Need for a full-time hero

Chapter 52 The Uncatchable "Criminal"

Chapter 52 The Uncatchable "Criminal"

The sun sparkled on the blue sea, like a moving painting, fluttering rhythmically with the direction of the sea breeze.

Seagulls soar freely in the sky, lowering their bodies and hovering over the sea from time to time.

On a speedboat to the northeast.

"Old Caitou, use the binoculars to see if there is anyone over there." A lean, shirtless man said to a man smoking a cigarette next to him.

In the distance, a group of black unknown objects driving in a straight line towards the open sea caught his attention.

Their maritime patrol team is responsible for the safety of this area. Many tourists like to run around. Their duty is to protect the safety of tourists and catch stowaways, smugglers and criminals.

"Where will there be people this early in the morning?"

A middle-aged man named Lao Caitou is spitting out white circles leisurely. His hair is like cabbage, hence the nickname Lao Caitou.

After complaining, he picked up the binoculars hanging around his neck.

"It's a stowaway!"

The old Caitou yelled, put down the binoculars and ran to the cab. Usually they have never met a smuggler, but today is the first time. If they catch a criminal this time and receive praise from the higher-ups, they may be able to get a promotion, Lao Caitou. Very excited.

Obviously, stowaways are either criminals or smugglers.

The thin man picked up the binoculars and looked into the distance. There was a raft with people sitting on it. The men and women could not be seen clearly. It seemed that they were rowing.

How could this situation be the same as that of Sun Dasheng traveling across the sea to find a teacher.

"Don't worry about Lao Caitou, drive over to ask first, maybe those private tourists came to play."

The skinny man is still very rational. There are so many illegal immigrants these days, and they are still under the nose in broad daylight. The criminals can't be so stupid, right?

"Okay, old man."

The dreadlocks of the lean man resemble the roots of plants, so they naturally got the name old roots.

Lao Caitou drove the cruise ship and headed towards the direction of the raft. Now he hoped that the other party was a criminal smuggling. Lao Caitou had a heart to be a navy since he was a child, and it was his ideal to fight criminals in the sea. , hot-blooded man.

This time I finally met him, why would I want to let go and travel by car alone?It would not do to kill him, the raft was obviously built privately.

Which tourist would be fine playing Robinson Crusoe.


Lin Mo rowed the Shengtian Qingyun slowly with the paddle, feeling quite comfortable with the ups and downs of the waves.

He had noticed the speedboat one kilometer to the right a minute ago, and now the speedboat was coming towards him like a demon.

What can you do here? Looking at the sign on the speedboat, don't think it must be from the maritime patrol team. Although Lin Mo is not afraid of the other party's investigation, but he has a mission now, and if the other party finds out, he will definitely not be able to continue sailing.

"It's up to you, Shengtian Qingyun."

Waves rolled up on the surface of the sea, and the speed of Shengtian Qingyun reached 80 knots. A coconut stored in the middle was bumping left and right. Thanks to the strong red branch, the coconut paddles on the left and right were spinning like balls.

"Old Gentou is impossible, he can't catch up at all." Lao Caitou was extremely shocked, his eyes stared straight.

He had reached the highest speed in the speedboat, but the opponent's raft was getting farther and farther away from him, and the black spot was rushing into the distance like a dragon.

Is this the broken raft?Let's hang up.

The Marine Patrol operates state-assigned speedboats, six powered by Rolls-Royce Kamewa waterjets and four Vericor TF50 gas turbines.

The system made of titanium alloy steel is not only light in weight, but also able to withstand the heat generated by the gas turbine. It can reach a high speed of 80 knots and is known as the little cheetah in the sea.

But right now they can't catch up with a raft, what a joke.

"Old Caitou contact the captain! Hurry up!" Lao Gentou picked up the binoculars and stared at the target. Only then did he become convinced that the other party must be a stowaway and ran away when he saw them. I don't know what kind of black technology he used to be so fast.

Lao Caitou picked up the caller with trembling hands. Before, he had the confidence to take down the criminal by himself, and he had no intention of notifying the captain. Now they alone cannot catch the criminal.

It is only now that the captain is notified that he will definitely be scolded.

"Captain Sun, I'm Lao Cai. Lao Gen and I met a stowaway at latitude 72.3 in Area B. He was driving towards the open sea, and he was almost at the dividing line!"

Lao Caitou was sweating and said excitedly, if the stowaway escaped in the area under his jurisdiction, the consequences would be unimaginable, because he didn't notify his superiors, and he might resign.

"What! Why didn't you notify me now!" The other end of the phone was furious.

Pull up the warning net!
Although Captain Sun was very angry, he still commanded in an orderly manner. As long as the security net was pulled up, even Da Luo Jinxian would not be able to escape.


The tourists who were still playing in the inland sea of ​​the resort looked into the distance, and a wave swept in.

"Wow, come on everyone!"

"The wave is coming!"

For those who have fun, it naturally becomes an amusement project, and the waves rush over, not to mention how cool it is.

People who were still chatting on the beach flocked to the sea in a blink of an eye, waiting for the baptism of the waves.

There is no shortage of perverts. They hide in the crowd on the sea surface and release the skill of salty pig's hand from time to time. They are still looking forward to, let the waves come more violently, and maybe they can wash away the small mask.

The outer sea boundary line of the entire sea area was pulled up within 1 minute. The warning net was made of carbon steel. In front of it, the source of energy was like a small fish in a big net. No one can break free with strength.

"No matter what you have in front of our maritime patrol team, you have to leave it to me." Sun Bingneng's position as the captain of the marine patrol team is naturally outstanding.

He joined the navy when he was five years old. He is a natural genius of water source energy. He once won the Jianghai City Swimming Championship. Hundreds, a dozen criminals have been caught trying to smuggle.

The team members under him also admire him very much and he is a role model.

Looking at the big net erected in front of it, it is tens of meters high like a steel bar.

"Carbon steel material."

Lin Mo recognized it at a glance, and it seemed that it was serious. The carbon steel material is the nemesis of the originator.

With a light step on his foot, he jumped up, and the whole person was suspended in the air. He raised his hand and hammered at the carbon steel net ten meters in front of him. The big net cracked like glass, and then a big hole was broken.

The period does not exceed 3 seconds.

Back on the Shengtian Qingyun, Lin Mo picked up the oars and continued to paddle. God knows whether the opponent will chase or not, and 36 strategies are the best strategy.

"Captain Sun, broken... broken..."

"What's broken, Feng Shu, when did you stutter?" Sun Bing was already annoyed by the other party's hesitating, which made him even more impatient.

"The warning net...was broken!"

Feng Shu saw very clearly with a high-power telescope on the watchtower. A figure jumped up and broke the security net, but he didn't see the front, only the back.

"Are you kidding me? Today is not April Fool's Day." Sun Bing frowned while holding the pager.

"It's true, Captain Sun, how dare I make fun of this kind of thing." Feng Shu became anxious.

"Go to Area B at the fastest speed, 100 knots, and activate the water jet booster to spare eight!"

Sun Bing became serious. The matter seemed to be true. He knew Feng Shu's character. He had worked together for five years. Although the latter was in charge of the watchtower, he was boring but conscientious and never joked.

Five minutes later, a five-meter-high hole came into view, which was the first time Sun Bing encountered it since he joined the company.

The carbon steel warning net was actually broken.

(End of this chapter)

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