Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 176 Awakening

Chapter 176 Awakening
In this way, Dai Mubai and the others followed Chen Feng, Yu Xiaogang and Zhao Wuji to set out to practice.

However, Flender and several teachers stayed behind, and started the college's enrollment expansion. Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Under the night, on a high mountain.

Chen Feng carefully revealed his divine sense into the space ring, observing the situation inside.

Originally, Chen Feng was resting in the room, when he suddenly felt a change in the space ring in his hand, he suddenly dodged, disappeared into the room, and came here.

At this time, in the space ring.

Yao Jingxiao, who had already woken up, frantically attacked the barrier, trying to break through the shackles.

It turned out that when he woke up, he found himself in a strange environment.

It's nothing, after all, the world is so big, there are still many places he hasn't been to.

But soon he was not calm, because he found that he seemed to be imprisoned, like a prisoner in a prison.

This made him very angry, and he started to attack frantically on the edge of the space ring, trying to break through here, and it was precisely because of this that Chen Feng could sense the movement in the space ring.

Facts proved that Yao Jingxiao's efforts were in vain. The fierce attack not only did not give him a glimmer of hope of escape, but instead affected the injuries in his body, causing him to surge up.

This made Chen Feng, who was observing secretly, amused for a while, and a smug look flashed across his face.

"Let you beat me so badly back then, let's get retribution now!"

He wasn't worried at all that Yao Jingxiao would be able to escape the space ring, it was produced by the system and must be a high-quality product, and he was still very confident about this.

After observing for a while, Chen Feng decided not to hide anymore. "Hey! Don't waste your energy in vain. I think you'll be exhausted before you can escape."

As soon as his voice sounded, Yao Jingxiao stopped what he was doing, and a pair of sharp eyes began to scan the surroundings, trying to find the source of the voice.

But after looking around for a few times, Yao Jingxiao didn't gain anything.

Yao Jingxiao's tone was cold, but Chen Feng could still hear traces of anger.

"Who are you? Why are you locked up here?"

Hearing his question, Chen Feng did not answer directly, but persuasively.

"Hey. Don't worry about it. It's useless if you know it anyway. But... we can make a deal. If you answer some of my questions and satisfy me, I'll let you go. How about it? Do you want to consider it? consider?"

Yao Jingxiao hated this voice very much, her face was full of chills. "Are you threatening me?"

It can be heard that he is very disdainful of this method.

Chen Feng shrugged indifferently, and didn't intend to explain anything.

"You can think so, but it doesn't matter, what matters is how you choose."

Yao Jingxiao kept silent and stood quietly.

"Hey! If you do this, I will take you as the default, hehe. What's your name?"

"Yao Jingxiao!"

"Why did you appear in that small world? And why were you seriously injured?"


"Then who suppressed you? Tell me, I'm curious!"

"God Lord!"


After the two asked and answered, Chen Feng understood some basic information, and then nodded in satisfaction.

However, after setting aside these questions, Chen Feng became more interested in Yao Jingxiao.

"Yao Jingxiao, can you stop cherishing words like gold when you speak, people who don't know will think you are mentally ill?"

Yao Jingxiao was furious, but he was in the space ring and couldn't see Chen Feng's figure, so he couldn't vent the breath in his chest, so he had to swallow it.

This scene fell in Chen Feng's eyes, making him laugh for a while.

However, Chen Feng didn't intend to let him go so simply, and said in a very unbeatable tone.

"Hahaha I just like people who hate me so much that I grit my teeth, but they just look helpless to me. How about it? Just ask if you are angry, if you are angry..."


Yao Jingxiao roared furiously, his eyes were full of angry flames, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

The aura on his body began to surge violently, rising step by step, causing the space to shake.

However, it seemed useless, not only did he not break free from here, but he also pulled his injury again.

One second he was mighty and majestic, but the next second he withered like a drowned rat.

Chen Feng laughed happily, obviously he was in a good mood.

"Today I have seen what is called a real man for a second, Yao Jingxiao, I respect you for being a man. Hahaha..."

The voice was arrogant and beating, but it seemed to have no effect on Yao Jingxiao, and there was no reaction at all.

In fact, Yao Jingxiao, after being angry, knew that she would do nothing but do nothing, so she might as well take the time to heal her wounds.

"Boy, as long as I recover from my injury, I will let you have a taste of this."

Yao Jingxiao was so angry!He felt like he was being played like a monkey again, which was extremely humiliating.

As long as he recovered from his injury, Yao Jingxiao didn't mind letting Chen Feng try his own tricks.

However, Yao Jingxiao suffered such a serious injury, it was not easy to recover, but he didn't care at all, even if it took thousands of years, he could afford to wait.

Seeing that Yao Jingxiao made up his mind to ignore him, Chen Feng's interest faded as if he had lost a toy.

"Hey! Yao Jingxiao, it's impossible to let you go now.

But, I have something here that is good for your injury. For the sake of your diligence just now, I will reward you. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Yao Jingxiao noticed a porcelain vase floating in front of her, with a faint halo shining on it, which seemed to be of great value.

However, Yao Jingxiao didn't care about this, and without hesitation at all, he reached out to take the porcelain bottle, poured out the pills and ate it.

Yao Jingxiao didn't worry at all whether the medicine would work or not. If it did, then of course it would be the best, and it was exactly what he wanted.

If it's useless, he has nothing to lose, so why not do it?

As for whether the medicine is poisonous, if Yao Jingxiao is not worried at all, what kind of medicine can poison a god emperor?

If there is such a medicine, then the world will not be in chaos, and you don't have to work hard to cultivate, just use medicine to control the two emperors.

As soon as Yao Jingxiao swallowed the medicine, his eyes changed.

Although he didn't have much confidence in the medicine, he didn't expect it to be beneficial to him. With his God Emperor's perception, he found that the injury was improving, and it was actually very weak. This was enough.

Without further hesitation, Yao Jingxiao stuffed the rest of the medicine into his mouth, feeling much better about Chen Feng in his heart, but that was all.

Chen Feng, who took this scene into his eyes, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and stopped paying attention to this matter.

After all, he is a busy person now, and he still has to take care of Dai Mubai and the others...

(End of this chapter)

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