Chapter 196
While Chen Feng was talking, Yao Jingxiao and the system couldn't help but have such a picture in their minds.

As long as you close your eyes, you can imagine the poop babies all over the sky, and at some point, a light rain of yellow, green and green will fall from the sky, or at some point, a sticky mass will fall on yourself...


Chen Feng patted his chest lightly, feeling nauseated for a while, and said apologetically. "I'm really a little embarrassed, I'm a little emotional, vomit..."

Yao Jingxiao's throat throbbed, his face twitched a little stiffly, and there was a mixture of shock and anger in his eyes.

System: "I didn't expect the host to be such a disgusting person, shut up, shut up immediately! Vomit..."

Chen Feng was taken aback, and asked curiously. "Hey! System, you also feel this way, why didn't you see it before, you are quite humane."

As if he found something interesting, Chen Feng couldn't stop his mouth. "Hey. Let me tell you, when the time comes, there will be feces flying all over the sky and rivers of urine. That scene must be very spectacular..."

Before the system could speak, another person's voice came from Chen Feng's ear, and it seemed to be a little angry.

"To shut up!"

Hearing this roar, Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then shifted his gaze to Yao Jingxiao. "Old Xiao, what's the matter with you, don't you have an upset stomach, I have to tell you about this, why are you so careless at such a young age?

Come, come, come, I have to train and train, your body is not good enough?Take a look, when the time comes, the sky will be filled with..."

Finally, Yao Jingxiao was no longer calm, her eyes were wide open, and one hand pointed at Chen Feng who was still chattering, a little out of breath.

"You! Ugh..."

As soon as he uttered such a word, he bent over and vomited, covering his stomach with his hands, looking very hard.

Chen Feng did not know when he came to his side, his face was full of surprise. "Hey! You haven't eaten for so long, what are you throwing up? Wow! Could it be the gold you have accumulated for many years, I really can't see that your stomach is quite good!"

Chen Feng nodded seriously, his face full of admiration. "Old Xiao, I am not as good as you, you are this."

As he said that, he gave a thumbs up, his eyes were full of affirmation, and the seriousness of the interview seemed very serious.

Yao Jingxiao's chest heaved violently, his face was full of ferociousness, the ice on his body seemed to melt away, like a wave of hot air rising.

Chen Feng showed surprise and opened his mouth wide. "Wow! It's still hot, you're awesome!"


Yao Jingxiao was trembling with anger, pointed at Chen Feng, and was furious in his heart, but before he could make another move, he felt the sky dim for a while, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Chen Feng was a little taken aback. "Hey! Why did you pass out so well? I haven't finished talking yet, Lao Xiao, wake up quickly!"

As he said that, he shook Yao Jingxiao vigorously, trying to wake him up, but it didn't seem to work.

"System, please show me quickly, this guy Yao Jingxiao is not awake, this is not good, he hasn't paid the rent yet, you hurry to rescue him, otherwise I will lose a lot .”

The system's face was pale, and he wiped away the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead. He said in his heart that he couldn't be offended. In order not to cause trouble for himself, he quickly replied that he didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest.

"Host, don't worry, he just fainted, nothing serious."

Chen Feng put down his raised heart, and then smacked his lips. "Let me just say, you're not in good health, you see where you're going, and you fainted, and you need to exercise more!
System, come and let me test you and see if you are also mentally handicapped. "

There was a plop in Chen Feng's mind, and a puppet kneeling on the ground emerged. "Brother, I was wrong, please forgive me, I really know I was wrong. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo""

Chen Feng: "Don't! I haven't finished talking yet, I have something to say!"

dong dong dong.
There was no delay at all, and the puppet kowtowed on the ground. "Brother! Dad! Grandpa! Old Ancestor! I really know I was wrong when I was young. You always show mercy and accept your supernatural powers. Please spare my dog's life. If I die in the future, there will be no one to serve you , you just want to let me go because I have no credit and hard work!"


Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, then waved his hand randomly. "Okay! Since you begged me sincerely, then I will let you go. Be careful in the future and don't put on airs in front of me, or I will take care of you."

How could the system dare to disagree in the slightest, and quickly nodded and bowed.

"Yes, yes, yes! What you always said is correct. From now on, if you tell me to go east, I will never dare to go west. I will absolutely obey."

Chen Feng was very satisfied in his heart, and his tone was much kinder. "Well, the performance is good, let's make persistent efforts in the future!"

Turning his head, looking at Yao Jingxiao who was in a coma, Chen Feng shook his head unconsciously. "This is the God Emperor! Why is he so weak, he doesn't look that powerful.

If I didn't slap me until he vomited blood with a wave of his hand before, I would have suspected that he was a fake. "

The system in his mind was speechless, and he complained silently in his heart. "You are so powerful, who can stop it? Why haven't I seen you so disgusting before? Could it be that you are hiding it?"

"Well, yes, it must be like this. It must be that after becoming stronger, the demon in my heart must be released, so I don't want to cover it up."

The tone of the system is very firm, as if this is a certain fact.

But then he lost his air, and became moaning. "Hey, why am I so miserable? With such an uncle, why does it feel like my future is so gloomy?"

However, he dared to think about it, if Chen Feng listened to these words, the consequences would be beyond his imagination.

The current system already has a kind of fear of Chen Feng, it seems that he will have to be careful in the future and not be as presumptuous as before.

System: "I don't want to, I will cry if I talk too much!"

After Yao Jingxiao passed out, Chen Feng looked at it from the side, thinking how to wake it up?
Chen Feng kicked him first, but it didn't seem to work. Yao Jingxiao was still in a deep sleep, without any movement at all.

"Oh! It seems that I really passed out, I thought it was just pretending."


It's hard for him now, Chen Feng has never done anything to wake people up, and he doesn't have the slightest experience, what should he do now?

Suddenly, a smirk appeared on Chen Feng's face, and he looked at Yao Jingxiao with some malicious intent.

This made the secretly observing system shiver uncontrollably, wondering what the hell Chen Feng was planning.

(End of this chapter)

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