Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 102 Murder

Chapter 102 Murder

For the questioning of the ant in front of him, Chen Feng naturally didn't bother to answer him, so he wouldn't do such a cheap thing.

This guy Davis is very smart, seeing Chen Feng's eyes, he is very courageous. "Hey! Listen to me, you four old bastards. My name is Davis, and my father's name is Demingham."

After a pause, Davis felt that it was not enough, and pointed at Tang San again. "His father's name is Tang Hao, as for the rest, you don't need to know."

He looked very arrogant, as if he didn't pay attention to the group of people in front of him, he folded his hands on his chest, and said in a dragging manner. "Tell me! Old miscellaneous hair. Do you want to compete with us for fatherhood, or do you want to compete with us for background, or do you want to compete with me for money."

Upon hearing these two titles, the faces of the four Titled Douluo changed, and a trace of fear flashed across their faces.

They are actually an alliance of several ordinary forces. Because the annexation between the various forces was too serious at the beginning, which seriously threatened their safety, these talents had to form a group.

However, there are not many such alliances, only a dozen, and their strength is very weak, which is also because they have only developed in recent years.

After listening to what Davis said, two behemoths were involved in it - the Clear Sky School and the Star Luo Empire.

None of these were something they could contend with, and he was in a dilemma immediately, with an ugly face.

As for Tang San, his expression is very rich at this time.With his eyesight and ingenuity, he naturally saw the fear on the faces of these four Title Douluo, he knew very well what this meant?
This meant that these four titled Douluo were afraid, even just hearing the names of his father and Davis' father, this really made him unbelievable.

He didn't know Davis' father, but he knew his own father well, a sloppy drunk, a lazy blacksmith.

Such a person can scare people just by saying his name. Such a reputation is very impressive.

It must be famous, otherwise it is impossible to shock the four titled Douluo just by name.Such a character made it difficult for Tang San to connect him with his father.

Regardless of Tang San's wild thoughts, the four Title Douluo in the air looked at each other, a cold light flashed in their eyes, and a chilling aura spread.

Regardless of whether what Davis said is true or not, they must do something today, otherwise, if it is true, then if this matter gets out, they will die even if they escape to the ends of the earth.

As for taking refuge in other big forces, don't even think about it, there are not none who can counter these two forces, and how can such forces like them?
So they decided to kill people to silence them. Anyway, no one would know about this wilderness.

In fact, there is still a trace of excitement in their hearts!To be able to kill the offspring of such a person, it is a little exciting to think about it.

Thinking of this, the four of them didn't intend to waste time, and started directly.

All the soul rings on their bodies were lit up, and they were going to use all their strength directly. To deal with such a few little guys, they actually managed to do this. It is not difficult to see the darkness in their hearts.

This is to abandon all possibilities and not give them a chance of survival.

Such momentum is earth-shattering, and even the earth began to tremble.

The three little guys had never seen such symptoms before, their faces were a little pale, and they hugged each other for fear of falling.

Chen Feng's face was very cold, he felt that he must not have looked at the calendar when he went out today, why must someone provoke him?
His silent killing intent was about to move, but that was enough.

This has already given Chen Feng a reason to kill them, and stretched out a hand to protect the three children.

With the right hand pinch, the Devouring Star came out in response, as fast as lightning, shuttling back and forth in the air.

Whoosh whoosh~~
It's just that a Title Douluo has turned into a skeleton before he can even make a cry.

Maybe they don't know that they are no longer alive?
Kang dang
The sound of bones falling to the ground sounded so crisp and sweet, and everything around became extremely quiet.

Cheating Star returned to the scabbard, patted the heads of the three little guys, and said. "Okay! It's all right."

Only then did the three of them slowly come back to their senses, and the sixth eye looked around, only to see that there was nothing around.

Just when they were wondering, Xiao Wu let out a scream, which startled the other two.

I saw Xiao Wu pointing at a place with a terrified expression, her face was extremely pale, as if she had seen something unbelievable.

Tang San and Davis looked in the direction of his finger.


On the way back, Tang San looked at his Uncle Feng in some horror, he really didn't realize that a very elegant-looking Uncle Feng was actually so ruthless, directly shaved people into skeletons.

You must know that they just closed their eyes for a few seconds. Such a fast speed made him a little unimaginable. He didn't even hear a scream. One can imagine what a terrifying speed this is.

The faces of the three were very pale, and it was the first time they saw such a scene. Chen Feng didn't give any explanation for this, and he believed that these children would understand in the future.

After experiencing some things, they will take this cruelty as a habit.

Xiao Wu was a little afraid, it was a fear from the soul, when you think of that skeleton, he wondered if he would be roasted and eaten one day, and then he would also become a skeleton.

Suddenly, Chen Feng stopped, startling the three little guys.It was the experience today that made them a little suspicious, afraid that something might happen again?

But soon they knew it. They saw a small white mink squatting on the road in front of them. It had nine tails and its green eyes were very cute.

But the next moment Tang San and Davis turned pale with shock. Isn't this the 10 year spirit beast just now? Although the blood on the body was no longer there, the wound on the leg was still vivid.

Immediately, their hearts became tense again, and at this moment, Xiao Wu ran out with a whoosh.

It made Tang San nervous. "Xiao Wu is dangerous! Come back quickly."

But Xiao Wu acted as if she didn't hear his words, she rushed straight forward, Tang San pretended to also rush forward, he wouldn't let Xiao Wu face danger alone.

But before he lifted his foot, he was stopped by Chen Feng.

Looking up at Uncle Feng whose face didn't change much, Tang San didn't make any other moves, because he believed that Uncle Feng wouldn't harm Xiao Wu.

After the incident just now, he finally knew what the teacher and father said that Uncle Feng was very powerful.
Even if there is any danger, with Uncle Feng's strength, he can call Xiao Wu out in time.

Just like that, under the shocked gazes of Tang San and Davis, Xiao Wu stretched out her hands, about to embrace this 10-year spirit beast in her arms, making their hearts jump into their throats.

They never thought that Xiao Wu would be so bold
(End of this chapter)

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