Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 216 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 216 Lead the snake out of the hole
Although he was furious in his heart, he steadfastly suppressed it, the situation was stronger than others, even if he knew he was being humiliated, he still had to swallow this anger.


Taking a long breath to calm down the anger in his chest, this Super Douluo spoke again.

"Boy, old man, I don't care what you think, whether you want to rob money or want to kill people, but these are not important."

When he said this, his volume was a little louder. "But don't forget, this extreme northern land is the territory of my body training guild, so I can't hide any troubles.

If this goes on like this, it will not be a good thing for you. When the reinforcements arrive, no matter how powerful you are, I'm afraid it won't be your turn to be so presumptuous. "

"Boy, listen to my advice, let's just let it go, before it's too late, as long as you're willing to retreat, the two of us can let the past go, and won't embarrass you. You have to think about it carefully, and don't let it go because of a moment of anger. Put yourself in danger."

Zhao Wuji felt funny, he has learned a lot today, this person in front of him is a talent, with this skill, even he has to say admiration.

However, Zhao Wou-ki didn't expose it, he deliberately wanted to tease the two of them, at this moment he showed a hesitant look on his face, as if he was considering the pros and cons of this.

Seeing this, the two Super Douluo's faces were happy, and they also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

They were also afraid that they would run into a stunned young man who would not know how to adapt, and that would be the two of them who should be embarrassed.

What they said just now was not wrong. With the body training guild's grasp of the extreme northern ice field, there will be people patrolling every place. Such a big thing happened here, I believe it will not be long before it will be detected.

They were operating secretly, and they didn't want to attract attention. If they were discovered here, they would inevitably have some troubles.

However, things can't be delayed any longer. The longer the time, the greater the chance of being discovered. The two of them don't want to take any risks.

Seeing Zhao Wou-ki's strange expression, they decided to retreat and decided to strike while the iron is hot, and hurriedly persuaded him. "Boy, we've been deadlocked here for a while. I believe someone will come over in a short time. You'd better make a decision early, otherwise even if the two of us have the heart, I'm afraid we won't be able to help you."

"This this."

Zhao Wou-ki seemed to be in a panic, hesitating, and quite at a loss.

"Don't hesitate anymore, kid, this is your best choice at the moment, you'd better go back quickly."

The two of them were actually very depressed, just saying that the person in front of them made them feel so useless, and now that they had to be so shameless to deceive others, wouldn't it be that they admitted that they were not their opponents.

What's more, they were really anxious in their hearts, and if they were really found out, it would be difficult to solve the matter. With the blessing of the two, they could be described as frightened and angry.

"Boy, hurry up and go! Even if it's the old man, I beg you."

One of the Super Douluo even had a pleading look on his face, as if he was the one who should go.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Okay! Wuji, don't make trouble anymore, and quickly solve them."

The sound was so sudden that the two Super Douluo were quite frightened. They didn't expect there to be someone in the dark. They didn't care to figure out the meaning of what he said, so they quickly cast their gazes away.

After seeing clearly who it was, the two Super Douluo were terrified, and instantly felt stiff all over, and a sharp coolness rushed from their spines to their brains.

"You, you. You are... are..."




Da da da.
Bai Jingting's steps were hurried, with joy on his face.Before leaving the passage, he asked directly. "Have you got it?"

After saying this, he stepped out of the passage with one foot, and what he saw was the pale face of Deacon Long.

Bai Jingting was puzzled, he didn't understand why he had such an expression, he didn't think much, he repeated what he said just now. "Have you got anything?"

Deacon Long still didn't speak, but his face became even paler, and his body was still trembling.

There was an ominous premonition in Bai Jingting's heart, suddenly he seemed to think of something. "Where are the tiger brothers and leopard brothers? Why are you alone?"

Deacon Long couldn't bear it any longer, and knelt down on the ground, burying his head deeply in the ground. "Bai Lao, we were fooled, brother tiger and leopard brother were killed."


Bai Jingting couldn't believe what he heard, Brother Leopard and Brother Tiger were his right-hand men, otherwise he wouldn't have sent them out this time.

Now someone tells himself that his right-hand man was killed, how can you let him be calm.


Bai Jingting stared at Deacon Long coldly.

"Say! What's going on? You'd better tell the truth, or be careful of your dog's life."

Hearing this sentence, Deacon Long's body trembled. Even if he didn't look into Bai Jingting's eyes at this time, he could still feel the fierce light in his eyes.

Not daring to hesitate, he began to explain tremblingly. "Bai Lao, everything was fine at first, but when we were about to make a deal, the man saw the money and wanted to get something for nothing, so he started to attack us."

"He is holding a magic weapon, and the two adults, leopard brother and tiger brother, are not his opponents. In addition, it is a sudden attack. We haven't reacted yet. The two adults were secretly plotted by him for a while, and they were directly killed. on the spot."

Bai Jingting snorted coldly. "What about you? How did you survive? Don't tell me that kid killed Brother Leopard."

Bai Jingting's tone revealed a strong killing intent, and Deacon Long had no doubts, as long as he misunderstood the slightest, the person in front of him would kill him.

Of course he didn't mean that he was knocked out and didn't know anything about it. When he woke up, he saw that the leopard brother and the tiger brother were dead, and the murderer was nowhere to be found.

Because of this, the previous words would all become nonsense, and he would not seek his own death.

"My lord!"

Deacon Long cried and swallowed, and said with snot and tears. "That man is really hateful. After he killed the two adults, he beat me seriously, and said that for the sake of bringing so many body refining pills to him, he wanted to spare my life, so that I could be killed. People know who killed the members of our Body Training Association, so as not to know who the enemy is when the time comes."

"My lord, this person is extremely arrogant and doesn't take us seriously at all. You must be the master of your subordinates!"

Naturally, Bai Jingting would not believe his one-sided words, because otherwise, Bai Jingting would not be able to get to where he is today.

(End of this chapter)

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