Chapter 287

"I'm afraid you don't understand, you don't even know how to coax children." Koi said with a smile.

He didn't say a word, but the koi could vaguely see that his ears seemed to be red.

"I'll think about it and hang up first." He said, hastily cut off the call.

In the past, it was Feng Xianning who forced Koi to cut off the call.

Now, it's finally his turn to make such a move.

Koi's smile deepened, and he sent him a message.

"The time limit is tomorrow morning. Don't wait for the time limit. I'll go to bed first."

Feng Xianning replied: "...good night."

When the koi lay down, it was extremely happy.

Usually Feng Xianning likes to tease people very much, she doesn't know anything about love theory.

But in his blank field of knowledge, he showed the same bewilderment, just like her back then.

Come to think of it, it's all tit for tat.

Sweetie, your good times are probably coming to an end.


When the koi wakes up, the first thing to do is to check the smart watch.

Lying quietly was an unread message from Feng Xianning.

"When is the make-up class?" The time turned out to be 10 minutes ago.

It seems that he has been struggling with his thoughts all night.

The koi had a little sympathy, but also gloated, and said, "It's all right tonight."

"Can't you guide me face to face?"


If they met, she would be in danger.

Only through the holographic call can she control the situation.

"The holographic call is not as good as your face-to-face guidance."


"Little boy..."

"Reject! Acting like a baby is useless!"

He sent a voice over and said in a hoarse voice:
"I'm already applying for staying on campus. I want to be by your side all the time, okay?"

Koi felt that he shouldn't click on this voice.

Feng Xianning really caught her weakness!
Who told her this secret? It's clear that she usually hides it very well!
The koi's blood tank was emptied in an instant, and the fingers almost uncontrollably uttered the word 'good'.

"Little boy, I want to see you every day."

"Just meet as usual, nothing will happen."

"is it okay?"

He sent several voice messages in succession.

After enduring such a series of critical attacks, the koi finally couldn't hold back and sent a message.

"...Okay, okay."

The message was read as soon as it was sent, and it would be difficult for her to withdraw it even if she wanted to.

"Well, I'll apply for a classroom, and I can start making up classes in the evening." He replied immediately.

Koi rubbed his forehead.

There is always a bad feeling.

She won't dig a hole for herself again, will she?

Early in the morning, the koi was a little out of control.

She was paddling the whole time, and was a little at a loss for the teacher's questions.

"Student Koi, can you know this question?" The teacher looked expectantly.

Koi glanced at the title and said sincerely, "Sorry, teacher, I was a little distracted just now and didn't listen."

The teacher understood very well and said:
"I received your homework last night and it was done perfectly. I must have stayed up for several days. It's time to take a good rest!"

"Thank you teacher." Koi showed a reserved smile and sat down slowly.

Her mind was full of how to teach Feng Xianning when the time came.

She occasionally goes out to attend classes, but those she faces are all young students.

She doesn't have much experience with such a large pet as Feng Xianning, and she doesn't know if he can sit and listen to the class peacefully...

What if he acted like a baby again.

The koi continued to wander.

She didn't come back to herself until the class was over.

(End of this chapter)

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