Chapter 203

Arriving in a quiet room, Deacon Long called Zhao Wuji to sit down. "Come here! Hurry up and make a pot of tea, I have to entertain guests."



After taking some care, the Deacon Long sat down and stared at Zhao Wuji. "I don't know what kind of big deal Brother Zhou said?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, he looked very interested, and there was a bit of a smile on his mouth.

Zhao Wou-ki was not confused by his performance, but picked up a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

Deacon Long was not in a hurry, he just waited quietly, but there was displeasure in his eyes.

He has already made up his mind, if the person in front of him really wants to make a big deal, then forget about it, if he intentionally makes fun of himself, then pay with his life.

Zhao Wou-ki was not in a hurry, just hung his appetite like this, quite leisurely.

Just when Deacon Long's impatience and reluctance became more and more obvious, Zhao Wuji spoke slowly.

I need body refining pills, a lot of body refining pills. "

After saying these words, Zhao Wou-ki stared at Deacon Long with burning eyes, quietly waiting for his answer.

Deacon Long's eyes flashed brightly, but then he returned to his natural state and said with a smile. "Haha...Brother Zhou was joking, this body refining pill has never been sold to outsiders, and only a few forces that have made good friends with us can have such a transaction.

It's okay to say one or two, I can make the decision, but obviously you don't think so, brother Zhou, if I really sold it to you, if I track it down, I can't eat it and walk away.

Besides, we are also extremely scarce recently, and we can't meet your needs, so don't embarrass me! "

Zhao Wou-ki smiled disapprovingly, and did not answer his words directly, but said with a half-smile. "I'm willing to pay double the price on the market."


The Long Deacon's expression was obviously taken aback, his eyes were full of astonishment.

After reacting, he changed his previous attitude, and he was full of joy in his heart, and said very politely. "How much does Brother Zhou need?"

Zhao Wou-ki's eyes were a little playful, and a faint smile appeared on his face. "Didn't you just say that there is no stock?"

"Hahaha brother Zhou misunderstood, of course there is no stock, but we have a lot of reserves, the price of brother Zhou makes me a little bit excited, there are so many people in the guild, one or two for each person, this product is not worth it Got it?"

Zhao Wou-ki didn't continue to ask any more questions, he was like a military advisor sitting firmly in the Chinese army, holding the right to negotiate in his own hands.

"I don't want much, 500."


Deacon Long took a deep breath, but what followed was ecstasy.

But after all, he is also a person who has seen the world, so naturally there will not be too many expressions on his face, only his fingers are tapped on the table, and his tone is calm. "I can make up this amount, but it's not that I'm ignorant. It's just that the price is doubled for such a large amount, which is not cheap!

Even if it was the former Wuhun Temple, buying so many things at once would be a pain in the ass!Brother Zhou, do you have the financial resources? "

He only stared at Zhao Wuji's eyes, as if he wanted to see through his mind.

But Zao Wou-ki is also an old man, so he is destined to let him down.

Zhao Wou-ki smiled faintly, took out a broken blade from the soul guide and threw it on the table.

Sensing the vigorous aura coming from above, Deacon Long knew that this was not an ordinary thing, but he was a little uncertain, so he asked tentatively.

"This is……"

"King-level Divine Soldier!" Zhao Wuji spat out a few words lightly, his appearance was so casual, he didn't care much.

However, Deacon Long didn't think so. Shock flashed in his eyes, already filled with greed.

He licked his lips, holding back the excitement in his heart for a while.

"Haha. Brother Zhou is really generous, but no matter how you say it, it's just a remnant soldier. Although it's worth a lot, it's still not enough."

"Hehe." Zhao Wuji chuckled lightly, "It's natural, I just took out the certificate, to tell you the truth, I have a complete one in my hand, it's just the price for the transaction!
As long as the deal can be concluded, you will immediately get a magic weapon. This is just a trivial matter, just to let you see my confidence. "

Hearing this, Deacon Long's heart moved, but he still showed embarrassment. "Hey! That's what I said, but Brother Zhou, you are too generous. Besides, the origin of this thing, will it cause us trouble?"

"Haha. You don't have to worry about that. Since I can take it out, it proves that there is no problem with the force..."

No matter what Zao Wou-ki said, this Deacon Long just doesn't take in oil and salt, and looks very embarrassed.

The two had been virtual with the snake for quite a while, seeing that the fire was coming, Zhao Wou-ki's heart moved, and impatience was revealed in his eyes.

This scene fell in the eyes of Deacon Long, and he thought inwardly that he was not good. Could it be that he pushed too hard and made this matter unremarkable.

Just when he was about to let go and redeem what seemed to be a doomed defeat, Zhao Wou-ki spoke impatiently.

"Okay, it seems that if you don't explain its origin clearly today, you don't plan to trade with me.

Forget it, it’s okay to tell you, who made me urgently need the body refining pill?”

The turnaround of this matter made Deacon Long look happy, and he couldn't wait any longer.

"Do you still remember the eight great sects back then? After the great battle ended, I thought to myself that people should save some soup for medicine, so I sneaked in with people, not to mention that I found some nice one."

Zhao Wou-ki pointed to the Broken Blade on the table, a look of complacency appeared on his face.

"I'm just telling you, brother, my luck is beyond words. Others only found some junk, and I was the only one who found this good thing."

"Hey!" There was a lewd look on his face, and he was a little embarrassed.

Deacon Long's eyes showed disdain, but he concealed it well, and he responded with a voice. "Hahaha...Brother Zhou is really lucky, such a good thing can happen to you, you are really a blessed person!"

The two were hypocritical for a while, and Chen Feng, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help frowning when he heard the two people's flattery, and laughed and cursed in his heart. "Damn it, why didn't you realize that this kid Zao Wou-ki has this side before? You really underestimated him."

However, now is not the time to talk about these things, Chen Feng quickly sent a voice transmission to Zhao Wuji, urging him to hurry up.

"Hahaha, let's not talk about this. How about Deacon Long, are you still doing this business? If you can't do it, I will find someone else."

This Deacon Long smiled like a flower, like a businessman talking about business, with a grim look on his face. "What did Brother Zhou say? How can I push this kind of business out? Come on, come on. Tell me, when will we trade?"

Zhao Wou-ki smiled heartily. "Of course, when will you be ready and when will we trade? But, you can't make me wait too long?"

"Hahaha what are you talking about, don't worry about handling things..."

(End of this chapter)

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