Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 282 There is only one truth

Chapter 282 There is only one truth

The group was silent for a while, a little puzzled.

[Patrol Team 98: The boss must have studied it himself, otherwise how could he catch up with him so quickly! ]
[Patrol Team 788: That's not right, it doesn't necessarily mean that the boss is powerful, didn't the lady boss kiss the boss forcibly last time? ! ]
[Patrol Team 788: I saw nothing wrong with the lady boss today, but the clothes on the boss are messed up...]
[Teaching Team 976: Well, let me say something silently, the boss just sent a message asking me to make up materials for the class, about the content of the physiology class. ]
[Patrol Team 72272: How come?The time has lagged, the boss just separated from the boss lady just now, why is he asking you for information now? ]
[Patrol Team 233: I just saw that the lady boss is fine, but the boss is messed up.Now he is asking you for information again, this is worth pondering. ]
Everyone in the group turned on detective mode.

Finally, the teaching robot reappears.

[Teaching Team 876: I checked by the way, the proprietress has a perfect score in physiology and is among the best in the interstellar ranking. ]
As soon as these words came out, the Skynet group fell silent.

All robots mean a lot.

It seems that there is only one truth of the matter, which is very obvious.

It must be the proprietress who used force with the boss, and the boss endured the humiliation and was ready to work hard to get revenge!

[Teaching Team 976: Oh, this picture is so embarrassing~~]
[Patrol team 6: The proprietress is indeed a scumbag, she is so skilled... Pooh no, the proprietress is really amazing! ]
[Patrol team 526: I'm going to hug my thighs. I'll apply to patrol next to the proprietress next time. After I have more presence, I won't be afraid of being thrown into the recycling bin! ]

After swiping the screen in the Skynet group, it took a long time before they stopped to go to work.

The koi was still on the way back, and saw the patrol team from a distance.

As the patrols passed by, they seemed to be looking very subtly at her.

Koi: "..."

It always feels like something weird is going on.

However, it is clear that she and Feng Xianning have only been separated for a while.

There are usually only a few places she frequents recently.

E-sports building, training room.



There is also the nearest Trevi Fountain.

Now is not the time to go back to sleep, Koi thought about it, and went to the training room.

Physical fitness will indeed be strengthened.

Otherwise, sometimes it is always easy to lose the wind and can't beat Xiao Tiantian.

Koi's training time continued to lengthen until midnight.

"The player has completed the second stage of training, and the effectiveness evaluation is S-level."

The announcement outside the training room rang again.

"Congratulations to the trainees in training room A6, successfully completed the second stage of training, and the training result is S-level!"

She paddled for several days, and finally finished the second stage of training today.

The koi exhaled, took a shower, saw that it was late, and prepared to go back to the dormitory.

She had just arrived in the hall, and many people gathered here, walking towards the A6 training room.

She was a little curious and stopped.

"It's the code name Contra again! He ran away again!"

"Fuck, we obviously blocked the door, why did he let him slip away again!"

A group of people in the hall couldn't believe it and shouted loudly.

Koi frowned, and someone immediately asked her, "You were the last one to come out of the training room, did you see this person?"

The other party turned on the smart watch and released a screenshot codenamed Contra.

Koi looked at his vest: "..."

Are these people looking for her?

what's the situation.

Could it be that her public enemy has become popular all over the team, and everyone is calling for beating?

(End of this chapter)

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