Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 205 The Dragon Has Inverse Scales

Chapter 205 The Dragon Has Inverse Scales
To be honest, when Bai Jingting appeared in front of him, Chen Feng was somewhat unwilling to accept this fact.

Because he still remembers that 30 or [-] years ago, when he was not as powerful as he is now, he was seriously injured in a battle, and it was Bai Jingting and a few others in front of him who desperately led him to break through.

It is precisely because this is the grace of saving lives that Chen Feng gave these few people great rights, which even Zhang Dabiao, the candidate for the next president, can't match.

Now, Chen Feng finally understands why some people dare to make a fuss about Qibao Liulizong Body Refining Pill.

With Bai Jingting's identity, no one dared to chew his tongue, no wonder he didn't receive any news.

With the monstrous power of the person in front of him, it is easy to hide it from other people in the guild, even Zhang Dabiao is absolutely impossible to detect it.

The only people in charge of the Body Refining Guild are the president and the top ten elders. The other guests only have the right to discuss and have no real rights, so it is difficult to affect the normal operation of the guild.

As one of the former top ten elders, Bai Jingting must have cultivated a confidant, and it is naturally easy to intervene in this matter.

There was a complex look in Chen Feng's eyes, but he still didn't believe it and was unwilling to accept it.

But the fact is right in front of his eyes, no matter how much he deceives himself, he can't change it.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, and there was some intriguing light in his eyes. "Bai Jingting, I'd like to see, what kind of tricks are you going to play?"

After some psychological struggle, Chen Feng already had a decision in his heart.

After all, Bai Jingting didn't do anything that actually endangered him. After this incident was over, Chen Feng would let him retire. From then on, he could take care of his life and repay Bai Jingting's kindness for saving his life.

This is already his biggest concession!
Otherwise, with Chen Feng's temperament of not being able to tolerate any sand in his eyes, how could Bai Jingting have the slightest chance of surviving?

At the same time, Chen Feng was also very curious, why did Bai Jingting do this?

Logically speaking, there is no shortage of Quan Bai Jingting, and wealth is even more impossible. To reach their level, these are already considered external possessions.

Closer to home, Bai Jingting waved his hand, motioning for Deacon Long to excuse himself. "Why are you looking for me in such a hurry? Is there something important?"

For him to be so direct, Deacon Long seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and was not too surprised.

After all, this is also their base camp, and its importance can be imagined. If there is no urgent matter, they will not use it easily.

"Bai Lao, someone asked me to do a big deal today. I am a little unsure, so I came here to ask you what you mean by being old."

Bai Jingting frowned, with a displeased expression. "Don't you know that the lord has been collecting body refining pills these days, but now you come to tell me that you want to sell it to others, do you think I am too kind, old man, and deliberately make fun of me?"

Chen Feng, who was hiding in the dark, was refreshed and muttered to himself. "Master? It seems that there is a big secret in it. I didn't expect this matter to be so complicated."

His eyes were shining brightly, and he focused his attention, for fear of missing any news?
Seeing that Bai Lao was dissatisfied, Deacon Long's expression was serious, and he hurriedly bowed and said "Don't dare." "Bai Lao, I naturally know the seriousness. If it were normal, I would have kicked out such a person long ago, but this time is extraordinary. I have to listen to your opinion carefully."

Bai Jingting was interested, and also a little curious.

"Tell me!"

"The man asked for 500 body refining pills, but that's not important, the important thing is that the item he wants to trade is actually a complete king-level magic weapon.

After my insinuations, I have basically confirmed that what this person said is true, so I ask you to check it out. "

"King-level Divine Soldier!"

Bai Jingting's breath became short, his eyes showed hotness, he asked in a concentrated voice. "You are sure, that person really has a complete king-level divine weapon in his hands."

Deacon Long nodded affirmatively. "I dare not lie, I am very sure. According to the man, he was found in the ruins of the Eight Great Sects."


Bai Jingting laughed heartily, which seemed to be a bit of arrogance. "This is really a great joy, as long as the old man gets this magical weapon, his status before the Lord will definitely be raised to another level.

snort!At that time, I will see if those guys dare to show me face. "

Deacon Long felt very regretful when he heard this, knowing that he had lost his destiny with this magic weapon, it was not that he had thought of getting it privately and running away, but when he thought of Bai Lao's terrifying method, he gave up such an idea.

Deacon Long showed a fawning look on his face, full of flattery. "What Bai Lao said is that those people just rely on the king-level magic weapon Chen Feng gave them, and that's why they want you, Bai Lao.

If you get this magical weapon, then you will be like a tiger with wings added, and these people will definitely not be afraid of them at that time. "

A gleam of coldness flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, as if thousands of years of ice were on his back. Hearing this, it seemed that there were other people in the Body Training Guild who betrayed him, and they seemed to be among the top ten elders.

Yes, among the body training guild, only the current top ten elders have the magic weapon bestowed by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng originally thought that this time it was just someone filling his own pocket, but he didn't expect such a big secret to be drawn out.

It seems that most of the people in the guild are alienated, and the mysterious master makes Chen Feng feel like a storm is coming.

"Haha. You did a good job." Bai Jingting patted Deacon Long's shoulder, looking very relieved. "You have made a great contribution this time, and I will definitely recommend you to the Lord when I go back. Then you have to perform well, and you can't lose face."

Deacon Long was overjoyed. Originally, he just wanted to become Bai Lao's confidant. At that time, some rewards would be indispensable. He didn't expect such great benefits, so he quickly bowed to thank him.

Bai Jingting stretched out his hand to help him up, motioning him not to be so polite.

"Okay, where is that man now!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Bai. I have made an agreement with him to trade in Bailitun in three days. When the time comes, he will pay for it and deliver the goods. I think he will not regret that batch of body refining pills he needs urgently."

Deacon Long had a strange look on his face, with some surprise in his eyes, he asked tentatively. "Bai Lao, are you planning to do it yourself?"

"No!" Bai Jingting waved his hand. "I will call two Super Douluo to cooperate with you in this matter. I can't do it myself, lest they find out, and I will be cut off by then, and I will lose a lot."

Deacon Long nodded to show that he understood, and then he saluted slightly relaxedly. "This subordinate will definitely live up to your high expectations and win this magic weapon for Bai Lao. This subordinate will go ahead and congratulate you on your old age."

Obviously, he was already determined to win the Divine Weapon. In other words, two Super Douluo and himself were more than enough to deal with a Title Douluo. He even felt that Bai Jingting was making a fuss over a molehill.

(End of this chapter)

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