Chapter 411 Sloth
The Imperial team has already begun to be in a state of confusion.

Skill: mouth cannon max.

Efficacy: Can make the enemy have doubts in life, and start the three major philosophical questions - who am I?Where do I come from?Where am I going?
Koi finished using this skill.

She did not continue to scold the Imperial team and others.

Now is a very good opportunity.

The opponent's mental strength has slackened over the course of the game.

On this map, the higher the mental strength and physical fitness, the greater the suppression.

Usually the advantages in the game will be transformed into disadvantages.

That's why the original six gods would die every minute in this map.

The stronger it is, the more restricted it is.

Therefore, all members of the Imperial team were restricted.

Contrary to Guangyao team.

Koi has a double-A qualification, and its mental strength and physical fitness are subject to certain restrictions.

So from the very beginning, she was motionless.

The purpose is to reduce consumption as much as possible and prepare for the subsequent skills of talking.

As for the Guangyao members behind them.

Their strength is not as good as the Imperial team, so it becomes an advantage here.

just now……

It's time for them to play.

The home field is not owned by the Imperial team.

It belongs to Team Glory.

The koi said lightly: "Go!"

The members of Team Glory behind them received the order.

Their swords and mechs were already hungry and thirsty.

Hearing such words, they all jumped on them like vicious dogs that had been hungry for many years.

Fight against members of the Imperial clan.

They are not timid.

On the contrary, they are full of enthusiasm and have long been eager to try!
The members of Team Glory rushed over.

The members of the imperial team finally reacted and wanted to fight back.

But due to mental and physical suppression.

The faster their movements are used, the more each movement looks like it has its own slow-motion playback.

Slowly, slowly.

Like a sloth.

Then, he was directly pressed to the ground by the members of Team Glory, rubbing against each other.

The surrounding area is no longer the green grassland.

The surrounding scenes are constantly changing and breaking, and the virtual and real are constantly handing over back and forth.

All of a sudden the volcano erupted all around.

Let a lot of mechs melt into scrap iron.

They became crabs and were scalded to death instantly, losing the dignity that mech warriors should have.

Suddenly it turned into an abyss again, and many people wandered on the edge.

Before he could react, he fell down.

fell to his death.

Suddenly it turned into a lake again, and many mechas sank directly to the bottom of the water.

Then the mecha was directly blown up by the water monster.

Drowned or pumped to death.

There are various ways to die.

Among them, the most dead are still the imperial team.

Because they didn't have time to react at all.

Just like sloths, hell is already behind them, but they have no way to avoid it quickly.

Contrary to Guangyao team.

If it is another map, maybe he will die miserably.

Like ducks in water, they moved in snakeskin, and began to swim around frantically.

They are getting more and more happy, and their smiles are gradually changing.

The members of the imperial team became more and more desperate, and their smiles gradually disappeared.

at last.

This one-sided, unfair battle has come to an end.

The deputy team has been frantically testing on the verge of dying.

He ran around avoiding the members of the Guangyao team, he was in a panic, his mech was already damaged to a bad shape and he was still holding on.

(End of this chapter)

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