Chapter 409 You are sick!
But such thoughts have only just arisen.

The deputy team himself denied it, this is absolutely impossible!impossible!
A hallucinatory place.

In the entire game, there is only the sea of ​​purple flowers in Juzhi Manor!
He looked around, not far away, Koi's Guangyao team was standing there.

The deputy team widened their eyes and finally realized something was wrong.

He just clearly rushed over, why did he come back, and he didn't realize it.

Could it be that he was sent here?

He looked at the koi angrily, and said:
"I thought your Guangyao team was a fair duel, but I didn't expect that you would cheat!"

"A bunch of disgusting guys, I thought you guys were so brave to use this method, it's disgusting..."

In the minds of the vice-team of the Imperial team, all kinds of thoughts were turning back and forth.

This kind of unreasonable thing can only be explained by cheating.

After all, in normal training, the arena is not so mysterious at all.

The koi are standing not far away.

The one she was driving spread her hands slightly, looking very helpless.

Koi said lightly:
"I can't help it. I said it just now. It's still too late for you to change the map. Why are you blaming me now?"

"How is it possible, how could the map of the arena look like this, you think we are fools?!"

The deputy team of the imperial team roared.

Koi smiled unkindly.


She felt that the other members of the imperial team were more sober than the vice team.

When he rushed to the front, he didn't even bother to move.

It was the deputy team who worked the hardest, but accidentally injured his teammates who were also shot while lying down, and felt that they were cheating.

It turns out that there are so many people in the Imperial team who are in arrears of IQ and have not successfully recharged.

Mentally retarded garbage is indeed a magical existence that can be found everywhere.

Koi said lightly: "Normal arena maps are indeed not like this, but..."

She changed the subject and her tone was very gentle.

"However, will the vice team think too easily? How could I have chosen the simplest map?"

The deputy team was taken aback.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he finally realized what the problem was.

"Crap!" He yelled angrily, "Eighteen layers of hell! You must be sick!"

The map of the [-]th floor of hell is very abnormal, to the point where all players take a detour.

Even Feng Zhurong, who was the captain of the Imperial team back then, expressed that he never wanted to try again.

Almost everyone's face changed.

So much so that the Imperial team subconsciously believed that the Guangyao team would not touch this minefield.

The most they choose is the ordinary map.

On a normal map, it is easy to hang and beat them, and they can be crushed to death with just a lift of a finger.

But never expected...

Damn, this group of people didn't take the usual path!
"You want to die and drag your teammates to die together, you are crazy!"

The deputy team couldn't help but curse again.

The Imperial team is very strong, but they are also very afraid of the eighteen hells.

Because of this place, there are no restrictions.

It may be fine for the player's mental stress and physical fitness, but it may cause harm.

So players can play by themselves.

But when it comes to teams, everyone cherishes their feathers very much, and it is absolutely impossible to choose.

But now, Team Guangyao actually chose this map!
Oh shit!

Get sick!
(End of this chapter)

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