Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 155 The Oriental Family 3

Chapter 155 Dongfang Family III

Although Chen Feng intends to give up this matter temporarily, others are not happy.

After the conversation that day, the elders in power of the Dongfang family decided to send someone to confirm this matter again after some discussions.

After all, this is related to their vital interests, so they can't help but be careless.

For this reason, they did not completely assign this matter to other people as before, instead of personally sending a core disciple to handle this matter.

"Young master, this lower realm is indeed a barren land, the environment is really bad, I feel that the speed of cultivation is much slower, and I don't know how I can bear these people."

A man with the appearance of a domestic servant said with contempt on his face.

And the young master he was addressing was the handsome young man beside him with a face like a crown jade and eyes as bright as stars.

His name is Dongfang Shuo, and he is also a genius of the Dongfang family. Although he is not as good as Dongfang Wanqing, he is also a genius who has stepped into the realm of a god-king within a hundred years old. He is cultivated as a future successor.

Dongfang Shuo was very dissatisfied with what this servant said, and said in a reproachful tone. "You can't say that. All the geniuses who have ascended from the lower realms in history are unique geniuses. As long as they don't fall, they will break out of the world in the God Realm."

When he said this, there was some emotion in his tone. "Although this lower realm is a barren land, the environment is not as good as that of the God Realm. But because of this, only after countless trials can one get out of here and become a real strong man."

The servant was speechless, and said with a nonchalant expression on his face. "Young master, you think highly of them too. Although there are indeed some people who have succeeded and reached a height that even our Dongfang family can't reach, they are a minority after all."

"After ascending to the God Realm, these people already lack resources, and their aptitudes have become mediocre due to age. How can they compare to us!"

Dongfang Shuo's face was a little angry, even blamed. "Remember, you have to be in awe of the strong, otherwise you will only cause trouble for my Dongfang family. If I find out again, I will expel you from the family."

Hearing this, the servant trembled all over, he had no doubt that Dongfang Shuo had this ability.

After all, the other party is the future successor of the Dongfang family, and he is just a small servant, who can decide his own life and death with a single sentence.

I saw him crying and swallowing his throat, acting very frightened. "Master, it's alright if I know I'm wrong, I'll change it in the future."

Although he said so, he didn't like it from the bottom of his heart. Although he didn't dare to offend Dongfang Shuo, he hated this group of lowly people from the lower realm even more.

No matter what Dongfang Shuo said, he had lived for decades. Looking at the servant's expression, he knew it was very false, so he naturally didn't believe what the servant said.

But he was kind-hearted, so there was no need to haggle over with a servant.

Interrupting the false expression of the servant, Dongfang Shuo opened his mouth and said. "Okay, let's hurry up, don't forget that we still have business to do."

"Haha. Young master Dongfang can come to my humble house, it really makes me look like a swell."

The three Wang Qinghu brothers and sisters seemed very polite. After all, this is a family from the God Realm, and that is the place they yearn for very much.

Although the Dongfang family is not considered a big family in the God Realm, there is also a reclusive early God Emperor in the family.

But they are old and don't have much time, otherwise they wouldn't have to rush Dongfang Wanqing in such a hurry.

Even so, it was not something Wang Qinghu and others could underestimate, that's why they were so enthusiastic.

After calling the master and servant to sit down, Wang Qinghu first toasted a cup of tea, and then expressed admiration. "Master Dongfang is really young and promising. He is already a god king at such a young age. It's really amazing. In the future, the Dongfang family will definitely become the overlord."

Everyone carried the sedan chairs, and Dongfang Shuo didn't lose his face, with a fake smile on his face. "It's ridiculous, my Dongfang family is just a small family, so I don't deserve your praise."

His words were not just lip service, Dongfang Shuo's mentality was like this, although such flattery was attractive, but he didn't want to agree to it, otherwise he might cause trouble for himself.

After exchanging pleasantries, Dongfang Shuo went straight to the topic. "This time I came to the lower realm, just for the matter of Chen Feng. I don't know if the mountain master has any advice?"

Wang Qinghu's face was a little ugly. Although he looked easy to talk and looked harmonious, Dongfang Shuo himself was just a god-king, so there was no need for him to be so low-key.

His tone was not kind, and his eyes narrowed slightly, "Then Chen Feng has been dead for several years, what? Can Master Dongfang trust us?"

Dongfang Shuo's face remained unchanged, but the way he spoke made Wang Qinghu's anger a little less. "You are joking, but the "Dafa of Sacrifice to Heaven" is too important, you must be cautious, I don't mean to believe you."

This is actually just an excuse. The Dongfang family doesn't care about the "Dafa of Sacrifice to Heaven" at all. Their ultimate goal is to confirm whether Chen Feng is dead?

The reason why I say this is because it doesn't sound good when it's spread.

Thinking about it carefully, if their Dongfang family actually dealt with the people from the lower realms themselves in order to ensure that Dongfang Wanqing agreed to the marriage, if this news got out, then their Dongfang family would be disgraced.

Wang Qinghu didn't know what he was thinking. Hearing what Dongfang Shuo said, his face became kind again. "Young Master Dongfang, don't blame me. I will make a mistake next time. Today, I will replace wine with tea and punish myself with a cup."

Dongfang Shuo smiled, "Where is that? You are being polite, it is my fault."

In fact, he hated such false politeness very much in his heart, but people couldn't help themselves in the Jianghu, no matter how much he hated, Dongfang Shuo had to accept this fact.

After some courtesies, Dongfang Shuo finally changed the topic to serious business again. "You see, I'm new here and I'm not familiar with Douluo Dalu. I have to trouble you to send someone to be my guide. It's really troublesome."

Wang Qinghu smiled heartily, with a pleasant smile on his face. "What did Mr. Dongfang say? I should be the guide myself."

Looking at the formulaic smiling face in front of him, Dongfang Shuo was disgusted from the bottom of his heart, but he still had to smile back. "You are a busy person, so you don't need to worry about such a trivial matter. You only need to appoint someone casually. Afterwards, my Dongfang family will definitely repay you."

As soon as Wang Qinghu heard the word repayment, his eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands and laughed. "Young Master Dongfang is indeed a wonderful person. In that case, Elder Zhang, you will be responsible for this matter."

He was really happy from the bottom of his heart, even his attitude improved a lot, and he warmly entertained Dongfang Shuo.

(End of this chapter)

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