Need for a full-time hero

Chapter 28 Received an apprentice

Chapter 28 Received an apprentice

At four o'clock in the morning at the end of summer, the sky just turned pale, the light blue sky was studded with some residual stars, and the sun had not yet risen.

"Junior Brother Mo, it's morning class!" There was a pleasant voice, because the rooms were close together, Shen Siqi and the others naturally called Lin Mo to join them, mainly because they were worried that Lin Mo would oversleep.

Lin Mo hasn't slept in the true sense since he practiced zhenqi. He can not only perceive the surrounding things but also rest when practicing.


Lin Mo combed his hair in 2.3648 seconds. In fact, he still attaches great importance to his hair. He closed the door after a simple grooming and walked out of the yard.

On the way to the inner courtyard square, I met many disciples who pointed at Lin Mo. Obviously, Lin Mo's recent troubles have increased his popularity.

Many people are very envious of Lin Mo's ability to walk with the two beautiful senior sisters, it is really a great honor.

Who can get close to Shen Siqi in Qingyunmen?No one, as we all know that she is the granddaughter of the elder of Qingyunmen, unless she takes the initiative to approach you, it is obvious that Lin Mo is recognized for being able to walk with the senior sister.

The disciples saw that Lin Mo was far away.Everyone said that Lin Mo was a lunatic, and when he saw his fellow disciples, he would be punched flying, and various versions of the rumors spread.

"Not many people come to the morning class." Lin Mo looked at the scattered disciples in the square, and it seemed that there were not as many morning classes in the outer courtyard.

"If you don't come to the morning classes in the inner courtyard ten times a month, you will be expelled from the teacher's school. So some people will not come because of private matters. As long as they don't come for more than nine days, they will be fine." Shen Siqi explained, in fact, both Shen Siqi and An Luoluo can not come. Come to morning class, but the two never miss a day every month.

"So that's how it is." Then wouldn't it be possible for him not to come for the next nine days? Lin Mo thought it was not bad.

Occasionally, there will be deacons from the outer court to check the presence of the disciples, but to ensure that every disciple from the outer court attends morning classes every day, their dream is to become inner disciples, so how can they be lazy.

It can be said that as long as there is no lazy person who cultivates in Qingyunmen, what should he do if he wants to be lazy and go back to his hometown early? In the current city, there are computers, game consoles, and other entertainment items, who will go to the mountains to suffer.

In the inner courtyard, there are deacons on the side of the morning class square every day to record the disciples present, which is stricter than that in the outer courtyard.

"Junior Brother Mo, I'm going to compete with Luoluo." After speaking, he pulled An Luoluo away and left Lin Mo who stayed where he was.

This inner courtyard square is more than 400 square meters, as big as a football field.

Lin Mo was thinking about who to find together. He couldn't just sit and practice by himself, so it would be better to be comfortable in the house. Since he is here, he must find an opponent for actual combat practice.

The surrounding disciples all hid far away, whichever direction Lin Mo walked, the people on that side would run to the other side.Lin Mo is currently ranked sixth on the Qingyun list, and he is famous for fighting anyone he sees. Unless he wants to travel abroad, he will be in a group with him.

Lin Mo looked to the right, and a group of people gathered together, turning around and pacing.

"Junior Brother Zhang Han, let's form a group."

"Hey, brother, I will definitely train you to be stronger."

It turned out that the inner disciples were fighting for the only meat and potatoes, but Zhang Han was notoriously beaten, he couldn't stand up again and again, and was once regarded as a sandbag by the inner disciples.

Those who want to fight against Zhang Han have other ideas. No matter how stupid Zhang Han is, he knows that this group of so-called seniors are uneasy and kind, and he finds it ridiculous to hear about caring for him.

Seeing Lin Mo walking towards this side, the disciples around Zhang Han scattered like frightened ponies, looking at Lin Mo not far away with weird eyes.

"Let's form a group."

"it is good!"

Lin Mo and Zhang Han haven't had much verbal communication since they met. This is the second time since they were in the outer courtyard square.

"That lunatic Lin Mo is in a group with fool Zhang Han!"

"Will Zhang Han not be beaten to death?"

"Let him be with me a long time ago, so he must listen. Look at this..."

The surrounding disciples who were discussing each other slowed down and looked in Lin Mo's direction.To be honest, everyone is very curious, how can Lin Mo and Zhang Han be in a team, and they can't beat eight poles.

"You come first." Lin Mo said to Zhang Han who was stunned.

"it is good."

Zhang Han just transported the source of fire and then extinguished it.

This time, Lin Mo looked at Zhang Han's palm from a close distance, feeling a little weird and frowned slightly, "Zhang Han, you can transport the fire source gas again."

"Okay." Zhang Han came again and again according to Lin Mo's request, and it was the same. A ball of fire appeared in the palm of his hand and then went out.

Sure enough, Lin Mo looked again at a close distance to confirm his thoughts. It was indeed the wind, and the fire was blown out by the wind.

