Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 132 The Hardworking Ma Hongjun

Chapter 132 The Hardworking Ma Hongjun

This distance is not long, Tang San and the others soon came to Xiao Wu and the others.

Tang San asked with some concern. "Xiao Wu, are you alright?"

Xiao Wu hastily turned around in a circle. "La! I'm fine. If you don't believe me, take a look."

Seeing that Xiao Wu was really fine, Tang San was relieved, he was concerned but confused, Xiao Wu was fine except for sweating, as long as he had eyes, he could see.

Ning Rongrong smacked his lips unhappily with a shudder. "Okay! Didn't see this big crowd, you guys are so embarrassed. Why don't you tell me quickly, did the three of you find it?"

Ma Hongjun lying on the ground trembled when he heard three more people coming. "It's over, it's over, Fat Lord, my fame for the rest of my life is about to be ruined here. Today I admit that I will die, and after I recover from my injuries, I will bring someone to seek revenge on you."

Without answering Ning Rongrong's words, Dai Mubai kicked Ma Hongjun lying on the ground with his feet. "Hey! Fatty."

Ma Hongjun quickly shrunk into a ball to protect his head. "Stop talking nonsense, hit if you want, I won't beg for mercy, but you all wait for me, sooner or later I will take revenge."

Dai Mubai was annoyed, and directly kicked Ma Hongjun over. "I said you are itchy, kid, you want to take revenge."

After being kicked so fiercely by someone, Ma Hongjun immediately became angry. He wanted to remember the person who kicked him, and he would take revenge fiercely in the future.

After he saw the person standing in front of him clearly, Ma Hongjun immediately cried incomprehensibly, and directly hugged Dai Mubai's thigh. "Wow~~ Boss Dai, you want to avenge me, you see they beat me up, ahhh"

He cried and pointed to his face.

Then everyone looked at the wound on his body.


It didn't matter if they saw it, they all gasped, even Xiao Wu, who was the culprit in the first place, was startled, and took a step back unconsciously.

It's too bad!
At this time, Ma Hongjun's hair that was originally red was now covered in dust, and the dust stuck to it because of sweat.

His face was full of footprints and fingernails, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, which was already considered a compliment, but a more accurate description would be—a crooked nose and slanted eyes.

That's right, his face was no longer complete, the bridge of his nose was crooked, his eyes were narrowed, red and swollen.

The clothes on his body were already torn and torn, and the exposed fat was bruised and purple, and his hands had swelled into big trotters, and he probably couldn't even hold the chopsticks.

"Cough cough~"

Dai Mubai retreated a few steps calmly, reached out to rub his nose. "Fatty! Don't blame me for not being loyal enough. I really can't help you avenge them, because they are the new freshmen of our college this year, so it's not easy for me to do it."

As soon as Ma Hongjun heard this, he knew that the beating was for nothing, he was from the same school, if he dared to retaliate, Dean Flender would never let him off lightly.

This is still a trivial matter, one must know that he was brought up by Flender, if because of this incident, Flender's painstaking effort - Shrek Academy was destroyed, then Ma Hongjun would never forgive himself.

Don't even think about this revenge, it immediately made him very depressed. He was beaten so badly that he couldn't even breathe out.

Such a big ball of anger was suffocated in his heart, rushing straight to his forehead, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

But Dai Mubai and the others were taken aback, this wouldn't cause any problems, would it?

They were inexperienced in this kind of thing, so they hurriedly carried Ma Hongjun back to the academy.

"Fatty. Fatty, wake up. Fatty."

Ma Hongjun opened his hazy eyes, and the scene in front of him became clear. "Shui Shui."

Dai Mubai at the side quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to him.


Ma Hongjun drank all the water in the cup in one gulp, and then slowly let out a mouthful of stale air. "Cool!"

At this time, he had time to look around and found that all the students in ten or so classes had arrived, and of course, the three freshmen who beat him up were also included.

The three of Xiao Wu stepped forward one step at a time, and said with some embarrassment. "Senior Ma, I'm really sorry about that, we won't hit you again in the future."

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun who had just woken up was almost fainted again, if Dai Mubai who had quick hands and quick eyes hadn't helped him smooth the air, he would probably faint again.

"Whoosh. Whoosh."

Ma Hongjun took a few deep breaths before calming down, he could only give a wry smile. "It's okay, it's okay, everyone doesn't know each other, don't take it to heart, and don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Ma Hongjun's body is indeed fine. When they brought him back to the academy just now, the teacher had him check it. The teacher just said that he suffered some skin trauma and fainted because of his anger.

At the same time, people from the same school, everyone will see each other when they look up and down. In order to resolve this embarrassment as soon as possible, Xiao Wu and the others came to apologize.

This is also Tang San's credit, otherwise, with their temperament, it would be good if they didn't make trouble.

Looking at Ma Hongjun's depressed face, Dai Mubai who was beside him shook his head and laughed, how could he not understand the aggrieved heart in his heart?
Thinking of this incident, he was also amused for a while, these new freshmen seemed to be out of tune with the old students of Shrek Academy, they had only been here for two days, and they had made a fuss all over the place.

Ma Hongjun was depressed, looking at Dai Mubai who couldn't help laughing, he snorted angrily. "why are you laughing?"

Dai Mubai reached out and patted his shoulder, and said soothingly. "Fatty, in fact, you don't have to feel too uncomfortable, just relax."

Ma Hongjun rolled his eyes and glared at him. "If it were you, would you care?"

The more this matter was explained, the more unclear it became, Dai Mubai simply told the whole story, only to see him have a wry smile on his face.

With embarrassment on his face, he said earnestly. "Let me tell you this, you are not the only one who is unlucky, and the three of us will end with you."

Taking a long breath of relief, Dai Mubai looked at Tang San and the four of them, and said with some emotion. "This group of freshmen this year is really amazing. The day before yesterday, Tang San and I fought for a hotel room. In the end, neither of us took advantage."

"Yesterday, the four of them beat up Xiao Ao again. As for the reason, it was because Xiao Ao sold them that disgusting sausage to eat."

After a pause, he looked at Ma Hongjun amusedly. "It's your turn today, so you don't have to be too sad, we are all the same, hehe"

Speaking of this, Dai Mubai laughed out loud, Tang San and the others looked embarrassed, and all lowered their heads.

Ma Hongjun's eyes widened, he didn't believe what he said, and immediately looked at Oscar, wanting to ask for proof.

Before Oscar spoke, Ma Hongjun believed it.

Because Oscar also had a bruised nose and a swollen face at this time, he just covered his face in embarrassment.

Ma Hongjun suddenly fell into a wry smile, and his mood was not so depressed anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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