Chapter 221
"Hahaha... I didn't expect this big biao to know the truth. Now that we have so many body refining pills, we can ask the Lord for credit."

"Hehe. This is just a trivial matter. The most important thing is that we got the Danfang. Let alone the credit, you must know that this is a treasure. By then, this benefit will be indispensable."

"That's right, that's right. After lurking for so long, we finally got our chance. According to this calculation, we won't suffer at all."

This group of people commented and celebrated here, but they really didn't know that all this fell into the eyes of others.

Although this place is sufficiently secretive, it is difficult for these people to discover Chen Feng and the others hiding in the dark because of their lack of strength.

"Hmph!" Zhang Dabiao snorted lightly. "It's really a bunch of white-eyed wolves. I used to blame me for being blind, but I didn't see through their identities."

"Hehe." Chen Feng patted his shoulder. "Da Biao, you don't have to be so angry. After we find the culprit, this group of people will be at your disposal. It is said that they have done nothing wrong, but no matter how you say it, they have betrayed the brothers. They must not be spared lightly."

There was a hint of complexity in Chen Feng's eyes, and he let out a long sigh. "Well, most of these people are old people who have been in the world with me. I didn't expect them to see through their age. Sometimes I even wonder where I have treated them badly. Otherwise, why would they do it? Something like this happened?"

Regarding his question, both Zhang Dabiao and Zhao Yao were reluctant to open their mouths. If it was not because they were afraid of refuting Chen Feng's face, it was because they hadn't figured it out.

But fortunately, among the few people, Ming Wuji has experienced a lot of things, and the experience is really rich.

"Young master, in fact, you don't have to be too surprised, the most difficult thing to guess in this world is the human heart.

Besides, you haven't shown up for many years. This group of people has lost their awe, and wealth touches people's hearts. This is also a normal state.

I'm not saying that everyone is like this, it's just that there are relatively few such people, let alone those who hold authority and can easily control their own destiny? "

Chen Feng nodded with a sad face, although he said so, he was always in a bad mood.

In Chen Feng's heart, he doesn't want to have so many twists and turns, and hopes that the relationship between people will be simpler, without so much suspicion, and without so much despicability, maybe that kind of world will be better Bar?

"Okay, that's the end of the matter. Now that we don't have to worry about it, let's get to grips with the body training guild as soon as possible. After all, we'll do our best for Chen Feng. In the end, it won't be too much to get a benefit."

"In addition, Lao Bai, you should go and pass this harvest to the Lord."

"Hmph!" Bai Jingting's face was a bit grim, but he was just putting on a show, after all, the situation was stronger than others, even if Bai Jingting wanted to stand up, it would not be now.

Looking at Bai Jingting who turned and left, Chen Feng and the others all had expressions.

"Okay, Da Biao, Zhao Yao, you two stay here and quickly rectify the body training guild, and wipe out this group of black sheep as soon as possible."

After a pause, he added. "This cleansing must be done thoroughly for me. I don't want this kind of thing to happen again. I will investigate all of them. The minor crimes will be deported, and the most serious ones will be dealt with directly. In short, they can no longer let them go unpunished .”

Zhang Dabiao and Zhao Yao quickly said yes, expressing that they would handle the matter well.

"Old Ming, come with me, let's meet the culprit behind this scene, I want to see who he is..."


"Zhang Dabiao, what do you want to do? Don't let us go quickly, aren't you afraid of causing public anger?"

"That's right, even if you are the head of the ten elders, then you are just a junior, and you don't need to judge your identity in front of us. I advise you to keep your eyes open."

"Elder Zhang, tell me why you arrested them, and most of the people in the Body Training Guild are here, what exactly are you going to do?"

"That's right, you have to tell us what happened, right? The big guy is still confused now, can't you mess around..."

There was a lot of noise at the scene, seeing that the situation was about to develop in a bad direction, Zhang Dabiao also knew that it was time for him to speak up.

"Brothers, please be safe and don't be impatient, please listen to me."

Zhang Dabiao stood upright, looking a little mighty and strong, and his vigorous voice reached everyone's ears. "Brothers, I believe you are very confused now, why did I call you together, and why did I arrest these people, it doesn't matter, I can explain all of these."

Zhang Dabiao pointed at these people who were tied up, and said in an angry tone. "These people want to betray our Body Refining Guild, and they even plot to take control of the Body Refining Guild. It's an unforgivable crime."

These words struck the hearts of everyone like thunder, they were all shocked by this news.

But soon there was a heated discussion, and the pot exploded immediately.

"How did this happen? Did these elders and Ke Qing really betray the Body Refining Guild?"

"I also think it's unlikely, after all, it's too incredible."

"I don't think it's possible. Some people have leaked the news a few days ago, saying that they are going to replace it. In my opinion! Elder Zhang has done a good job this time, nipping their conspiracy in the bud. It is worthy of the president's attention." Successor!"

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more wrong, the few people who were restrained suddenly panicked. They were first shocked by Zhang Dabiao's strength, and they were immediately captured.

They have extraordinary status and status, usually have a lot of prestige, and are deeply loved by everyone. They wanted to beat them back and make Zhang Dabiao afraid of their influence.

Now they can count on using power to overwhelm others, hoping that Zhang Dabiao will be forced to release himself and others under pressure, so that they will have a chance of life.

But now the situation seems to be different from what they thought, and these people suddenly became anxious.

"Zhang Dabiao, don't open your mouth to talk nonsense. What evidence do you have to prove this matter? Not to mention whether it is true or false, even if it is true, it is not your turn to deal with it. Aren't you afraid that adults will blame you? ?”


Zhang Dabiao laughed wildly, this was probably the funniest joke he had ever heard. "You really don't know when your death is imminent, and now you actually want to move out the president to suppress me.

Hehe, don't you guys think that what you have done will be hidden from the chairman and his old man?Let me tell you the truth, this is an order personally issued by the president. "

"Hehe. You should give up on this idea too. Don't try to refute. The president has followed Bai Jingting secretly, and he will soon find out the real culprit behind the scenes. Your backers can't keep you..."

(End of this chapter)

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