Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 199 Conspiracy

Chapter 199 Conspiracy
Douluo Continent, the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, is in a luxurious palace.

Bibi Dong was hiding in a secret room. At this time, her condition was not very good, the injuries on her body were still clearly visible, and her complexion was extremely pale.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

This voice is a bit ethereal, and people are attracted unconsciously. This voice is very pleasant, like an angel descending to the world, with a sense of holiness.

It was a luxuriously dressed young man who said this, but it was a female voice, which seemed a bit nondescript.

Bibi Dong. "Renxue, I'm fine, I'll be fine after a few days of recuperation."

Obviously, this young man is Qian Renxue, and the identity she is pretending to be now is really the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Qian Renxue frowned. "Mother, what happened, why did it suddenly..."

She didn't say any more, the news of the destruction of the Wuhun Palace spread throughout the Douluo Continent, so Qian Renxue couldn't hide it.

Bibi Dong's complexion was a bit ugly, very gloomy. "We may have been calculated this time, and there is a big conspiracy behind it."


Qian Renxue revealed a look of surprise.

She knew about the Wuhun Palace's encirclement and suppression of evil spirit masters, and she often paid attention to it during this period, but she didn't know much about it.


Bibi Dong sighed, showing helplessness on her face. "This time we missed the opponent's strength, resulting in annihilation of the entire army, but this is not the main thing."

"We know exactly what those evil soul masters are like, and their strength is just like that, but the key is that someone secretly made a move and fueled the flames, which put us in trouble from the very beginning."

Others may not know, but she, Bibi Dong, is the person who controls the Wuhun Temple, so how could she not know some things back then.

During the duel, some elders with good strength mysteriously disappeared or died directly, but in order not to cause a sensation, Bibi Dong chose to hide it.

On the surface, the strength of their Spirit Hall hasn't changed much, but in fact they are several levels weaker, otherwise they wouldn't have ended up like this.

Furthermore, Shi Qitao's strength was beyond her imagination, which made her fall into a passive position, unable to spare her hands to intervene in other matters.

"Don't let me know who is behind this, or I won't be able to spare him."

Bibi Dong didn't hide his killing intent, and his eyes were so cold that no one doubted that he could do what he said.

Qian Renxue. "Mother, do you think you will join the Three Sects, the Two Great Empires, or the Body Training Guild? After all, there are countless people in the Douluo Continent who can intervene in such matters."

Qian Renxue didn't mention second-rate forces, because they simply disdain such conspiracies.

Bibi Dong shook her head, her tone revealed affirmation. "Probably not. If it were really them, they would probably have done it long ago."

"Others may not be clear, but we all know that these people wear a pair of pants, so as long as we unite, we can definitely kill us, otherwise we wouldn't have to avoid the edge and not provoke them."

Bibi Dong revealed a dangerous aura in his eyes, and said in a dark and stern tone. "This kind of stealthy method should be those rats who hide their heads and show their tails. It's just that we don't have that strength now, so it's hard to find."

Qian Renxue nodded in agreement, over the years, their Spirit Hall has had many grudges, they have provoked countless people, and there are many secret enemies.

However, they have not posed any threat to them before, and they have not attracted attention, so this time it is very likely that these people did it secretly.

"Mom, what about grandpa, didn't he intervene in this matter?"

Qian Renxue felt very puzzled about this point. With her grandfather's strength, as long as she intervened in this matter, the victory was definitely assured, and she would not end up in such a fate.

Bibi Dong's complexion was not good, but she still answered her daughter's question. "He's dead, killed."


Qian Renxue's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I went back to see it myself. He died, and the aura of the Clear Sky Hammer was revealed at the scene. I think Tang Hao should have done it."

Bibi Dong's face reveals a bit of complexity, although she calls herself a genius, she doesn't underestimate others, and Tang Hao is one of them.

As for Chen Feng, Bibi Dong consciously ignored him.

This name is like a mountain in the world of soul masters, and it weighs down their peers. It is so genius that Bibi Dong can gradually feel ashamed, even if he has twin spirits.

Qian Renxue's eyes showed hatred, and she memorized the name firmly.

Qian Daoliu loved him since he was a child, and now that he is dead, Qian Renxue wants to avenge her grandfather no matter what.

Seemingly seeing what her daughter was thinking, she was afraid that she would do something stupid, so Bibi Dong had no choice but to persuade her.

"Okay, don't think too much for now, since Tang Hao can kill your grandfather, his strength has already reached a terrifying level.

Your grandfather has already had the strength of a demigod, you mean that Tang Hao at least has this strength, which is not something that you can touch now. "

Speaking of this, Bibi Dong was very emotional. Tang Hao, as one of the few people who could stand alongside her, never expected to grow to this extent.

This made this proud woman put away her arrogance to the world.

"Mother, don't worry, I won't do stupid things until I'm absolutely sure."

Qian Renxue returned respectfully. "Mom, what shall we do next?"

Speaking of this, a sad look appeared on her face. The Wuhun Temple is gone now, which means that they no longer have their own power and team. This is indeed the most troublesome thing at the moment.

A cold light flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes. "Wuhundian is gone, we have to start anew. Although I claim to be no weaker than anyone, there are some things that cannot be done by one person."

There was regret in her eyes, for such a good card of Wuhundian was actually scrapped by her, and she felt a little emotional unconsciously.

But Bibi Dong is Bibi Dong after all, her ambition of not being weaker than any man will never be extinguished, her toughness is beyond your imagination.

"Ren Xue, I need you to speed up the penetration of the Heaven Dou Empire, we need to master this power, thank you for your hard work."

Qian Renxue shook her head, with firmness in her eyes. "Mom, don't worry, I will definitely get there as soon as possible. However, I have heard that some people in the empire are very stubborn. I don't dare to get in touch with them for the time being. This is not a small trouble."

Bibi Dong smiled lightly, and said relaxedly. "There is no rush for these things, and stability is the main priority. If it is really impossible to win over and take advantage of, I will take action myself."

Bibi Dong wasn't joking. With her strength, no one in the empire could withstand it.

(End of this chapter)

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