Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 190 The Dumb Eats Coptis

Chapter 190 The Dumb Eats Coptis

Threatened by Wang Qinghu, the seven aristocratic families have been preparing compensation for the past few days, causing everyone to mourn.

"Hey! What do you call this? It has nothing to do with us. I really don't understand what the elders think."

"Hush, keep your voice down, don't let people hear you. We have to compromise, who made us inferior?"

"I'm just surprised. People who are also second-rate forces, why do they live so aggrieved, and they are beaten up, and they still keep a low voice. I really can't get enough of it!"

"What else can we do? Who made us weak? Damn Zhao Yao, don't let me catch him, let me suffer for nothing, and I have to skin him when the time comes."

"Don't be angry, the compensation is still a few pieces short, you should go to the warehouse to get it, otherwise it will be bad for them to make use of it."


In a not-so-magnificent palace, the Three Mountains and Sixteen Islands are temporarily stationed here, but there are cheers.

"Hahaha, second boss, come! I'll toast you, you really came up with a good idea.

This time we frightened the souls of the seven great families without much effort, you are indispensible. "

"Yeah, yeah, that's a good point. The second boss has a drink."

Several people raised their wine glasses and congratulated each other.

Wang Qingyu didn't refuse, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. "Everyone thinks highly of me. If it weren't for everyone's joint efforts, we might not be able to handle the seven great families, so the credit should belong to everyone."

One of them gave a thumbs up and smiled generously.

"Hahaha... You're welcome, you're welcome. If you want me to say that we all deserve credit, come on. Let's drink and celebrate whatever we say."

"That's right, I'm looking forward to the compensation from the Seven Great Families now. We got something without spending any effort. It's so fucking gratifying to say the truth..."

A crowd of people is here listening to the exchange of cups and cups, you come and go, it's so lively.

At this moment, a sudden sound sounded.

"Report, it's urgent."

I saw a guard rushing in directly, with a very anxious expression on his face. He was sweating profusely, which surprised everyone.

Wang Qinghu stepped forward with a tiger step, and grabbed it just for the collar, a pair of tiger eyes stared round.

"What's wrong? Could it be that the Seven Great Aristocratic Families have repented and brought people to kill us to die with us."

The other people also looked shocked, and they also thought of being together with Wang Qinghu, and their hearts thumped.

They all wondered if their people were pushing too hard, making people from the Seven Great Families jump over the wall in a hurry, wanting to drag themselves and others to back them up.

Some people even cursed loudly, their eyes full of panic.

"Damn it, I didn't bring all the people with me, so I guess it's going to happen. People from these seven great families want to die, and if they don't, they will capsize in the gutter."

"That's right, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be so tight, what should I do now!"

The three brothers and sisters Wang Qinghu, Wang Qingyu and Wang Qingxuan looked anxious, and they were not much better than the others.

"Tell me quickly! Where are the people from the Seven Great Families?"

"Even if you say it quickly, we should be prepared, right?"

Seeing the panic of all the bosses, the guard became even more flustered, and he didn't know where to go. "Damn it! I seem to have misunderstood. If you scare these big guys like this, will they beat me to death later?"

The guard's face was full of confusion, he lowered his head and hesitated.

This angered Wang Qinghu, he was so angry that he cursed directly. "Hurry up, or I will tear you up now."

He was so anxious, what happened to this situation, he should have been prepared if he said it earlier, right?

Facing the threat of death, the guard trembled all over, and he didn't dare to hesitate a bit.

"No, my lords, you all misunderstood, the people from the Seven Great Aristocratic Families did not call."


The crowd looked stunned and made a voice of disbelief.

But then they came back to their senses, and when they thought of their ugly behavior just now, they all flew into a rage, staring at the guard, as if they wanted to eat him alive.

This made him tremble all over, but the guards didn't dare to neglect him at all, he was afraid that if he died for no reason, then he would be wronged.

"My lords, listen to me, I really have something urgent to report, so please listen to me first."

Wang Qingyu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Although it was just a false alarm, he was still angry and upset.

He glared at the guard fiercely, and said threateningly. "Fart off, if you can't tell the reason today, you know what will happen to you."

"Yes, the little one understands, the little one understands."

The guard quickly nodded and bowed, ignoring that he was out of breath from exhaustion, and said quickly.

"We just found out that Zhao Yao just advanced to Title Douluo about ten years ago. Oh, by the way, it's the Zhao Yao who killed our three god kings a while ago."

Wang Qinghu directly reached out and lifted the guard up, shouting angrily. "That's the fucking crap you're talking about. Huh?"

The anger in his heart!Such a small matter was actually used to tease himself, and more importantly, he made himself so embarrassed and lost face.

The guard felt a pain in his heart, his face was pale at this moment. "My lord, this is not a trivial matter. You forgot that the news we got some time ago is that Zhao Yao is already in the middle stage of the god king."


Wang Qinghu let go, and put down the guard who was scared to death. His expression was a little shaken, and his eyes were fixed on the guard. "you sure?"

The guard didn't care about anything else, and nodded repeatedly. "Yes, I'm quite sure."

This time, everyone who was originally angry was a little uneasy, and someone yelled directly. "Hurry up and talk about it first, it's best to tell the truth, otherwise you won't be able to eat and walk around."

The guard nodded his head like an amnesty.

"Yes, yes, I'm just saying, why did the spies placed in the Seven Great Aristocratic Families write in yesterday saying..."

Under the persecution of everyone, the guard said everything he knew without saying a word.

After listening to what he said, the expressions of the few people who were tired from listening were a little exciting.

Wang Qingyu couldn't hide the surprise on his eyebrows. "Brother, it seems that we are right this time."

Wang Qinghu also sighed a little, but his face was full of joy. "Hehe. I also didn't expect that this "Dafa of Sacrifice to Heaven" was taken away by the seven great families. After so many years of investigation, there is no news. I didn't expect it to be under our noses."

"That's right, the Seven Great Aristocratic Families are indeed ambitious, and actually concealed this matter. If we didn't know in advance, the consequences would be unimaginable."

In the words of the guards, the seven great families found Ming Wuji and won the "Dafa of Sacrifice to Heaven", plus Zhao Yao's terrifying entry, all these made them believe it was true.

Wang Qinghu directly made a decision, and his pair of tiger eyes were full of fierce light.

"Immediately go back and recruit people. This time, we must not let the "Dafa of Sacrifice to Heaven" slip away from us again."


(End of this chapter)

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