"Raise your hands up." Lin Mo was going to use his true energy to see what was wrong with Zhang Han's body.

"Hmm." Although he didn't say too much, Zhang Han seemed to trust Lin Mo.

The disciple next to him looked at these two?Is this a sparring session or radio gymnastics!What kind of aircraft are they doing? They all divert their attention, and there is nothing to see.

Lin Mo held Zhang Han's wrist, and slowly walked through Zhang Han's meridians with his true energy.

"This!" Lin Mo felt inconceivable. No wonder it was difficult for Zhang Han to use the fire source qi. The reason was that there were two sources of source qi in his body intertwined and competing with each other. It would be strange if he could use the source qi.

Whenever Zhang Han wants to use the fire source qi, another wind source qi is not to be outdone, and scatters the fire source qi, like a pair of happy enemies entangled all day long.And Zhang Han never knew that he had the existence of wind source qi, which made him unable to practice normally now. The longer the practice time, the more disordered the source qi in his body would be.

This kind of cultivation will not work for a lifetime, the meridians are blocked by two streams of source qi, and the two sources of source qi in the body are intertwined and chaotic.Lin Mo thought to himself, Zhang Han is really suffering, so he can persist in practicing for so long.

Lin Mo didn't know if he could do anything, but he had to try. He had only detoxified and nerve necrosis before, and this was the first time he encountered this kind of source qi disorder.

The source qi in the human body revolves around the dantian, what Lin Mo has to do now is to separate the two sources of qi and circulate them in an orderly manner.

Zhang Han can feel a force in his body guiding him, which feels very comfortable.

Under the wrapping of true qi, fire source qi and wind source qi settled down like children meeting their parents, and slowly separated from the interweaving until they were completely separated, and then slowly guided to the dantian.

"This is..." Zhang Han suddenly felt that the whole person was different, and he could feel the majestic power in his body.

"Did you feel it?" Lin Mo asked, he had separated the chaotic source of energy just now, but Zhang Han had to feel it himself whether it worked or not.

"There are two sources of energy, fire... and wind!" Zhang Han jumped up and danced excitedly.

The people around thought he had learned some new dance, did he dance?
"That's right, although I don't know how you cultivate your origin qi, but you have to learn to perceive your own qi, and try to use your origin qi now." Lin Mo said clearly.

"it is good!"

Zhang Han raised his left hand, meditating perception, perception, perception in his heart.The fire source gas slowly flowed to the palm of the left hand and was released instantly.

Raise your left hand, feel the wind source qi, the wind source qi roars from the right hand as if hearing Zhang Han's voice, the majestic power is better than the fire source qi.

This is the first time Zhang Han used Fengyuan Qi and Huoyuan Qi, so he was very happy.

"what's the situation?"

The surrounding disciples looked over.

"Damn it, what the hell is this!"


I saw a flame in Zhang Han's left hand and a whirlwind in his right hand. This is the dual-source qi user.

"Double source qi!"

"There are really people in this world who have dual origin qi!"

"No way, that Zhang Han who can only be beaten actually has two strands of Genesis Qi!"

The disciples were all stunned. It's not that there are no users of dual-source qi, but there are very few, and there is only one out of millions of people. No matter how much they can cultivate, they are enviable.

The deacons in the square ran away directly. This matter must be notified to the elders. This is a major event. The owner of dual source qi will be a genius in the future if he cultivates it!

Zhang Han suddenly half-kneeled on the ground. He knew that all of this was given by Lin Mo. Lin Mo allowed him to use Genesis Qi and taught him how to use it. Lin Mo was also the first to recognize that his approach was meaningful.

"Master!" Zhang Han looked at Lin Mo sincerely.

"Hey, I didn't say I'd accept you as an apprentice." Lin Mo also didn't know what was going on, whether he made a mistake in worshiping him as a teacher.

"Master, you will be Zhang Han's master from now on!" Zhang Han grabbed Lin Mo's calf and tried his best to suck it up. The way of stalking made Lin Mo feel embarrassed.

Zhang Han really wanted to be a teacher. He hadn't learned much since he joined Qingyunmen. He wanted others to recognize him, and let those who thought he was an abandoned child recognize him.

Shen Siqi and An Luoluo heard the news and also saw the scene in front of them. They wondered why Junior Brother Mo had accepted apprentices.

"Okay, get up." Lin Mo waved his hand. He also chose to help Zhang Han because he thought Zhang Han was a good person. If someone he didn't like gave him any favors, he would ignore it.

It's not a problem if he disagrees with the other party kneeling all the time.

"Good master!" Zhang Han was extremely excited at this time, this was his happiest day since then.

The disciples next to him were stunned when they saw it. What happened? Zhang Han followed Lin Mo to do radio gymnastics and suddenly jumped out of two streams of origin qi and worshiped Lin Mo as his teacher?No matter how hard the thread is, it won't work!

what is happening?
The entire inner courtyard plaza erupted into a commotion, something serious happened!

(End of this chapter)

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