Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 429 Breaking the old pattern

Chapter 429 Breaking the old pattern
Tang Yun reminded her like this.

It was only then that Koi realized that there was such a thing as business.

Touch the Chinese Empire!

She almost forgot about it!
The koi immediately said: "Okay!"

Only then did Jin Yu talk to Jin Yu about the team.

Knowing about Koi's plan, it turned out to be the time to set up a personal team studio.

He still couldn't help sighing.

Feng Xianning told him before that Koi had this plan.

He didn't believe it, but now...

He had to believe it.

My own daughter is really different from before.

Establish a personal team studio.

It's not just that simple, the invisible interest circle involved in it is extraordinarily huge.

Such a move by her is undoubtedly breaking the dominance of the imperial team and launching a challenge to the imperial team.

ten years ago.

In fact, it is still the time when the team is in full bloom.

At that time, it belonged to the peak period, and there were many gods.

Countless teams, with their own dreams in mind, participated in the game and embarked on the Star League.

But gradually, driven by interests.

The purpose of the clan becomes less and less pure.

In the past, it was a waste of money but also for one's own dream, joining the team to realize this dream.

Joining the team now is for fame and fortune, and can be used as a springboard to go to other places.

In the end, gradually began to form several major interest circles.

Gradually centralize power, and the imperial team dominates.

The Imperial Army is not called the Imperial Army.

His predecessor's original name was originally called the Bright Team.

The team established a studio called Guangming Studio.

Gathered a large group of capable people, formed a team, and rushed to the Star League.

Among them, Jinyu's Arowana team is one of them. It is a signature team and has attracted countless people to join Guangming Studio.

Later, Jin Yu withdrew from the Star League.

Arowana team missed the championship.

However, Guangming Studio still used tricks to get another team in, and won the championship in the end.

The power of Guangming Studio became stronger and stronger, annexing other forces, and finally dominated the entire circle.

At first many people protested this.

But those who protested were all under the hegemony and disappeared.

The teams of Bright Studio also replaced the empire one by one.

As for the other teams, they have no other way out except to join their Bright Studio.

Want to go it alone?

That's fine, then don't even try to get ahead in this life.

That's it.

Under the power, everyone gradually began to acquiesce in one thing.

That is, only the team of Guangming Studio is eligible to play instead of the empire.


Bright Studio, also gradually known as the Empire team.

Joining the imperial team will receive extra preferential treatment and enjoy privileges.

This is equivalent to slapping and giving a sweet date.

With no other way out, they tried their best to join here.

Under such an operation mode, those people in the back also naturally agreed with this matter.

It is a great honor to join them. You must know that it is the imperial team.

Playing on behalf of the empire, possessing top-notch talents and equipment, is the place where e-sports students dream of entering...

and so.

Now Koi wants to set up a personal team studio.

The meaning of this is self-evident.

It is almost impossible for outsiders to break such an old pattern...

(End of this chapter)

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