Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 161 Shocked

Chapter 161 Shocked
From Tang San's point of view, Zao Wou-ki's face was solemn at this time, and there were even tiny beads of sweat on his forehead, which was enough to see that Zao Wou-ki was not relaxed.

The fact is exactly as they thought, Zao Wou-ki is very shocked and even nervous. "Who are you?"

He couldn't help but be so cautious, the person in front of him actually had a feeling that he wanted to face Chen Feng.

If it was the past, Zhao Wuji couldn't believe that someone in the soul sage realm could actually threaten him, this is unimaginable to him.


Zhao Wou-ki swallowed, his throat was a little dry, he was extremely shocked, this unknown person in front of him made him very cautious, and he cheered up.

Seeing the two confronting each other like this, Yu Xiaogang knew that the matter was not simple. He just wanted to step forward to help, but was stopped by Zhao Wuji's hand.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Wuji asked in a deep voice. "What's your name?"

The man in the black and red shirt on the opposite side frowned slightly, and glanced at Yu Xiaogang vaguely, but finally returned to calmness.

"Wei Ying!"

His voice makes people feel very peaceful, just like the big brother next door, making people feel kind and warm.

Zhao Wuji continued to ask. "Why do you want to do this?"

Wei Ying's tone was flat and calm, with an air of detachment from the world. "Nothing to do with you."

Swish! ! !
Zhao Wou-ki's eyes widened suddenly, the veins on his neck emerged, and he asked in a tone almost roaring. "It has nothing to do with me! Tens of thousands of people died in Suotuo City, and you actually said that it has nothing to do with me!"

His eyes were spewing fire, and his eyes were wide open with anger, the flames in his heart were burning, wishing to tear the innocent person in front of him.

Zao Wou-ki has also killed people, and the sum is quite a lot, but it was against the enemy.

The man in front of him killed all the men, women and children in Suotuo City. This kind of method is simply appalling.

If it was a vendetta, then he could understand it. After all, such things as cutting grass and roots are not uncommon, but for his own selfish desires, he actually walked out of this utterly unconscionable thing, and still acted nonchalantly. How could Zhao Wuji not be angry?
Facing his questioning, Wei Ying didn't have any expression on his face, but said lightly. "Any questions? If not, I'm leaving."

Wei Ying knew in his heart that if there was only this strong man in front of him, he didn't have to be like this.

However, there was a person not weaker than him beside him, which made him fearful. He might not be an opponent with the two together, so he could only choose to back down temporarily.

"Go! You can't go anywhere today, die!"

Zao Wou-ki stomped on his feet, moving like a gust of wind, his body burst out, leaving a series of afterimages in the air.

Wei Ying's face didn't change, he went up to meet him, and started to wrestle with Zhao Wou-ki.

He didn't choose to run away. Firstly, if the two joined hands, he would have no room to escape. Secondly, fleeing before fighting is not his style.

Dai Mubai and the others only heard a bang, and they had already lost their shadows in front of their eyes.

When they came to their senses, smoke and dust were billowing in front of them, and there were deafening fighting sounds, and the powerful aftermath of the battle forced them to retreat.

Yu Xiaogang backed away protecting several people, he didn't step forward to intervene, because of his trust in Zao Wou-ki.

The second reason is that the group of little guys behind them still need me. After all, fighting has no eyes, and no one can guarantee that any accident will happen. It's better to watch by yourself.

But soon Yu Xiaogang became restless, because he found that the man named Wei Ying in front of him was actually fighting on par with Zhao Wuji.

The reason why he was so surprised was because Yu Xiaogang discovered that the figure of the person in front of him was too strange, although his speed was not fast, he was elusive, and every time he dodged it, it was just right.

Zhao Wuji seemed to have nothing to do with the person in front of him, he didn't even touch the other person's clothes.

He, a bystander, can notice it, how could Zhao Wuji not know?
Zhao Wuji was very aggrieved, he started to attack angrily, but after a series of attacks, they failed one after another, how could he bear it?
"Boy, don't hide from me if you have the ability. If you are a man, you can have a head-to-head fight with me."

The corner of Wei Ying's mouth curled up, and he said with an evil smile. "You actually want to head-to-head with me, a soul sage, thanks to your words."

"Oh, I'm going!"

Zhao Wuji was so angry!Are you being provoked?

Zhao Wou-ki let out a furious roar, and suddenly swung out his fist, hitting the ground fiercely, immediately the gravel flew, and a wave of air spread towards the surroundings.

Wei Ying's feet paused, and he stopped dodging. Under such circumstances, he had only one choice. After all, there were so many broken corpses, it was impossible for him to dodge them all.

A trace of surprise flashed across Wei Ying's charming face, and his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Zhao Wou-ki.

He didn't expect you to have such wisdom as a muscular guy before.

Originally, according to his thinking, facing such a reckless man, what he said just now would definitely make the other party lose his mind, and then he could act cheaply.

Wei Yingke didn't plan to entangle with Zhao Wou-ki, after all, there was Yu Xiaogang watching over him, if he really wanted to compete with Zhao Wou-ki, he would be the one who suffered in the end.

Seeing the effect of his blow, Zhao Wou-ki immediately showed a smile on his face, but the movements of his hands did not slow down, and he rushed forward again with all his momentum.

Wei Ying froze on the spot as if he had been frightened stupid, with a look of neither dodging nor avoiding.

Zhao Wou-ki's expression brightened, and then he concentrated his whole body's strength on his fist, trying to succeed with one blow.

Yu Xiaogang, who was still watching the battle, changed his expression again when he saw this, and hurriedly shouted. "Go back!"

Zhao Wuji, who was still rushing forward, was taken aback when he heard this, although he was puzzled, he still forcibly twisted his body.

But when he struck out angrily, how could he accept it as soon as he said it? Although he had worked hard, he still couldn't stop his figure and jumped out to the side.

Zhao Wuji bumped into a wall between his body, knocking down the entire wall, splashing smoke and dust all over the ground.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, revealing Zhao Wou-ki's somewhat embarrassed figure.

This is because his body is full of dust, and his hair is also gray, but he didn't pay attention to these, but looked at the place where Wei Ying was.

Zhao Wou-ki gasped, his face turned pale, but it was because the dust on his face was not visible to others.

In front of Wei Ying, a puddle of blood appeared on the ground.

White smoke was rising from the ground, and the stone slab began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a huge pit quickly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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