Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 148 Eight Great Sects Destroyed

Chapter 148 The Eight Great Sects Are Destroyed
Dai Mubai was somewhat embarrassed when he received that pair of icy eyes just now.

I saw the hippie smile on his face. "That Zhuqing, you still have saliva on your face!"

As soon as Zhu Zhuqing heard this sentence, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes turned red, she wiped off her saliva fiercely, and suddenly raised her feet.

"Ah oh."

Dai Mubai hugged his feet and began to jump up on the spot, the cold sweat oozed out from his forehead again, he kept sucking in the cold air.

Zhu Zhuqing snorted coldly, turned and left.

Watching her leaving back, Tang San and the others turned their gazes to Dai Mubai who was still jumping, all around were gloating.

"Called you, you will be punished now, right?"

Listening to their ridicule, Dai Mubai didn't refute, he could only rub his toes vigorously.

That kick just now was hard enough, but right now it's hurting, so I don't care about it at all.

On the other side, a great battle is erupting at the headquarters of the Eight Great Sects.

An old man with scars all over his body tried his best to push back the enemy in front of him, and roared with all his soul power. "This is a conspiracy, don't be someone else's wedding dress."

The people around sneered, of course they knew that someone was definitely behind the scenes, but that didn't mean they would give up.

After all, there are risks in doing anything, and they are willing to give it a go for the benefits they get. "You don't need to waste your efforts, we are all the strongest forces on the Douluo Continent, there is no conspiracy that can count us."

Hearing this, the old man stopped talking nonsense, he knew that nothing he said would change the current situation.

These people are like a pack of hungry wolves, each of them is extremely greedy, and they will not give up just because of their own few words.

"Haha. God bless me, I am waiting for you underground, and one day you will suffer the consequences, hahaha."

"No, he's going to blow himself up, go back quickly"

After several days and nights of bloody battles, they finally wiped out all the power of resistance, and the whole small world was full of desolation and corpses littered the field.

In order to prevent future troubles, they bloodbathed all the people in the small world. You must know that there are at least tens of millions of people, so they are ruthless.

They were not much happier after killing the last resister.

Because this battle was too tragic, the people they brought also suffered heavy losses, but when they thought about the gains these days, everyone's faces looked much better.

An imposing middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice. "We will get half of the results this time on Sixteen Islands, and share the remaining half with you,"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another person, Wang Qinghu from Sanshan.

I saw him shouting in a cold voice. "You have a good idea. I should be the one who takes half of it. My three brothers and sisters have all contributed. Don't you still want to renege on your debt?"

The two began to quarrel, and the people from the two forces also began to look at each other differently, standing in awe clearly.

The faces of the seven great aristocratic families were gloomy, and each of them felt aggrieved. After all, this is also their home field, and they are so disrespectful, and they don't take them seriously at all.

"Let me tell you a shocking news, the eight sects are completely extinct."

"Really? This is really a big deal!"

This news was like a monstrous wave, which quickly spread throughout the Douluo Continent, shaking the hearts of all those who were entitled to know about it.

Now they still can't believe it, but the dignified second-rate power was wiped out like this, countless old people said with emotion. "The mainland in recent years has been really precarious!"

For this news, some people are happy and others are worried.

"Patriarch, it's not good, the elders and the others were all killed."

"What, how dare they do this, aren't they afraid of causing public anger?"

"Hahaha, the eight major sects are destroyed. Thousands of years ago, they severely injured the old man, and now they have received retribution. Haha."

In the Star Luo Empire, Dai Minghan, who was still lying on the hospital bed, also received the news, and his face showed ecstasy.

"Hahaha, this is really good news. Just after I became a god, there was news that the eight major sects were destroyed. Is this double happiness?"

Chen Feng at the side glanced at him angrily, but still said with concern. "Be careful, your injuries are still serious, so don't get too excited."

Although Dai Minghan succeeded in crossing the catastrophe, his injuries were also horrific. If You Chenfeng hadn't rescued him in time, the terrifying aftermath of thunder would have killed him.

Dai Minghan smiled awkwardly, and then said with emotion. "After such a trouble, the prestige of these second-rate forces has reached the peak. It would be great if it was my Star Luo Empire. I will definitely be able to recruit a large number of masters and improve my strength to a higher level."

Chen Feng rolled his eyes, shrugged, and said with a playful look. "You just need to release the news that you have become a god. I believe that many people will take refuge in you. How about it? Do you want to think about it?"

Dai Minghan's face was a little unnatural, he coughed and said solemnly. "Low-key! Low-key! I told you to be low-key. Do you think I'm the kind of person who likes to show off? Really!"

When he said this, his face was a little red. The reason why he didn't release the news that he became a god was because he was afraid of causing more trouble. He was speaking against his conscience.

He has become a god, but he is still a cripple now, and he doesn't intend to do this until his injury is healed.

If he really wants to do it.

Not to mention other things, Wuhundian will definitely not be able to sit still for a while, and will definitely attack on a large scale at that time. With his current state, he can't stop it at all, maybe he will directly destroy the country.

As for asking Chen Feng to help, he, Dai Minghan, couldn't bear this face.

If it was because of his own fault that he caused trouble, and he had to ask Chen Feng to help settle it, then he would lose his face.

After being embarrassed for a while, Dai Minghan looked at Chen Feng again, with a questioning look in his eyes. "Xiaofeng, now that this is done, what are you going to do next?"

Of course Chen Feng smiled, how about a confident look.

"Ming Wuji has escaped with my "Dafa of Sacrifice to Heaven" for so many years, it's time for it to reappear."

Dai Minghan showed a look of difference, and he didn't want to understand what his plan was. "What are you going to do?"

Chen Feng smiled wickedly. "The fact that Ming Wuji betrayed me, people from the Seven Great Families probably already knew it was a lie.

But Sanshan Shiliudao doesn't know about it, so I plan to provoke their relationship. "

After a pause, a hint of mystery appeared on Chen Feng's face. "Do you still remember the Zhao Yao I told you I accepted, he also became the God King a few years ago.

And he used to be a servant of the Zhao family, we can make some fuss about it, but this matter has to be discussed in the long run, otherwise people will definitely notice if he does this one after another, and it will be bad then, so I decided to wait a few more years "

(End of this chapter)

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