Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 443 The battle officially begins

Chapter 443 The battle officially begins

The Imperial team and the Guangyao team have not yet fought.

On Skynet, there was already a lot of scolding.

in the game.

The two teams are ready and have been teleported to the new map.

This map is like yin and yang gossip, divided into two areas.

Where Imperial Troops are.

The rolling hills, a scene of emerald green.

Where Team Glory is.

Surrounded by glaciers and snow, under the refraction of the sun, it is pure and beautiful.


Everyone knows that this is just the surface.

when they took the first step.


These beautiful scenes collapsed in an instant.

Countless monsters born on the map roared and rushed towards the mecha.


Officially begin.


Those people thought so.

Taking the mechas of the imperial team as an example, it should be easy for them to deal with those difficult monsters.

Punch down.

Just blow them all up!

They never thought of it.

The mecha of the imperial team was dragged down by a monster.

On the contrary, the mechas of the Guangyao team didn't have time to see the speed of their moves.

Those monsters seemed to be attacked by a terrifying bulldozer.

Wave after wave was wiped out.

The purpose of this game is not to pit the two teams against each other.

"Dawn" game.

Due to the virus infection, the creatures on the planet mutated into monsters and occupied the planet.

The map they are on is the highest level map.

There are so many monsters here.

Whether it is an animal or a plant, the lethality goes deeper into the map.

The lethality shows a geometric multiple growth.

Even, there is a great possibility in it, just like Quiba.

A variant of the S rank.

What they have to do is not to destroy each other.

Instead, try everything possible.

Go to the deepest part of the map and destroy the core of the planet.

Let those monsters lose their sustenance and cleanse the planet.

Leading the charge with the koi, they quickly left the place they were teleported to and came to the primeval forest surrounded by green plants.


There are also countless giant plants, hidden dangers.

Facing the siege of monsters just now, they showed teamwork.

In the place of this giant plant, cramps are not suitable for group activities.

What is tested is their respective abilities.

They need to act separately.

After the koi cut off a vine intended to attack, it neatly manipulated the mech to jump onto the plant.

"Split up and act separately," Koi said.


Seeing that everyone was about to disperse, the koi squinted slightly, looking at the depths where unknown dangers were hidden.

She said in a deep voice, "Not one less."

Those members didn't spend much time with Koi.

Just a few months.

In the past few months, a lot of training has come down.

They didn't have any doubts about the captain in front of them, they trusted and followed orders from the bottom of their hearts.

They paused, followed by another answer.


Among such giant plants.

There are certain rules.

You just need to find the king among the giant plants and kill him.

It's easy to say, but among the giant plants, it's second only to the S-rank mutants.

Coupled with the vitality of a plant, it is difficult to kill.

It is almost regarded as an S-class mutant.

If you go to provoke them hastily, there is only one dead end.


Koi is not worried about this.

Her mecha has been modified with weapons, which happens to be able to control giant plants.

(End of this chapter)

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