Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 187 Human Heart

Chapter 187 Human Heart
"Hehe. It's really interesting."

Shi Qitao didn't answer his words, but just said something so lightly, with endless sarcasm on his face.

The people around talked a lot, but their eyes were also twinkling, looking at Shi Qitao full of greed.

"Do you think we should mix it up, "Bloodthirsty Demon Art" is a really good thing."

"Isn't this bad? After all, these people are evil soul masters. Is it safe for us to do this? How many people did they kill for cultivation? Do you want to be wanted by the mainland too?"

"Heh, don't you think you should be careful and practice secretly? Besides, how to use this exercise is determined by people.

Look at how long these evil soul masters have been making trouble, and they have grown to such a scale. One can imagine how powerful this technique is, do you really not want it? "

"Look! There are many people who have this idea. Even if we want to make a move, we have to play by ear."

"That's right, let these people be the first birds. These people are not easy to get along with. Maybe there will be another big battle later. I don't care what kind of evil soul master's cultivation method it is? As long as it can give me strength, I will fight for it even if I fight my life.”

Just for a moment, all the onlookers were thinking carefully, their faces were malicious, they whispered, and their eyes were full of greed.

Dai Minghan looked around, then whispered.

"Looking at the posture, it is estimated that there will be another fight later. Look at these people's small plans, but they are very loud."

Zhao Wuji grinned.

"It's really good to fight, and then there will be another good show. Hehehehe. If they want to grab something, it depends on whether the people in front agree or not."

Zhao Wou-ki's eyesight is naturally not weak, it can be seen that these people's strength is extraordinary, no matter how he is a person who has seen the world, those short-sighted guys can't compare with him.

Yu Xiaogang frowned slightly, and said with some concern.

"We still underestimated these people's desire for strength. It's a bit too much for them to want such an evil thing."

"Hehe. Gangzi, you are still too kind. There are some people in Douluo Continent who will do anything for the sake of strength. You still think too well of them."

"That's right, people's hearts are greedy after all, not to mention the benefits that are so close at hand, how could they resist the temptation."

There was a faint color of blood in Tang Hao's eyes, and a faint murderous aura spread throughout his body.

"This thing must be destroyed, and it cannot be leaked out, otherwise it will be another bloodbath,"

His tone was very firm and seemed a bit serious.

"As long as things go wrong, we will take action and kill Shi Qitao to avoid future troubles. I believe that this time there will be no more fish caught."

Dai Minghan also nodded in agreement, and he thought so too, but he still hesitated.

"This is naturally not a problem. The problem is that if we make a move, those second-rate forces will not sit idly by. At that time, the two sides will never stop. We should not be their opponents now. So we must be cautious about this matter!"

Stretch your whole body.

Demingham's consideration was not unreasonable, but they couldn't let this matter go.

Immediately, everyone fell into deep thought, with frowning faces on their faces.

Chen Feng pondered for a while, and finally made up his mind.

"We don't need a few shots, I think it's time to start that plan."

His eyes flickered again and again, as if full of wisdom.

Zhao Wou-ki's face was covered, and he scratched the back of his head fiercely. "What plan?"

Yu Xiaogang's eyes lit up. "Xiao Feng, what do you mean?"

"That's right! Zhao Yao, play by ear later!"

Zhao Yao showed a smile on his face and patted his big belly. "That's it! Boss, don't worry, I will definitely communicate with them and make this matter look good."

At this moment, everyone came to their senses. They remembered something they had planned a long time ago, and all of them had malicious eyes and smirks on their faces.

Zao Wou-ki rubbed his hands, and laughed straight.

"I think the Seven Great Aristocratic Families will definitely be miserable. If they know that they have been cheated like this, will they be so angry that they will just belch? Hehe."

Although Zhao Yao took refuge in Chen Feng, his birth was there after all. As long as he stepped forward to disrupt the situation, wouldn't there be chaos between the seven great families and the three mountains and sixteen islands?

"Hmph! Shi Qitao, don't be shameless, hurry up and hand over what I want, otherwise you will have to live or die."

It could be heard that he was very angry. The ant in front of him dared to reject him, which made him very angry.

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people came out from the crowd. "Hey! Brothers, it's not good to eat alone, right?"

The hearts of the others moved slightly, and they secretly said. "coming……"

Sure enough, several waves of people came forward. "That's right. If you have something good here, you should take it out and share it. My brothers also want a share. You don't want to suggest it?"

"That's right, you guys are too disrespectful, you want to take it all by yourself, don't you take everyone seriously!"

Everyone in the Three Mountains and Sixteen Islands was overjoyed, with angry and funny faces on their faces. They didn't expect that someone would dare to shit on their necks.

In fact, this is not surprising, firstly, they did not exude aura, and secondly, there were only five or six of them in their party, which did not make others fearful.

However, even if these things are excluded, they still have to deal with these troubles, and the greed of human nature is enough to overcome all of them.

The person in the lead smiled slightly, and looked at the several waves of people who came up nonchalantly.

"You? Are you talking to me?"

It could be heard that he was angry, and his eyebrows were shaking non-stop.

A few people began to curse, pointing at his nose and yelling.

"Don't fucking talk nonsense, if you are sensible, get out of the way, occupy the latrine and don't shit, who the hell do you think you are?"

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of Bibi Dong and Shi Qitao, their faces were full of amusement.

"It looks like you guys are in trouble, hahaha."

This burst of ridicule completely angered the leader, and he waved his hand.

"Give it to me!"

He is too lazy to talk nonsense anymore, wasting time with this group of ants is simply an insult to him.

"Hey, let me go, there are only so few people who still want to do something? There are really people who are not afraid of death, come here, let grandpa teach you how to be a person, remember to keep a low profile in the future."

These people began to stir up, one by one released their martial souls, and they looked like they were going all out.

They are not stupid either. Those who dare to stand up first will naturally not be weak. If they are not careful, they may capsize in the gutter.

But the next moment, the scene in front of them made them fly into a rage, and their lungs were about to explode.

"Fuck! You're too fucking arrogant..."

(End of this chapter)

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