Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 112 The Murderer Emerges

Chapter 112 The Murderer Emerges

The reason why Chen Feng had such a change was because he felt a familiar breath.

This is the breath of the seven great families. Chen Feng and them can be said to be immortal. After fighting with them, they have been sending people to hunt and kill him.

Although he solved it easily every time, the Seven Great Aristocratic Families still insisted on it, and the forces they sent out became stronger and stronger.

In Chen Feng's perception, there are already three god emperors surrounding the city, plus more than a dozen god kings. This kind of power is absolutely terrifying, and even he is a little tricky.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. "It seems that you are planning to do it once and for all, so let's see who of us is better."

Turning around, he ordered to Davis. "You go back to the inn immediately and wait for me there."

After saying this, he dispersed in front of the public and disappeared directly.

Davis swallowed, the method of disappearing out of thin air was beyond his imagination, but the stern tone he heard from Chen Feng's mouth let him know that something serious must have happened.

Although he was curious, he hurried back to the inn. Even Chen Feng had to be cautious about something that Davis could not participate in.Although he is stubborn, he still has this self-knowledge.

Outside the city, an old man with extraordinary bearing gave orders to his subordinates. "We have been preparing for this for a long time, and we can only succeed, not fail."

There was greed in his eyes. "As long as we catch Chen Feng, we can get what we want from him. At that time, everyone has the possibility of becoming a god emperor or even a god emperor, so there must be no mistakes."

Everyone took orders one after another and shouted in unison. "yes!"

That's right, the Seven Great Aristocratic Families, as the first to notice Chen Feng, have been paying close attention to him, and to be precise, they want to get his secrets.

Outsiders may think that Chen Feng is just too powerful in battle, and Super Douluo can be a god-killer, a super genius who must become a god before the age of 50.

But they who have been dealing with Chen Feng for a long time know that Chen Feng is already a god king, and he is still a late god king.

Such an astonishing speed of cultivation has amazed the seven great families, and they are very interested in why Chen Feng cultivates so fast.

But in order to monopolize this secret, the Seven Great Aristocratic Families chose to conceal it, and the confrontation with Chen Feng was all in secret.

More than a dozen god kings have already paid for this, but it is worth it for them.

The stronger Chen Feng is, the better it is for them, because it proves that the secret of Chen Feng is more against the sky, so they are more greedy.

This is the reason for this encirclement and suppression. They dispatched three god emperors, more than 20 god kings, and even brought a piece of information, for once and for all.

If they hadn't had to guard against other forces, they would have dispatched more powerful forces.

After arranging everything, the old man who spoke before spoke. "The cage we set up this time can be said to be perfect, and it's hard for Chen Feng to fly."

"That's right, with the existence of our three god emperors, and the use of that divine weapon, we will definitely be able to take him down." Another old man said confidently.

"As long as we take him down and get his secrets, then our Seven Great Aristocratic Families will definitely return to the first-class power, and maybe we can become the masters of the God Realm, then we will have the supreme status."

The elder who spoke before nodded seriously. "Yes, it has only been seven years since Chen Feng entered our small world, and he has been directly promoted from a super douluo to a late stage god king. Such an astonishing speed is really incredible."

This is the reason why the Seven Great Families blocked the news. There is a big secret in it, and they don't want people to get a share of the pie.

After a pause, he said again. "As long as we get this secret, we all have the possibility to become god emperors. I'll congratulate you all here first."

"Hahaha, same joy, same joy! Hahaha."

Their eyes looked into the city, as if there was a beautiful woman there, and the corners of their mouths were drooling.

It is said that after Chen Feng left, he flew out of the city. If there was a battle inside the city, he would not be sure to protect Davis, because a battle of this level is unpredictable.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he muttered to himself. "When I finish solving you guys, I will personally come to the door and eradicate you completely, so as to prevent future troubles."

After all, his steps were a little faster, as if he couldn't wait.

On the other side, a god king flew back in front of the three old men. "My lord! Chen Feng flew towards the east of the city, as if he had already discovered that we were going to escape."

The old man snorted angrily. "We have been preparing for so long. Is he able to escape if he wants to? Let me chase them all. We must catch him today."

A group of people set off one after another and flew towards the distance.

The movement was very spectacular, with more than 20 light traces across the sky, even in broad daylight, it was very dazzling.

"Mom, look quickly, there is a meteor shower!"

"Yes, yes! Today is really strange. Why are there so many shooting stars in broad daylight?"

Only some powerful people discovered the clues and knew that something big was going to happen, but they didn't dare to follow up to watch, otherwise they wouldn't know how they died.

"Chen Feng! You can't escape today, and if you don't hurry up and catch him, then the old man can give you a good time."

A god emperor let out a wicked smile.

Chen Feng didn't care about him at all, just flew forward, pretending to be busy running for his life.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer, Chen Feng acted in a panic, and the people chasing after him became more and more excited, urging all the strength in their bodies, wanting to catch him quickly.

This was the result of Chen Feng's deliberate control. He wanted to hold the appetite of this group of people and lead them to a distance without letting them notice that something was wrong. This was the only way to do it.

I have to say that his acting skills are not bad, and this group of people didn't notice anything unusual, they just tried their best to catch up. After all, this great achievement is right in front of them. If you miss it, you will regret it too late.

As the distance got closer, they could already see the flustered expression on Chen Feng's face, and his expression became more and more complacent. "Chenfeng! Give up! You can't escape. Look at how many people we dispatched. Can you resist these things? Hahahaha."

Chen Feng is even more flustered now, as if frightened by their aura.But deep down in his heart was very calm, a little scary.

"Chasing! Chase as much as you want! Even if I take all of you down, I may get hurt a little bit. But it doesn't matter, if you still want to die, then I will fulfill you."

In the depths of his heart, the killing heart that had been calm for a long time boiled up again, as if eager to be poured with blood, filling his whole body.

(End of this chapter)

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