least she has full credits in physiology and has a wealth of theoretical knowledge.

This situation is dangerous.

If this continues, I'm afraid there will be problems.

She grabbed his hand and wanted to break it away, but was held back again, stepped on his foot, just stood up and was strangled by his surrounding arms, fell back to his arms and sat down.

For a long time, I struggled to no avail.

She blushed and was angry.

"let me go!"

She turned to confront him.

"Don't move." He lowered his voice and said, "Don't you know that children get angry easily?"

"What little..."

Just as Koi was about to ask, he suddenly remembered what happened last time. He asked her where she wanted to touch him, the abs or the collarbone, and the topic turned to the kid saying hello to her.


Koi just realized something was wrong and felt something against him.

Her complexion was completely wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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