Chapter 116
It is said that after Davis was taken away by Zao Wou-ki, he felt a little scared in his heart, after all he heard that Chen Feng asked Zhao Wou-ki to train him well.

This sentence instantly made Davis think of his painful experience, that unbearable past, and the thought of it made his hair stand on end, and his hair stood on end.

With a trembling heart, Davis followed Zao Wou-ki and all the students of Shrek Academy to study and practice.

But after a few days, Davis lost all that carelessness.

Because he found that Shrek Academy's teaching tasks were simply child's play for him, and he was the first to complete them every time.

This is terrible, there is no simple person who can enter Shrek Academy to study, they are all geniuses among geniuses.

His performance like this immediately shocked the teachers and students of Shrek Academy!

You must know that these tasks for them are not easy, and it is unbelievable for them that Davis can complete them so well.

What they don't know is that under Chen Feng's training, Davis has grown and made great progress. The teaching methods of Shrek Academy are very easy for him.

In this way, Davis became the leader of many Shrek Academy students, in fact, there were only four of them.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun were adopted by Flender since childhood.Plus Li Yun and Leng Lin, two people who are about the same age as Davis.

Excluding Oscar and Ma Hongjun who are still young, that means there are only two formal students in Shrek Academy.

Ma Hongjun looked at Davis with admiration. "Brother Dai, why are you so powerful?"

"Yes, yes! Teach us!" Oscar looked at Davis enviously.

This satisfied Davis' vanity, he still liked these two guys quite a bit, not at all as annoying as Tang San.

As for the other two students, they couldn't bear to befriend Davis.

But their faces were not good-looking. Before Davis came, these two little guys followed their lead.

It was only a few days since he came here that he rebelled, causing the other two students to shout that they had no loyalty.

A look of apprehension appeared on Davis' face. "Let me tell you, these are nothing, for me it is as simple as eating and drinking water."

After all, Davis is still a teenager at heart, so of course he has to show off his ability.

Under the adoring eyes of these two little guys, Weiss talked about his glorious history, which made them stunned. Even Li Yun and Leng Lin, who didn't come forward to talk to him, listened with gusto.

Oscar said exaggeratedly, "Brother Dai, you are so good, why do you still want to practice with us?"

Davis put his arms around his chest and said coolly. "I don't want to see what level you are. Tomorrow, I will go to Mr. Zhao to give me an extra class, so that you can see how good I am?"

The four of them were stunned when they heard this, and then swallowed unconsciously, their eyes full of shock.

In their view, the current task is already very difficult, and Davis actually wants to take the initiative to add extra classes. It is really hard to imagine how hard his head is?

"What? You want to add lessons?" Zhao Wou-ki stared at Davis suspiciously.

Davis put his hands in his pockets and raised his forehead high. "Of course, these are too simple for me, and they are useless at all. So I ask you, Mr. Zhao, to give me more training content."

Zhao Wou-ki stroked his stubble, stared at Davis maliciously, but secretly thought in his heart. "I saw that you were exhausted these days, and I planned to let you rest for a few days. Since you are looking for abuse, you can't blame me."

Zhao Wou-ki laughed, and patted Davis on the shoulder with his hands. "Not bad! You are very good! I like a hard-working child like you the most. I agree to your request."

Everyone looked at him curiously. Who would know what task he assigned to Davis?
Davis still put his hands in his pockets, raised his chest, and said very coldly. "Then Mr. Zhao, you need to make more arrangements. If you can't even let me warm up, it will be a joke."

Zhao Wuji let out a smirk. "Don't worry about this, I have my own measure, and I will definitely let your kid have a good time."

Under the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, Zhao Wou-ki said word by word. "Your task today is to run a hundred laps around the village without using your soul power."

A look of disdain appeared on Davis' face. "That's it! It's really too simple. Give me two hours, and I can definitely run it well."

Zhao Wuji kicked his butt fiercely, and said angrily. "Then what are you doing here, boy, why don't you hurry up and do it?"

Davis curled his lips, patted the dust on his butt, and ran out in a hurry.

"Davis, go and pull the grass at the door for me."

"Davis, go to town and buy some meat."

"Davis, I'm out of wine, don't hurry to buy it."

". Davis."

"Ah! Teacher Zhao, Uncle Zhao. Don't torture me, okay? I want to train now, not doing these miscellaneous things."

Davis collapsed. For several days in a row, he was sent by Zhao Wuji to run around and do some trivial things, but he was tormented enough.

All the teachers and students of Shrek Academy were very sympathetic to Davis, and even they couldn't stand it anymore.

Zhao Wou-ki chuckled, and patted Davis on the shoulder vigorously. "Those who are able work harder, besides, I am not here to train you, and my training is very effective.

You see, these days, you have not only learned to weed, do chores, run errands, cook, but also mend clothes. I think if you continue like this, you will become omniscient one day. "

After a pause, Zhao Wou-ki said kindly. "Go and shovel the shit at the gate of our school, and train your virtues by the way. It would be bad if people stepped on it. Don't you think you are very civic-minded?"

Davis looked up at the sky. What was different from before was that his eyes were now dull and his face looked hopeless. "Mr. Zhao, can you let me go, I don't want to practice more."

Zhao Wou-ki narrowed his eyes slightly, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Ok?"

Davis shuddered and ran away immediately.

Are you kidding me, haven't you seen that the big devil is gearing up?Sometimes he dared to refute a sentence, and he would definitely be beaten up.


The appearance of him running away in a panic made the remaining students laugh out loud.

Zhao Wuji stared, "What are you still doing here, do you want to practice more?"

Everyone ran away
(End of this chapter)

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