Need for a full-time hero

Chapter 55 Women's Favorite Fish

Chapter 55 Women's Favorite Fish


A figure tossed backwards in the air, half-turned around and half-bent around, and entered the water without splashing a single wave.

"Brother, I'm dying! That man committed suicide by jumping into the sea!" Pang Er shouted from the deck, he saw it clearly, and hurriedly notified his brother

"It must have been fishing in the sea. Can you use your brain at your age? Didn't you see that there was nothing on his raft except coconuts? Do you think he has lived on coconuts for so long?"

Pang Da stepped onto the deck to educate Pang Er. He just hoped that Pang Er could use his brain to think about problems, which was too much for him as the eldest brother to worry about.

With Pang Er's brain, it's strange not to be deceived when he goes out. Others believe everything. He once said that the earth is an octagon. People are low.

"I knew I wouldn't have said it..." Pang Er muttered with his head down, he was scolded for everything he said, and he still felt uncomfortable after being scolded yesterday, obviously it wasn't his fault.

"What Big Brother told you is for your own good, don't listen..." Pang Da repeated what he said just now, he knew that Pang Er always went in his ear and out of his ear, so if he didn't say it a few times, it would be as if he didn't say anything .

"Pang Er went to eat." Looking at Pang Er's grumbling stomach with a bitter expression on his face, Pang Da also realized that he hadn't eaten breakfast.

"Okay, I'm starving to death!" Pang Er's frowning face suddenly changed when he heard the meal, and he rushed into the cabin at a trot. He rowed for three hours without eating in the morning and was scolded by his elder brother. He was exhausted physically and mentally.

Looking at Pang Er's huge figure, he shook his head from time to time, he is still like a child at such a big age, he is at the age of holding grandchildren.

The cabin is full of dried fish. This is the food they prepared before sailing. It can be stored for a long time. It is said to be a meal. In fact, they haven’t eaten rice in five years, but the island where they live has wild sweet potatoes, which is also quite good.

Lin Mo swam around in the sea and came back to catch a one-meter-large monkfish. It was quite ugly, also known as toad fish. It was a woman's favorite fish. It could lose weight, and it was low in fat and calories.

What women love most is the toad fish. It is said that toads want to eat swan meat, but who knows that swans also want to eat toad fish meat.

"When you go back, you must bring hundreds of them to the senior sisters!"

In addition to being low in fat and low in calories, monkfish is also rich in vitamins ADE, etc. 100 grams of fish contains 0.8 grams of fat, and its calories are only 87 calories. It is the best choice for those who want to lose weight, but few people eat it.

It is rich in nutrients and low in cholesterol, and has the effects of maintaining eyesight, treating coughs, and preventing liver diseases.

The gelatin contained is a beauty product for modern women. Many facial masks and creams are made of monkfish gelatin, and it is said that they can earn hundreds of millions.

Once there was a dick who made a facial mask with monkfish jelly, and since then reached the pinnacle of life and won Bai Fumei.

Grab the one-meter-long monkfish and return to the Shengtian Qingyun, take off the trousers, wring them dry and hang them on the coconut leaf sail.

Lin Mo picked up the knife and carried out the vivisection. Starting from the skin on the mouth, he cut off the fish skin along the back and threw it aside.

Not to mention that the meat is very delicious, the meat is very tender, it tastes very Q, it has a jelly texture, the fish skin is not eaten, because it is raw, the fish skin looks a bit disgusting, black and soft, just like toad skin, I lost my appetite after reading it. Although it is rich in nutrition, it is a pity that I can't eat it.

After eating the fish, he took out a coconut from the storage space in the middle of the raft and opened it with his bare hands. There were still more than a dozen coconuts left. Lin Mo didn't save on purpose. He is a person who eats as much as he can. .

The taste is not as sweet as the one-meter-large coconut before, and the pulp is not much, but it feels very comfortable to drink coconut juice while blowing the sea breeze.

"It's still behind."

Lin Mo glanced around and saw the ship of the male and female thieves before. He had no idea what the other party was doing, neither for money nor for sex.

"He seems to be looking at us!"

"Brother, will we be discovered by him like this? Should we hide first?" Pang Er lay on the deck and watched Lin Mo's every move with a binoculars.

"...Your uncle is not talking nonsense. Look around and see what else is there besides our boat and his raft!" Pang Da frowned. Can't see unless you're blind.

Sighing, he continued, "We followed this map, and he is also heading in the same direction as us. He is probably looking for treasures like us. The other party must have noticed it."

"Then what shall we do now, big brother?"

"Wait and see what happens. There are two of us and he is alone. What are we afraid of? Now we will follow the direction of the map given by our father. Our goal is to find this treasure." Pang Da pointed to the red cross mark on the yellow leather map, Treasure is their dream. This is the only thing left by their father, and it has been their pillar for five years. They must get it at all costs.

"Yes, we are male and female thieves, even if we are discovered by him first, we will snatch them back." Pang Er raised his fist and said solemnly.

Pang Da knocked on the former's head.

"After we get the treasure, we will find you a wife and become a pirate. Do you want to spend your whole life on this sea?" Pang Da said in a heavy tone. Although becoming a pirate is also his dream, as time goes by, Day by day, the ship was built, and his thoughts gradually changed. After so many years, the appearance of his father has become blurred in his mind.

My father was injured when he left. Back then they didn't pay attention and thought it was just a joke, they thought it was a tourist.

It was only after growing up that they found a bloodstain on the map, and after thinking about it, they realized why they didn't come back. There were only two possibilities: they died or abandoned them, and they hoped for the second result.

"After taking my father's belongings... let's go home and have a look." Pang Da said with difficulty and looked at Pang Er. He wanted to know what Pang Er was thinking. Although so many years had passed, he always remembered home. If you move.

"Okay." Pang Er said it without thinking. Since the elder brother wanted to do this, he just did it. He didn't need to question it, he just supported it.

The sky gradually darkened, the sea water changed from sky blue to dark blue, the air was lifeless, and there were no birds in the sky. Lin Mo couldn't even feel the existence of living things under the sea. This was a dead sea!
This area is exactly the location specified by the mission navigation. You are right. What you see is a giant island. According to Lin Mo's estimation, it is as big as Qingyun Mountain and shaped like a mushroom.

The small island looked normal to the naked eye, but death would not lie. Lin Mo maintained a constant speed and rowed the raft towards the small island.

(End of this chapter)

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