Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 119 Registration Disturbance 2

Chapter 119 The Enrollment Disturbance II

Looking at the pair of orphans and widows in front of them, Tang San and the others did not hold hostility, but only faintly expressed sympathy for their experience.

But it was just sympathy. After all, that big man deserved what he deserved, and they would not change their original views just because of sympathy.

The boy who looked about 12 years old raised his head, his eyes were full of hatred, and his eyes were bloodshot and bloodshot. "I'm going to kill you and avenge my father. Ah!"

But she was hugged tightly from behind by the mother. Although the mother's eyes were full of hatred, she was restrained by her own reason.

They couldn't afford to offend such a soul master. Their husband was a great soul master, but he died in front of his eyes. How could he let his children take risks again?

She had already lost a husband and did not want to lose another son.

"Mother, let me go, I must kill him today. Ahhh."

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flashed coldly, and she wanted to step forward, kill the mother and child, cut the weeds and root them out, so as not to cause more trouble for herself in the future.

But he was stopped by Tang San, who had sharp eyesight and quick hands. Although he knew that the conflict between them could not be reconciled, it was indeed a bit cruel, and it was really impossible for Tang San to watch him from the sidelines.

Looking at Tang San standing in front of him, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flashed coldness, which made Tang San smile wryly, feeling that he was causing trouble for himself.

But he won't back down. "Let's stop here. After all, they no longer have the ability to threaten you. Even if you let them go, it won't help you."

What he said made the people on the side look at him like a monster, even Xiao Wu was a little dazed, she was still thinking about it. "Is Xiao San out of his mind, why are you talking nonsense all the time?"

Tang San ignored everyone's strange gazes, turned around, raised his knife and hit the young man on the back of the neck, knocking him unconscious.

Then he persuaded carefully. "Auntie, take your son and leave?"

This mother held her son in her arms, stared at Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San coldly, the hatred in her eyes became more and more intense, but she didn't do anything radical, she just left here quickly.

Zhu Zhuqing walked past Tang San coldly, with no expression on his face. "You're just asking for trouble!"

Tang San could only shake his head and smile wryly, he could actually see the hatred in that woman's eyes, obviously also included him.

But Tang San is Tang San, he never regrets what he has done, he just smiled wryly and he returned to nature, being a man with kindness is his principle.

The soul emperor old man gave Tang San a weird look, then withdrew his gaze. "Okay, all of you have passed the first round of assessment, let's go to the next level."

No matter what he said, he has lived for dozens of years, and he has a lot of experience. He has seen many things, and he has long been familiar with it.

Dai Mubai also came back to his senses, greeted a few people and walked towards the academy.

This time Tang San felt very uncomfortable, Xiao Wu poked his head all the way and chattered. "Tang San, have you grown your skills, ah! You have learned to meddle in other people's business, are you itchy?"

Where did Tang San dare to refute, he could only keep apologizing.

Ning Rongrong opened his eyes wide, looking at Tang San full of curiosity, although there was some part in his heart, but Tang San's simplicity attracted him. "How can there be such a simple person in this world?"

From this, it can be seen how sad the people on Douluo Continent are, and those who have good intentions have become aliens in their eyes. This is also the status quo that Chen Feng wants to change.

As for why Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing didn't pay attention to this matter, both of them were a little absent-minded, obviously there was some story behind it?
Soon, they came to the second level. Because of the delay for a while, all the people here left, only one teacher who tested was left.

"Mubai! Why did you come so slowly?"

Dai Mubai responded respectfully. "There is a delay ahead, please! This is the last batch, let's start now."

The teacher didn't pursue it either, and he just complained, and there was nothing to pursue.

I saw my hands behind my back, I didn't use the crystal ball like testing other students, but just said lightly. "Report your respective realms. If someone lies and we find out, we will punish you severely."

Tang San: "Level 29."

Xiao Wu: "Level 29."

Ning Rongrong: "Level 26."

Zhu Zhuqing: "Level 27."

Hearing everyone revealing his soul master level, the test teacher narrowed his eyes. "You have to think about it carefully, the fate of lying is very harsh."

Obviously he didn't believe it, especially Tang San and Xiao Wu had reached level 29 at such a young age, staring at them with burning eyes.

That means, as long as the two of them are found to be lying, they will be given a severe lesson.

Dai Mubai came out to make a rescue at this moment. "I probably know the strength of the two of them. I have fought against this little brother, and the strength should be right. You can always rest assured about this."

It could be seen that Dai Mubai respected these teachers very much.In other words, everyone on Douluo Continent respects their teacher very much.

Hearing Dai Mubai's explanation, the elder teacher put away his momentum and waved his hands. "Okay, okay, four people came down today, it seems that I have hope for a salary increase. Mubai, you can take them to the fourth level directly, and you don't need to go to the third level."

Dai Mubai agreed, and led them to the next location.

Tang San asked a little strangely. "Senior, why don't we go to the third level?"

Dai Mubai glanced at him. "Tang San, my name is Dai Mubai, remember to call me by my name from now on."

Hearing this name, the others thought it was nothing, but Zhu Zhuqing's eyes changed obviously, and it seemed that Dai Mubai's eyes were full of splendor.

Tang San nodded in agreement. "Then please ask Senior Dai to clear up my doubts."

Only then did Dai Mubai speak. "The third test is to test the soul master's use and understanding of martial arts, but it doesn't mean much to those of you who have reached level 25, otherwise you wouldn't be able to practice so fast."

After a pause, he was about to speak. "Of course, if you have all taken Beast Blood Powder, then just pretend I didn't say anything."

Everyone also nodded clearly. They also knew the efficacy of Beast Blood Powder, but the formula of this medicine has actually been blocked, and the medicines left outside are already prepared, but the price is extremely expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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