Chapter 158
Looking at the death of these people in front of him, Tang San already knew it in his heart.

So many people died, but there was no commotion. This shows that the people who did it are very powerful, at least they are all masters of the soul saint level.

Moreover, the corpses on the ground are fully clothed and have no injuries on their bodies, so the two possibilities of murder and malicious revenge are ruled out.

But this time Tang San fell into deep thought again, wondering what the murderer's purpose was?
"All give way, everyone, the people from Wuhundian are here, everyone get out of the way, don't get in the way."

The yelling sounded, and everyone quickly moved out of the way.

It can be seen from this that the prestige of Wuhundian in the hearts of these ordinary people is still quite high, and other forces are comparable in this regard.

Surrounded by the crowd, an old man in the attire of the hall master walked up and scanned the inn with a very angry face.

"Hmph! Don't let me catch the murderer, or he will be torn to pieces."

He was so angry that he had been managing the branch hall for so many years, and this was the first time something like this happened, which immediately made him a little anxious.

You know, the external expansion of Wuhundian has become more and more obvious, and his status will also rise by then.

If this matter is not handled properly and the people above have a bad impression of him, it will be greatly detrimental to his future.

"Hall Master, I have searched all over the place, all 140 people were killed, even the chickens, ducks, fish and geese in the back kitchen were all killed, it should have happened last night.

Moreover, the cause of death is unknown, it can be confirmed that it is exactly the same as the previous tragedies. "

The palace master was a little angry, and reprimanded his subordinates. "How did you handle the case? It was only discovered this morning for such a big matter. Could it be that they are all for nothing?"

All the people under his command wiped off their cold sweat and lowered their heads one after another, not daring to take a breath.

Fortunately, the deputy hall master excused them, which broke this embarrassing situation. "Hall Master, you can't blame everyone for this matter, we have limited manpower, and the whole city is deployed for defense, so we really can't take care of it!

What's more, the murderer commits crimes one after another. He can be seen everywhere in casinos, shops, and teahouses. Everyone is really hard to guard against! "

When he said this, the people around immediately started talking.

"Yes, yes! We are afraid to go out these days, my lord, when will the murderer be caught, everyone is waiting."

It was like a drop of water in a frying pan, causing the oil to boil directly, making a pot of porridge on the spot, and some people even burst into tears.

After glaring fiercely at the deputy hall master, the hall master raised his arm and pressed the air, and everyone fell silent immediately.

"Everyone, listen to me. I have already reported to the higher authorities, and the masters sent by the superiors have already set off. It will only be a few days. At that time, the murderer will be brought to justice and Suoto City will return to peace. Please, everyone Be patient for a few more days."

Obviously his prestige is good, and with his guarantee, the people around did not continue to make noise.

But because of worry, they all left one after another, some hid at home, and some fled directly.

Judging by the situation, don't think about calming down in a short time.

After everyone left, the palace master also wanted to leave, but he was stopped by someone just as he took a step.

"My lord, can you tell me the specifics of this matter?"

The person who spoke was Tang San, he believed that as the main branch of the Spirit Hall, he must know more news.

Before the hall master could speak, the deputy hall master next to him became impatient. "Where is the kid who doesn't know how to live or die, leave quickly, or I will make you look good."

Tang San didn't pay attention to the deputy hall master, but stared at the hall master with burning eyes. "I am a student of Shrek Academy, I hope you can tell me the specific situation."

This attitude of his directly enraged the deputy palace master, glaring at Tang San. "you"

But before he could say anything, he was stopped by the palace master.

Originally, the palace master was also a little angry. This kid who ran out of nowhere dared to point fingers in front of him. How could he bear it?
But when Tang San reported himself, his eyes flashed, and he changed his attitude immediately.Hastily stretched out his hand to stop the deputy hall master who was about to strike.

Under the puzzled eyes of the deputy hall master, he said with a smile. "This little brother is a student of Dean Flender."

Tang San's expression remained unchanged, and he replied in a polite manner. "I'm not a student of Dean Flender, but I'm studying at Shrek Academy."

Hearing this answer, the smile on the Palace Master's face was even wider. "Hahaha, it's easy to say, and I have known Dean Flender for a long time, and this matter is like this."

"Don't worry, I will report this matter to the dean truthfully, and I will leave."

Tang San and Xiao Wu no longer hesitated, directly set off and left.

Looking at their backs that were drifting away, the deputy hall master just now spoke. "Hall Master, where were you just now?"

He cast a sideways glance at himself, the deputy palace master, with an unfathomable expression on his face. "Isn't it strange, why should I be so polite to him? After all, he's just a student."

This is the hall master smiling. "You really know the pearl, I really mean it. In such a small place, even if the dean of the Soul Master Academy comes, you don't have to treat him so politely, let alone just a student?"

The master of the branch hall stroked his long beard, and said in a yelling tone. "You have only been in Suoto City for a few years, so you don't know the specific situation of this Shrek. It's not because you don't know, it's because they are too low-key."

After a pause, he said this. "There are two Contras in Shrek Academy, do you understand now?"

The deputy hall master suddenly widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief. "In such a small place, there will be Contras."

He stared fixedly at the Palace Master, wanting to make sure if he was making fun of him, and if he heard it wrong?

"Hehe. Otherwise, what do you think? You must know that soul masters have weird temperaments, and some people like to live in seclusion. You! You are still tender, and your eyes will be brighter in the future, so don't make trouble for yourself."

After finishing speaking, he patted the shoulder of the deputy hall master, turned and left.


The deputy hall master who stayed in place swallowed, still in shock.

After a long time, he came back to his senses. "Look, you really have to be careful in your actions in the future, otherwise if you accidentally provoke some important person, it will be miserable."

He came down from the headquarters to accumulate qualifications, and he just wanted to spend a good life, and when the time came, he would go back and improve his position, but he didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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