Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 223 The deal with the Silver Dragon King

Chapter 223 The deal with the Silver Dragon King

Now all the truth is revealed, Bai Jingting and the others behind the scene are the masters, one of the two clones of the Dragon God who is recuperating in the Star Dou Forest - the Silver Dragon King.

In fact, Chen Feng already had such a guess when he stepped into the Star Dou Great Forest.

This is because since Bai Jingting and the others choose to betray, they are also relying on someone stronger than Chen Feng. Apart from the Silver Dragon King in the Star Dou Forest, Chen Feng can't think of other powerful people.

Ditian's face was very ugly, he had no doubts about his loyalty to the Silver Dragon King, and anyone who opposed the Silver Dragon King was his Ditian's enemy.

Seeing his silence, Chen Feng was aggressive. "Hehe. Why, don't you think that if you can resist us, we won't succeed. It's not that I look down on you, but you don't have the qualifications at all."


Ditian glared angrily, and the other ferocious beasts were also like him, all angry in their hearts, but due to their lack of strength, they could only swallow their anger.

Chen Feng's words undoubtedly pushed them into a corner and lifted their last fig leaf, which was really hurtful.

But Chen Feng didn't care if he had done too much or not, so why wasn't he angry in his heart, besides, he came to settle accounts, so why should he be so polite?

Chen Feng still had a mouth to speak, when a majestic voice came from under the ground, and a dragon's power spread, sweeping the world.

"Human, you have passed. Don't you think that with your meager strength, you can be presumptuous in front of me. Now retreat quickly, and I can go and ignore it."

"Hehe. I have heard the name of the Silver Dragon King for a long time, and I finally met today. I didn't come here today to find trouble. It's because you are a little unkind!"

Chen Feng wasn't afraid, if he wasn't sure he wouldn't come here, he naturally had his own confidence.

"Silver Dragon King, I won't beat around the bush. It's impossible for this matter to be so kind, and I won't let it go. You have to give me an explanation today anyway, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you."

After his words fell, the scene was dull for a while, but then there was a burst of laughter.

Chen Feng could tell that Longyin King was laughing angrily.

He wasn't surprised. If it was him, if someone dared to talk to him like that, the reaction would probably be the same.

"Hahahaha... Human, you are simply presumptuous."

"Don't you think that with your strength, I can't do anything to you? Hehehe... Let me tell you that there is no right or wrong in this matter. Weakness is the original sin. It would be fine if you receded just now. So let's not blame you for your offense.

But I never thought that you would seek death by yourself, then you can't blame me.

Today, I will let you know one thing, the weak have no right to speak in front of the strong, and you have no right to bargain in front of me. "

As he spoke, he made no secret of his murderous intent, a strong killing intent filled the world.

As a god emperor, the Silver Dragon King, even if his cultivation has dropped to become a god emperor in the early stage, his strength is unquestionable. Under this overwhelming momentum, Chen Feng feels like a boat that is blowing in the wind , may be submerged by a burst of waves at any time.

"It's such a feeling again, and it's such a powerlessness." Chen Feng said silently in his heart.

This is the second time he has felt the aura of the god emperor, and he is still no match for this power, which is also an indisputable fact.

However, Chen Feng is not that kind of stupefied young man, since he dares to come, he has a trump card.

Under this aura, Chen Feng stood still, with a calm expression on his face. "Hehe Silver Dragon King, are you sure you don't want to talk to me?
You must know that there is no turning back when you open the bow. If you really do that, then things will really not be good. "

"Hahaha..." The Silver Dragon King laughed angrily. "Sometimes I really admire your courage. I'm curious. Why do you talk to me in such a tone? Who do you think you are?"

Chen Feng didn't change his face, he didn't pay attention to his teasing at all, and he still had a relaxed and freehand expression.

This scene fell into the eyes of Ming Wuji who was struggling to support him, and he was immediately shocked. "The young master is the young master, and this courage is beyond my comparability."

Chen Feng said irrefutably. "Silver Dragon King, since you don't want to talk to me, let's speak with strength, I hope you won't regret it."

"Hahahahahahahaha... This is the funniest joke I've ever heard. Just because you, a little emperor, threatened me in front of me, you really don't know how to write death."

"Boy, I admit that you are very talented, but in my experience, I have never seen such a wonderful and gorgeous character like you.

However, hehehe... Geniuses have always been arrogant. I guess you have been dazzled by your own arrogance, otherwise you would not have delusional attempts to provoke me. You would not really think that with your meager cultivation Can shake me. "

"No no no..." Chen Feng shook his head. "I don't think so. Although I am conceited, I don't think I have reached this point yet."

"Hehehe..." Chen Feng smiled lightly. "As the saying goes, if you just talk and don't practice fake tricks, I won't hide it anymore, come out."

Hearing this, everyone present was startled, and Ming Wuji was also secretly speechless. "I'll be good, young master, is there really something wrong with the backhand, why don't I know about this?"

Not tolerating his wild thoughts, a faint sound of footsteps came.

Da da da……

Da da da……

Da da da……

The sound is getting closer and closer, everyone is looking at the reputation, only to see a person wearing light blue clothes slowly walking out, his face is stern, Rao Ming Wuji, who has seen the world, can't help but praise A handsome man.

It can be said that Yao Jingxiao was the one who came out after a thousand calls.

Yao Jingxiao can be regarded as the big trump card in Chen Feng's hands. After some days of negotiation, the relationship between them is pretty good, and a preliminary agreement has been reached.

Yao Jingxiao helped Chen Feng with errands, and Chen Feng provided Yao Jingxiao with healing medicines to help him recover from his injuries as soon as possible.

With a great master of the god emperor available by his side, Chen Feng's confidence naturally rose, and his vision naturally became extraordinary.

If it was before, Chen Feng would dare to stroll around in the Star Dou Forest. The most daring time was to fight Di Tian, ​​because at that time he was still weak, and the Dragon Silver King would not have much interest in him at all.

It was precisely because of Yao Jingxiao that Chen Feng would not have the confidence to challenge the Silver Dragon King, he would not foolishly send himself to the wolf's den, because that would undoubtedly be courting death.

(End of this chapter)

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