Need for a full-time hero

Chapter 60 [Crossing Dimension Chapter] Dimensional Mysterious Turtle

Chapter 60 [Crossing Dimensions] Dimensional Mysterious Turtle

"What are you doing, pirate?"

Lin Mo stood on the raised mound at the front of the island, only to find that the tortoise had no head, and the legs were mechanized, and he didn't know where he was going.

Lin Mo was a little surprised to see twenty pirate ships in the distance. This was the first time he had seen such a profession as a pirate. Pirate flags were hung on every ship.

"Get ready to go to the island!" Blackbeard gave an order, commanding all the crew members, each with a hook and rope in his hand, the captain's order does not need to be questioned, let alone a moving island, it must be a great treasure.

More than 500 pirates swarmed up when the island approached the pirate ship, and with the assistance of Fengyuan Qi users, they were like ducks in water.

Blackbeard stepped onto the Mushroom Island on the back of the Fengyuanqi crew.

Twenty pirate ships were instantly drowned by the waves.

It turns out that this is not an island, but a turtle!
The pirates who came ashore were startled, they couldn't see clearly from a distance in the dark night, but they could see the claws clearly just now, smashing the ship instantly.

Sure enough, the captain knew things well, and was shot to death just after he didn't go ashore.

Lin Mo frowned. Obviously, these pirates came to hunt for treasure. Who would not be curious about the moving island.

The point is, they all rushed in their direction.

Is this going to be a gang fight?

A naked man with a bald head looked at Blackbeard, who nodded towards him. "Cut that kid into pieces!" The bald man shouted, pointing in Lin Mo's direction after getting the order. Just now, the captain gave him an order alone.

The surrounding pirates rushed forward as if they had gone mad on steroids.

Killing the young man with tender skin and tender flesh in front of the captain will definitely be praised, and maybe he can even become a small captain.


Under the night sky, at the top of the Mushroom Island, a young man with beautiful hair waved his hands, without too many gorgeous postures, flying out of the island and falling into the sea at a distance of one meter.

The island was moving fast enough to 120 knots, and the pirates who fell into the sea were getting farther and farther away.

"Go on." Lin Mo opened his hands and raised the corners of his mouth. He hasn't felt so comfortable for a long time. He has forgotten this feeling. In the past, he couldn't experience the pleasure of hitting anyone, and it was gone after one or two punches. The things in front of him Although pirates can be solved with one punch, there are so many people!
The more than 500 pirates who attacked him were all at the Xuan level or above, and some of them were masters at the prefecture level.

A quarter of the outlaws on the land are here.

Mushroom Island is like having a bonfire party. The pirates with fire-like temperament released their own unique skills, and without exception, they fell into the sea in the next second.

Watching the teammates on the front line disappear one by one, the pirates in the rear panicked for a moment.

What's the situation, do you play marbles? If you get on it, you will be gone. Ghosts dare to get on it.

The remaining more than 300 pirates looked at the boy at the top at a loss, and looked at the black beard with a livid face behind them, so they had to rush forward.

They knew the horror of Blackbeard, those who made mistakes could not even find their bones, and they would not even have the chance to be buried at sea.

The young man in front of him didn't seem to have done anything wrong, at least he wouldn't die if he fell into the sea. They were all pirates who had been sailing for decades, so how could they be afraid of drowning.

Blackbeard looked at the fallen crew members from a distance with ferocious faces and bared yellow teeth. The boy in front of him was by no means an ordinary person, even better than everyone he met. Blackbeard didn't care about the lives of the crewmen at all. It's just a tool to use, what he really wants is right in front of him, the legendary treasure.

As for the others, death is death.

Lin Mo was fighting non-stop, becoming more and more courageous as he fought, with endless energy all over his body. He could feel the power in his body becoming more majestic.

Sure enough, what Saishi from Earth [-] was right, in addition to beating alien beasts, beating people also has the same effect, which is very cool, and this feeling is simply ecstatic.

Ten minutes later, there were only two figures left on the island.

"Young man, how about we discuss a deal?" Blackbeard stepped forward and raised his thick arms and grinned. His men were all wiped out by one person, and he was still shocked.

"What business?" Lin Mo stared at the former, how could he fail to see that this bearded middle-aged man was the leader of this group of pirates.

"Business, of course..."

Blackbeard's face turned cold and he waved his hands, releasing black gas instantly, buy or sell?It's ridiculous, Blackbeard has lived for decades and hasn't talked about business, only robbing.

"Darkness devours, wait to die in the boundless darkness!" Blackbeard spread his hands and laughed.

Dark Origin Qi, he firmly believes that this is a special ability bestowed on him by the heavens, no matter who touches his Origin Qi, it will gradually disappear and be swallowed by the darkness, leaving no bones left.

"What's the use of this?" Lin Mo stood in the black air with a puzzled expression on his face. It was the first time he had seen this kind of source energy. Isn't it just like sleeping with eyes closed? It's dark.

Not only is it not ornamental, but it also has no offensive power.

"What!" Blackbeard thought it was an auditory hallucination when he heard voices coming from the darkness, until a figure appeared in front of him, making him tremble and take two steps back.

"I hate liars the most." Lin Mo's face turned cold. To be honest, he has met many enemies. The black beard in front of him is definitely one of the people he hates the most. He was smiling one second, and stabbed you the next second .

Lin Mo could feel a sense of death in the former. This kind of death can only happen when someone kills someone. It is as disgusting as the blue-haired alien he met before. The black beard in front of him killed at least a hundred people!

Seeing Lin Mo's black beard, who was pressing step by step, continuously release the dark source energy, beads of sweat dripped from the beard, and his face was full of panic.

He has sailed for decades, killed countless people and even aliens at the earth level, his hands were covered with blood, and he had never been afraid of anyone, but the young man who was walking towards him in front of him had a livid face and sharp eyes, and he didn't even dare to talk to him. Looking at each other, the cold lights seemed to be able to pierce the body.


Lin Mo didn't talk nonsense, he just punched Blackbeard in the stomach, and the latter rolled on the ground with his stomach in his arms. He has relied on the power of origin qi for decades, and has not deliberately exercised his physical fitness, so he was punched by Lin Mo Pounding on the ground and screaming.

Holding his stomach, he stood up slowly.

"I...I'll give you money...don't call..."

Blackbeard looked at Lin Mo who was walking towards him, and he was instantly discouraged. He was still in pain from the beating just now, and he didn't want to experience that feeling a second time.

Lin Mo punched Blackbeard again, but he didn't kill anyone. To be honest, he had never killed a person, only a strange beast. He was going to catch the pirate in front of him and teach him a lesson beforehand.


An octopus emerged from Blackbeard's mouth, still twisting his body, slowly crawled out and fell to the ground. He still swallowed the dinner he had just eaten at night, and was vomited before he could digest it.

"I'll tell you a secret, as long as you let me go!" Blackbeard looked at the driving turtle, as if he had made up his mind.

"This island is actually a dimensional tortoise, with the power to cross the universe!" Seeing the former without any hesitation, Blackbeard hurriedly said it. As long as he can live, he is not afraid of running out of firewood. Relying on the special origin qi and his brain.

(End of this chapter)

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