Chapter 402 The Best Revenge
The slender and fair fingers of the koi lifted up slightly.

She touched the medals by hand.

There was originally a thick layer of glass on the outside of the bulletin board.

But because this place has been abandoned for a long time and has been in disrepair for a long time, the glass has long been broken into pieces.

Her hand reached into the outer pane of glass.

She touched the medal.

Those medals were oxidized due to wind and sun, and a thick layer of rust was formed, and some lines and writings could only be seen clearly.

Although it has rusted, it can still be seen that the workmanship is excellent.

Also, the heavy and gratifying honor that this represents.

Not so long ago.

Team Guangyao won the second stage of the competition.

A similar medal was also awarded by the school.

Although it is only a small piece, the meaning given to it is completely different.

In the past, koi did not understand why someone would fight to the death for a medal or a trophy.

Even if it was just a small thing.

But after that time, she definitely felt it in Team Guangyao.

That feeling of joy that comes from within.

has extraordinary significance.

Koi sighed slightly.

Jin Yu led the team, overcame obstacles, defeated so many teams, and won so many medals.

It must be a very honorable and gratifying thing, right?

If it was said that they won the Star League in the end, it would be even more joyful.

Even if you lose, it doesn't matter...


Arowana team finally withdrew.

Just when there was only one step away from the championship...

To retire.

They gave up the chance to continue the game, and gave up the medals that were at their fingertips and coveted.

The Arowana team didn't have any objections, and obeyed any decision made by its captain, Jin Yu.

But later, it was not just as simple as retiring.

Jin Yu also withdrew from the team, and even disappeared.

He disappeared for a full ten years.

The position of this medal has also been vacant for ten years.

The koi looked at the place where the medal was vacant.

Her finger tapped lightly from those medals to there.

She didn't know why, an impulse drove her to say such words.

Koi said, "I'll take your place and get the honor."

Now that she has chosen to join the Guangyao team.

Then you will continue to move forward and become what you want.

She will go all out to reach the height that Jin Yu failed to reach.

It's not that Jinyu has lost the irresistible resentment towards Jinyu.

Instead, she wanted to take his place.

This is probably her best revenge.


Koi's smart watch sent a reminder.

The imperial team had already discovered that she had fallen behind and lost her way, and opened a special way to contact her.

The koi immediately followed the guidance and returned to the position of its team.

As soon as she entered the door, the members of the Guangyao team hadn't had time to express their reassurance.

The members of the Imperial team scolded their heads and covered their faces.

"Team Guangyao, what does this mean? As the deputy team, if you don't follow the team properly, you will get lost and waste everyone's time!"

"You don't have bad intentions against the Imperial team, do you want to take the opportunity to map and copy our things?"

"I suggest checking this woman's smartwatch to see if she's up to something before she's a spy!"

(End of this chapter)

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