Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 453 Don't Make Me Wait Too Long, Okay?

Chapter 453 Don't Make Me Wait Too Long, Okay?
Feng Xianning's eyelashes flickered.


"Don't make me wait too long, okay?"

In the past, Feng Xianning always kept silent or changed the subject on this issue.

He was afraid that he would not be able to keep his promise.

He was afraid that he would become the most hated liar of koi.

Feng Xianning raised her exquisite eyes and looked towards the koi.

Her eyes reflected herself, shimmering and tender like a pool of spring water.

on the side of the sofa.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, there are entangled vines that bloom countless bright flowers.

He looked at the person in front of him like a ghost, and replied in a very soft voice:
"it is good."

Koi couldn't help laughing.

She got closer to Feng Xianning, stretched out her hand, and pushed him down on the sofa.

Feng Xianning supported the koi's waist, watching her raise her hand to undo her buttons one by one.

"Shall I leave something for you before you go?"

The koi's eyes fell on his slender neck.

Feng Xianning's favorite thing to do is to force the farmer's koi to plant a strawberry orchard on him.

this time.

It's not that he forced it, but the farmer decided to take the initiative himself.

Feng Xianning's smile evoked.

"it is good."

The night is dark.

Treetops on the moon.

The two let go of their guards, and their beating hearts were close to each other.

The two leaned on each other, asking for the warmth of each other's body.

There was a breeze blowing outside the window.

The house whispered softly.

Just waiting for the moment of dawn, it will be like a flower in a mirror and a moon in water.

Dissipated without a trace.


half a month later.

The five teams participating in the finals represent the empires behind them.

They all came to the ET headquarters.

The original imperial team is gone.

Five teams compete for the final victory.

In the battle against the Imperial team, the Guangyao team showed their sharpness.

Codenamed Contra, it attracted the attention of countless people.

On the one hand, the Guangyao team has made a name for themselves.

But it has also become a target of public criticism, and has been explored by all parties to study ways to deal with them.

In the last game.

The Guangyao team was confronted by several other teams and planned to eliminate them first.

Captain Lu Yunting and vice-captain code-named Contra were both entangled.

They thought that the remaining members of Team Glory could do whatever they wanted.


After coach Jin Yu and Feng Xianning back then, they were tortured both physically and mentally...

Oh no, guide.

They successfully counter-killed each other.

In the end, it's risky.

After eliminating two teams, as the remaining three teams.

The final championship battle is about to begin.


This is a barren map.

After the Guangyao team broke out of the tight encirclement, they finally snatched up the items that needed to be snatched in the game.

They spread out to carry out teleportation, leaving the air vent here.

The black mecha driven by Koi just teleported out.

It was besieged by several mechs.

The remaining two teams had already reached a consensus on cooperation.

From the beginning of the game, they were determined to work together to get rid of them.

All conspiracies and tricks were used, not to mention squatting and waiting for her at the teleportation point.

The koi didn't have any accidents either. Seeing the cannonball attacking him, he quickly dodged it.

On this map, the mecha members will be scattered around.

It is inevitable that they will be killed one by one by these people, and they need to gather as soon as possible and formulate corresponding methods to fight back.

Lu Yunting's voice sounded and said:
(End of this chapter)

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