Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 438 The gate has been welded dead

Chapter 438 The gate has been welded dead
The hall was full of people.

The second floor is the main place for training, and there are quite a few people, all of whom are dealing with related matters.

Feng Xianning didn't say hello, but walked into the room with the koi in her arms.

The others were also used to these two, and only cast meaningful glances.

Someone even said something.

"The new training room is well-equipped and especially soundproof."

The koi glanced over with a swish, eyes like knives.

I remember this grudge!
Koi turned on the revenge mode.

The other party immediately felt a chill.


I didn't say anything, forgetting that this was a vengeful master.

I am dead.

Feng Xianning listened to what the other party said.

However, although he really wanted to go to the training room to experience it.

Single, two people, fully equipped, and especially soundproof.


Koi rejected this.

She straightened up, jumped out of Feng Xianning's arms, and opened the door of the conference room with a snap.

in the conference room.

Jin Yu and the others were also here, Qi Qi looked back.

"Why are there so many people?" Feng Xianning looked at the koi.

His tone contained grievances, sorrow, and accusations.

They have been separated for so long.

Why, there are so many light bulbs?
Koi: "..."

I'm blind.


Feng Xianning's thought was that a couple hadn't seen each other for a long time, and it was hard to hold on to themselves.

The idea of ​​the koi is to pull it to be a coolie.

When she took out the thick book about game mechs and weapon modification that she got from Feng Xianning.

Moreover, he also started talking about the future development of the studio with a group of people present.

Feng Xianning's eyes were aggrieved.

The koi is sitting at the main seat.

He acted as Koi's personal secretary, recording all this.


Koi's plan is very clear.

If you want to compete with the imperial team, first of all, manpower and funds are the most important.

When this initial problem is solved, it will be the future development path of the studio.

The Imperial team is very clear, their equipment is advanced, and their training is top-notch coaches.

So if you want to fight against the Imperial team, and want to maintain it, you have to open up another path.

For example.

The characteristic socialist road...

Bah no.

Rather, more top-notch equipment and more top-notch training.

And there are even more top-notch mecha weapons, which can make a fortune and recruit talents.

Feng Xianning's official opening book.

It came in handy.

Jinyu's main focus is training.

Lu Yunting's main focus is management.

There are still some miscellaneous matters assigned.

How to promote this modified weapon mech and consolidate its strength.

Such a heavy responsibility went round and round and returned to the koi.

Koi: "..."

It is really a long way to go.

Not only does she have to use her body to get the book from Boss ET.

I have to use my body again to return to the game to practice the content of this book.

Koi propped her chin, and finally cast her gaze on Feng Xianning again.

Feng Xianning lowered her eyes coldly, sorted the meeting materials into categories, and finished sorting them out without even looking at Koi.

Koi just stared at him without noticing that the others started to leave gradually.


There were only two people left in the meeting room.

Feng Xianning also stood up and walked to the door.

Just when the koi thought that he was going to lose his temper and leave.

With a bang, he closed the door of the conference room and locked it.

(End of this chapter)

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