Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 171 The Great War

Chapter 171 The Great War
Chen Feng and Dongfang Shuo fixed their eyes on this scene.

Whether it was the corpses on the ground or the men in black robes who were alive just now, there was only a shell left.

It was like coming to a mass grave, surrounded by the skeletons of dead people, this scene made them feel cold.

In just a split second, the blood on the ground disappeared, leaving only ugly skins.

If it wasn't for the raging fire that was still burning, they would have thought that they had come to a dead city, surrounded by dead silence.

The eyes of both of them were a little dignified, because Wei Ying's aura began to rise, and his strength seemed to have improved a bit.

He was only in the early stage of the god king just now, but now he has reached the middle stage of the god king.

All this happened so fast, before Chen Feng could interrupt him, it was over.

Wei Ying twisted his neck and said with a sigh. "It's all your fault. I managed to gather such a batch of cauldrons, but I haven't raised them to maturity. It's a pity that they are wasted in vain now."

Wei Ying felt a little pity in his heart, he asked these people to practice "Bloodthirsty Demon Art", so that they could help him absorb blood essence, and then he would extract it from them himself, which would save a lot of time and effort.

He hasn't matured these cauldrons yet, so it's a pity to use them up now.

But there were two god kings in front of him, so he had to use up this batch of cauldrons ahead of time. Wei Ying did this to be foolproof.

After all, it is difficult for him to find the God King who is alone. Although there are many second-rate forces, he still doesn't have the confidence to provoke them.

Looking at Chen Feng and Dongfang Shuo, Wei Ying smiled slightly. "But it's all worth it. With the two of you, these losses are nothing at all."

Dongfang Shuo snorted coldly after hearing his words.

"Hmph! You have just broken through the mid-stage of the God King, and your realm is still a little unstable. There are two of us here, so it's not certain who will win?"

When he said this, he was actually a little apprehensive. After all, the gap between realms cannot be made up by quantity.

But the guy in front of him is from the lower realm, and his background is definitely not as deep as his own. Coupled with his own hole cards, he can still give it a go.

Dongfang Shuo looked at Chen Feng and said sincerely.

"Friends! Let's work together today to save this evil."

"it is good!"

Chen Feng didn't talk nonsense, Wei Ying's manipulation of ten thousand corpses, as well as the terrifying cultivation methods, all made him jealous.

Now he finally understood why Wei Ying committed crimes repeatedly without stopping.

Whoever has such a heaven-defying method will absolutely not be able to resist the temptation of a powerful force, and will become a devil who only knows how to kill.

No more hesitation, Chen Feng rushed forward directly, it would be a disaster for Douluo Continent for such a person to keep him alive.

And that evil cultivation method must also be wiped out in the long river of history, and it must not be allowed to spread, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Seeing him attack directly, Dongfang Shuo didn't hesitate at all, and stepped forward side by side with him.

Wei Ying smiled lightly, his eyes full of amusement. "Hey! Why don't you give up? Can the gap in realm be made up by quantity?"

There was helplessness in his tone, but the movement of his hands was really not slow. He stomped his left foot on the ground fiercely, and his body flew out.

The three of them collided fiercely, and a huge wave visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings, blowing away the dead bones on the ground and the tiles of the surrounding houses, leaving a large open space.

bang bang...

Wei Ying retreated a few steps in a row to stabilize his figure, and Chen Feng and Dongfang Shuo also retreated a few steps like him.

The first confrontation between the three of them ended in a tie. Of course, this was the result of Chen Feng's holding back, because he had to be sure that nothing would go wrong.

But Wei was very dissatisfied with all of this. His eyes showed deep shock, and he looked at Dongfang Shuo.

"How could your strength be so strong? It seems to be much stronger than mine at the beginning."

This is what he said in his heart. After such a confrontation, Wei Ying was deeply surprised.

It's not that he doesn't have confidence in his own strength, but that the person in front of him is indeed extremely strong.

Wei Ying let go of the slack in his heart and pulled himself together. Judging from the current situation, if he didn't pay attention, he would capsize in the gutter, and he would not commit such a taboo.

Not only did he think so, but even Chen Feng was a little surprised. He also felt that Dongfang Shuo's strength was stronger than all the god kings he had encountered in the early stage, and was already very close to the middle stage of the god king.

Chen Feng was a little surprised by this, but it was just a surprise. Although Dongfang Shuo was strong, he was much stronger than this back then.

The corner of Dongfang Shuo's mouth chuckled, and the surprised eyes of the two made him feel a little proud. "I come from the God Realm. Some special skills make me extremely powerful. Naturally, my background is not comparable to yours, so my strength will naturally become stronger."

Dongfang Shuo is very satisfied with his own strength. You must know that even people in the same realm have different strengths.

Although he, Dongfang Shuo, is not the kind of invincible existence in the same realm, he is definitely among the top ones.

Wei Ying and Chen Feng's eyes flashed at the same time, they didn't expect Dongfang Shuo to come from the God Realm, this identity made them a little surprised.

After all, it was the first time for both of them to come into contact with people from the God Realm in a real sense, so they should be a little curious.

Wei Ying's eyes lit up, and he nodded in satisfaction. "I didn't expect that I would have an unexpected harvest. Now I not only got two corpse kings, but also some treasures from the God Realm. It's really a good harvest!"

Wei Ying seemed a little excited. The things in the God Realm are naturally not bad. If he can get it, it will strengthen his background, which will be of great benefit to him.

Dongfang Shuo snorted coldly, his face was completely cold.

"That also depends on your life!"

After finishing speaking, Dongfang Shuo turned his head and said to Chen Feng.

"Brother, you stand by and support me."

Saying that, without taking Chen Feng to answer, Dongfang Shuo sacrificed his weapon and charged forward, fighting with Wei Ying.


Chen Feng was speechless for a while, with black lines all over his head.

It never occurred to him that he would be regarded as weak and weak every day, and he was afraid that he would become a burden. This was the first time.

However, Chen Feng was not angry, but looked at Dongfang Shuo's back meaningfully.

"Does this guy seem interesting?"

Chen Feng suddenly took a liking to this person whom he met for the first time.

Dongfang Shuo is different from other people he has met. The kindness in his bones is so innocent and cute...

 Here I want to apologize to everyone, I said before that every time I break through a small realm, I have to go through a thunder calamity, but I found that this is too cumbersome, and now I changed it to break through a big realm to pass a thunder disaster.I don't remember which one I wrote it on earlier, so I won't change it.Please forgive me if it has caused you any trouble.very sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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