Chapter 278
He wronged Bala and could only clean up by himself.

She looks like a little daughter-in-law who has been slept by a scumbag and refuses to admit it.

The scumbag Jinyu was indifferent, went out to wash his hands and came back, and saw that he was still on the sofa.

Feng Xianning looked up at her, like an abandoned stray dog ​​waiting to be taken home.

The koi couldn't hold back, stretched out his hand, and said:
"Let's go."

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, full of extreme joy.

It's like a stray dog ​​that someone has finally taken in. It's so excited that it can't be described, and it can't wait to pounce on it.

And he did.

Koi didn't even know that he could still be so childish, with almost his whole body on top of him.

He rubbed against the koi and said, "I'm so happy."


Koi of course know.

Feng Xianning almost grew a tail from behind, frantically shaking it to please her.

He was almost hanging on the body of the koi, looking like a little bird.

It's a pity that his little bird is a circle bigger than a koi.


The koi's physical fitness is enough to hang Lu Yunting ten times, and he hugged Feng Xianning and stood firmly.

Although she is a scumbag, she still has the boyfriend power she should have.

half an hour.

"You should go down." She gritted her teeth.

Still rubbing!Have you had enough rubbing?
He's not just suffering from skin hunger, he looks like a puppy who hasn't grown up yet!

Feng Xianning can switch freely between the little milk dog and the old wolf dog, and is fearless under the scolding of the koi.

"You don't want me to carry you out like this, do you?"

"Okay." But he agreed wholeheartedly, and asked, "Is this really possible?"

Feng Xianning's tone was even faintly excited.

As long as there is an opportunity to swear sovereignty, he doesn't want to let it go no matter which way it is.

Koi: "..."

There is probably no such thing as saving face in Feng Xianning.


It went on for a while.

After the children are coaxed, there is still a large sticky stray dog ​​like Feng Xianning waiting to be coaxed.

Whether it is a child or a parent, it is very noisy.

Not only was Koi's heart tired, his hands were tired, but his waist couldn't stand the toss he was making.

at last.

It was hard to pull him off his body.

The koi dragged him out, trying to get out of this place as soon as possible.

"Xiaoyu won't stay with her boyfriend for a while, so he's leaving so soon?"

The boss saw the koi and the others coming out, and said in an ambiguous tone:

"Actually, it can last all night..."

Feng Xianning raised her eyes, as if she wanted to say something.

Koi was afraid that he would go along with the flow, so he immediately interrupted him and refused.

"No, let's go home for dinner."

After only staying in it for a while, various accidents happened frequently.

If it's going to be all night, she's afraid she won't be able to see the sun tomorrow morning.

"Oh, that's a pity." The boss said with a smile, "My son just got out of the hospital tonight, why don't we have dinner together?"

Not koi this time.

Feng Xianning took the lead and said: "The patient needs to rest, so we don't bother."

His voice was light and polite, but he just hugged the koi with his back, showing extreme possessiveness and swearing sovereignty.

Koi: "..."

The boss understood, "Oh, I'm talking too much! Where are you two going to eat? I can introduce you to a good place suitable for couples."

"Let me tell you, I'm proficient at this."

"If you all like games, the newly opened "Dawn" themed restaurant."

"This themed restaurant happens to be the history of various games. I have seen it. It is worth a visit. The things in it are not available in the market now!"

"Look, this is the game disc of the predecessor of "Dawn"."

While selling Amway, the boss also dug out pictures from Skynet.

Koi originally wanted to refuse, but when he pulled out the picture, the familiar game disc, she was stunned.

Feng Xianning's eyes also changed.

(End of this chapter)

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