Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 169 Fighting

Chapter 169 Fighting
In mid-air, the eyes of Chen Feng and Dongfang Shuo intertwined, and there was a fierce collision.

Dongfang Shuo was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that there was a master hidden in this small city. It seemed that he was not inferior to him, and he immediately became vigilant.

Chen Feng also had the same thought, and looked at Dongfang Shuo with a strange gaze. He never thought that there would be someone who could hide under his nose, and it was for the same purpose as his own.

Ignoring this person, Chen Feng looked at Wei Ying, and his tone was extremely cold. "Wei Ying! You have committed a lot of evil, it is simply unreasonable, and today is your death day."

Dongfang Shuo didn't want to be upstaged by others, wouldn't it make him look weak.

"Wei Ying! Hurry up and get caught, and you will suffer less torture. Otherwise, you will be tortured all over the world."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dongfang Shuo just smiled faintly, but those people in black robes became restless.

"Hahaha, just because you two brats don't know how to live and die, let me see how big you are, haha."

Shouting, some people rushed forward, they wanted to deal with these two annoying guys, and then they could enjoy the feast of blood with peace of mind.

The reason why they were so bold was because Chen Feng and Dongfang Shuo's appearance was too deceptive, they regarded them as the kind of stupid young men who wanted to act chivalrously.

So these people simply swarmed forward without a trace of vigilance. Could it be that these two little dolls could be compared to them?

Misjudgment brought them a severe price, and these men paid with their own lives for their frivolity.

"Ah ah ah..."

The group of men in black robes rushed up screamed, some fell directly on the spot, and some flew upside down, but they all had one characteristic in common, that is, there was no sound.

There were corpses under Chen Feng and Dongfang Shuo's feet, and blood splashed all around. In the blink of an eye, the group of people who rushed up were dead and injured.

Heaven has reincarnation.

This group of people in black robes disregarded the lives of others, and now it was their turn. There were regrets, disbelief, resentment, and so on in those eyes that hadn't closed their eyes.

Sure enough, everyone behaves the same way in the face of death.

bang bang...

Seeing this scene, the rest of the men in black retreated one after another, their faces were frightened, and their feet were trembling.

All of them kept swallowing their saliva, their faces flustered, their whole bodies trembling, and the fear of death made them all look ashen.

If it weren't for the fact that they were more afraid of Wei Ying, they would probably have fled by now.

Ignoring this group of frightened people, Wei Ying said with a light smile and a light smile on his face. "It's not good for you two to fight like this, why don't we sit down and talk kindly."

"Hmph! Stop talking nonsense! You will definitely die today."

Dongfang Shuo said categorically that he didn't bother to deal with Wei Ying at all. If it wasn't for a guy beside him who couldn't figure out the depth, he probably would have done it long ago.

Wei Ying had a nonchalant face, and shook his head with a light smile. "Hey! Don't be so impatient, I can't run anyway, I'm curious, why do you want to kill me?"

Dongfang Shuo snorted coldly, his whole body boiling with murderous intent. "Is there a need to ask? Of course you kill innocent people indiscriminately and act cruelly. A person like you is a disaster if you stay in this world. If you live in this world for one day, countless people will suffer."


Wei Ying shook his head and smiled lightly, and said in a sense of loss. "There are so many murderers and evildoers in this world, why do you keep staring at me?"

An evil charm appeared on his handsome face, but there was a cold sharpness in his eyes. "Why don't you have blood on your hands, what right do you have to say about me here?"

At this time, Chen Feng, who had been silent all this time, stood up.

"I don't deny what you said just now. Some people have no fewer lives than you, but you are indeed ranked first in terms of viciousness and viciousness. Although others kill people well, they will definitely not kill them like you. The world is the purpose."

That's right, Chen Feng came to such a conclusion based on Wei Ying's misbehavior in daily life.

Wei Ying killed wantonly everywhere in the mainland, regardless of the reason. In just a few months, most of the cities in the Tiandou Empire suffered disaster.

Wuhundian and Tiandou Empire sent a large number of Titled Douluo to strangle them, even Super Douluo participated, but in the end they were all annihilated.

What exactly does this mean?

This means that in just a few months, Wei Ying has grown from the strength of the original Contra to a person who can be a super Douluo, and just now, Chen Feng sensed the aura of God coming from him.

It's only been a few short months!

Chen Feng was extremely surprised, and this was the reason why he wanted to make a move. The opponent's strength had improved so much that even he couldn't match it.

Chen Feng's tone was very firm, and his words were full of confidence. "If my guess is correct, you are using this blood to cultivate and pursue greater power. People in the entire continent will become your targets."

This sounded like guesswork, but his bland tone gave people the feeling that this was the truth.

Dongfang Shuo lifted his spirits, a coolness touched the depths of his soul, and he even looked at Wei Ying with a little panic.

It was hard for him to imagine that the person in front of him actually had such a purpose, and such an approach was even more hateful and disgusting than a god.

Dongfang Shuo still couldn't believe it, staring at Wei Ying with burning eyes, hoping to get a different answer from him.

Wei Ying's expression was obviously a little surprised, and then he laughed wildly.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect that there are still people who can see it. It's my honor!"

"That's right! I have such an idea, and I'm doing it now. Not only do I want to kill all the people in the world, but I also want to kill all the living things in the world. What can you do with me? Hahaha..."

The wilder his laughter, the stronger the killing intent in Dongfang Shuo and Chen Feng's hearts. Such a person whose goal is to destroy the world must not be allowed to leave here alive.

Wei Ying's laughter stopped abruptly, his eyes became extremely cold, and an indifferent voice came out of his mouth.

"It seems that the gods are not mean to me! They actually sent two god kings to me. I want to turn you into my zombies. By then, I will definitely sweep the Douluo Continent."

Both Chen Feng and Dongfang Shuo frowned. "Zombie? What?"

But Wei Ying didn't answer their words, and a long ghost flute appeared in his hand, riding on it surrounded by black air, giving people a sinister feeling.


A strange flute sounded, and both Chen Feng and Dongfang Shuo showed vigilance. They felt the thrilling threat from the flute sound, and they had to be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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