Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 108 Terrifying Talent

Chapter 108 Terrifying Talent
Tang Hao and Chen Feng fought together, punching and kicking Zhao Yao.

Although Tang Hao can't hurt him, it's good to vent his anger.Chen Feng was different, his strength was extremely terrifying, and he only beat Zhao Yao to the point of screaming miserably.

But he was measured and controlled most of his power. After all, he just wanted to teach this fat man a lesson, and he didn't want to kill him.

But even so, Zhao Yao was tormented enough.

The flesh on his body was swollen, blue and purple.He who was already fat had gained a lot of weight at this time, almost becoming a big wax gourd.

"Hey, hey~~ It hurts me to death~~Hey, hey."

Zhao Yao lay on the ground and howled, reaching out his hand to touch his swollen face, his eyes were already narrowed.

He froze all over his body and couldn't find a wrinkle, like a steamed bun. One could imagine how badly he was beaten.

Chen Feng patted his palm, don't tell me, beating someone like this is really venting your anger. "Are you going to tell me or not?"

Zhao Yao howled. "Woooooo~ Boss, I really didn't lie to you, I really made such great progress because of my extraordinary talent!"

Chen Feng's face became more and more gloomy, and his figure moved as if he was about to strike again.

Zhao Yao was so frightened that he quickly got up. "Boss! What I said is true. Because of my Wuhun mutation, as long as I eat more, I will improve faster. And as long as these things are better, it will speed up my cultivation speed."

he howled loudly. "That's why I went after that 10-year-old soul beast, and that's why I ate those hundred-thousand-year-old plant-type soul beasts when I was in your yard. You must trust me, boss"

Chen Feng and Tang Hao were stunned for a moment, with suspicious expressions on their faces. "Since you have this ability, why are you the Title Douluo now?"

Zhao Yao was afraid of being beaten, so he said hastily. "Boss, my martial spirit has mutated, so I can't cultivate it at all. Only by eating constantly can I increase my strength.

When I was in the Seven Great Aristocratic Families, because I didn't want to be treated as a slave by them, and I didn't want to be killed by them, so I always tried to suppress it.After escaping, there is no need to worry about these, and there are many rare treasures on the road, which is why he broke through the Title Douluo. "

Chen Feng had a weird face on his face, but he wouldn't let him go just because of Zhao Yao's words. "Then tell me, how much food do you need to eat to break through to the next level?"

Zhao Yao hastily wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. "Boss, I don't need much, as long as I eat a soul beast that is more than 5 years old, I will definitely be able to break through to level 93."

Staring at his eyes, Chen Feng's eyes flashed with strangeness. "You really can eat anything."

Zhao Yao nodded affirmatively. "Of course, as long as I can eat everything on Douluo Dalu, even metals and ores, the more energy the better,"

Chen Feng's face was a little moved, but he would not listen to these one-sided words, and took out a 10-year-old soul bone.

Looking at the soul bone in his hand, a look of nostalgia appeared on Chen Feng's face. This soul bone has never been used since he got it.

Because this spirit bone has just reached 10 years.Those who can absorb it don't like it, and those who like him can't absorb it, so it has been kept for so many years, and it can be regarded as an old thing on him.

Chen Feng raised the soul bone with his hand and said, "This is a 10-year-old left leg bone, and now it belongs to you."

Zhao Yao swallowed unconsciously. The reason why he risked offending Tang Hao to get the Nine-Tailed White Jade Sable was to get the meat that ate it and this soul bone. One or two levels.

The corners of Zhao Yao's mouth were drooling, his eyes were full of longing, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. "A boss is a boss, and you can take out such things at will."

Chen Feng stared at Zhao Yao with burning eyes. "This soul bone is the essence of all the soul beasts. That is to say, this one in my hand is equivalent to a 10-year soul beast. I warn you, you can eat this thing for me right now. If I find out that you lied Me, hum, you understand the consequences!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't talk nonsense, and threw the spirit bone in his hand to Zhao Yao.

Zhao Yao quickly reached out to catch it, with an expression of disbelief on his face. "Is this really for me?"

It can be seen that he is still a little unbelievable, it is really too rare to have a hundred thousand soul bones.

As if afraid that Chen Feng would take back his life, Zhao Yao hurriedly put the soul bone into his mouth, fearing that the soul bone would disappear in the next second.

Click click
There was a sound of bone shattering, Zhao Yao had already crushed the soul bone piece by piece, Tang Hao and Chen Feng who were watching were surprised for a while.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes. "This guy's teeth are really not simple, they can actually crush a 10-year-old soul bone."

He was really shocked in his heart. The hardness of the 10-year-old soul bone can withstand the attack of the title Douluo. Zhao Yao was able to bite it into pieces and swallow it. It is conceivable how sharp his teeth are. ?

As soon as Zhao Yao ate the last bone, the aura on his body began to rise, a black evil energy enveloped the whole body, it looked a little dark.

Zhao Yao hurriedly held his breath and sat down cross-legged.It's just that his fat legs make him look like he's squatting on the ground, his legs are hanging together, and only the soles of his feet are hanging together, which looks a little funny.

Chen Feng and Tang Hao looked at each other in dismay at this moment, with shocked expressions on their faces, they could naturally feel that the fat man was indeed making a breakthrough.

It was also because of this that they felt incredible. At first they thought that Zhao Yao was just lying, but they didn't expect it to be true.

Tang Hao smacked his lips, his throat felt a little dry. "According to this guy's ability, doesn't it mean that he can keep breaking through as long as he eats it? Isn't this kind of talent too terrifying?"

Chen Feng also nodded, and he still finds it difficult to accept it.With such ability, he doesn't have the slightest bottleneck at all. As long as he has enough resources, Chen Feng can hardly imagine how far this guy can grow.

Chen Feng muttered to himself. "Could it be that this guy is a hidden child of destiny?"

There's no way, it's just that this ability is so against the sky, he can't help but think otherwise.

While he was still thinking hard, a violent breath spread out, waking Chen Feng up.

Chen Feng's face was very exciting, some serious, some unbelievable, and even a little jealous.

Because he felt that Zhao Yao's breakthrough was successful, and he broke through just by eating a 10-year-old soul bone, and he broke through two levels.

Zhao Yao stood up slowly, his body lost weight, to be more precise, he became stronger, and the fat on his body gradually decreased. Although he hadn't developed any muscles yet, his image was greatly improved. Change.

It feels like a fat man has successfully lost weight, but he looks a bit majestic.

A smug smile appeared on Zhao Yao's face, he is very happy now, he has shown his talent in front of the boss, and he believes that when he grows up, he will definitely accept his younger brother.

Not only did he make a breakthrough today, but he also succeeded in being under the sect of the boss. This is really a double blessing!

(End of this chapter)

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