Chapter 226
Everyone was clamoring, all wanting Chen Feng to give a reason.

Looking at it like this, if Chen Feng didn't explain clearly today, then he would never be able to live in peace.

"Ah!" Chen Feng shook his head and sighed, and gave these guys an annoyed look, ignoring the emotion in his heart, he hurriedly explained, fearing that if there was any further delay, these people would make something wrong again.

"Don't think too much about it, I don't really have anything to do, but I always feel that I am really tired all these years, and I want to take a break.

Besides, I am very relieved that the God Realm is hosted by Ming Wuji, and I don't need to worry about anything for the time being, so I am not busy going up. "

After a pause, Chen Feng added. "Look at each of you now, you all have your own concerns and families now, I can't go on like this anymore, can I?"

"Hehe!" Hearing what he said, several people ridiculed for a while.

"Xiaofeng, you've figured it out, you're planning to find younger siblings for us, hehehehehe, I said you should too, look at those boys, they're all in pairs now.

You said that you are an uncle, and you have no hope until now. Isn't it a joke to say it? "

"That's right, I like to hear what I say. You should find a woman. When will you show Xiao Chenfeng to me? Do you think so? Hahahaha..."

"Go, go..." Chen Feng glared at them angrily. "When I met you guys, I was unlucky for eight lifetimes."

But then again, this matter is really a problem, Chen Feng is not too old now, as long as it goes on like this, it is not a solution.

However, Chen Feng immediately shook his head and laughed again, how can such a thing happen, who can say something like fate?
"Okay, okay, don't make fun of me, I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?"

Chen Feng reprimanded without seriousness, they were used to joking among themselves, that is, the brothers had a good time, but they wouldn't take it seriously.

"Ahem. Let's talk about business. After you go to the God Realm, you should hug each other first. This God Realm can be regarded as a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. With your strength, you can't make any waves."

When he said this, Chen Feng had a mysterious smile on his face. "You really don't believe me, I'll tell you, when I sent Zhang Dabiao and the others up, they were almost not swallowed up. If Yao Jingxiao didn't come forward in the end, they barely managed to gain a foothold."

"Tut tsk tsk..." Chen Feng said with emotion. "The water in the God Realm is deep. Except for the big families with strong foundations who can survive, everyone else is huddling together to keep warm. Generally speaking, it is much more cruel than the Douluo Continent. You have to be careful then."

Zhao Wou-ki laughed, and said in a big way. "Don't worry about that. I promise we won't mess around. Just keep your heart in your stomach when I do things."

Chen Feng's eyes were wide open, and his face was sullen. "It's about you boy, if you don't cause me any trouble, I guess I can live a few more years."

When he said this, Zhao Wou-ki gave a smug smile, and scratched his head a little embarrassedly, which made everyone burst into laughter.

"Alright, alright, now that the time has been set, you don't have to waste any more time, go back and prepare first, I won't send you off."

Chen Feng has issued an order to evict the guests, and everyone is not very emotional at the thought of being separated again.

"Xiaofeng, don't know when we will meet again today, you have to take care of yourself!"

"Go, go, go, it's like saying goodbye to life and death, get out of here quickly."

Amidst a burst of laughter and cursing, Chen Feng sent Dai Minghan and the others away, and then sat quietly by the river to fish.

Parting is always sad, and Chen Feng feels very uncomfortable, but maybe this is growth.

Chen Feng sat there quietly, and made other movements in the room. His shadow was reflected in the river and flickered faintly, flickering with the flow of the water...

"Father, isn't Uncle Feng going with us?"

The people had almost assembled, but after not seeing Chen Feng for a long time, Tang San finally couldn't help but speak.

Facing Tang San's question, Tang Hao rubbed his head, and said kindly. "Your Uncle Feng still has things to deal with, so he won't be with us this time."

"Oh!" Tang San responded in a depressed mood, probably not feeling well in his heart.

To him, Chen Feng is the best person to him besides his parents. He felt a little bit disappointed when he didn't see Chen Feng.

"Little San, don't be sad, you have to believe that your Uncle Feng will join us one day, mother assures you,"

Ah Yin took the somewhat lost son into his arms and comforted him attentively.

In fact, not only Tang San was like this, but also the other members of the Shrek Seven Monsters. It was everyone's opinion how Chen Feng cared for them these years.

After getting along day and night, without knowing it, Chen Feng has become a stalwart figure in their hearts, which is indelible.

Looking at everyone who was depressed, Yu Xiaogang was born and comforted.

"Okay. It's almost time, let's go."

Hearing this, Ah Yin patted Tang San's shoulder. "Let's go."

"Everyone move!"


Everyone left slowly, Yan Xiaogang raised his head and glanced at the direction where Chen Feng was, tears flashed in his eyes, and finally he gritted his teeth and turned away.

Not long after, everyone in Douluo Continent saw a ray of divine light piercing the sky and earth, and everyone talked about it.

"Hey big guy, look, there is another god going to the God Realm, it's really enviable!"

"Yes, yes. That's the God Realm. Many people have gone there over the years. I don't know what it's like."

"Grandpa, grandpa, I will become a god when I grow up, and I will take grandpa to the God Realm together."

"Hahaha... okay, grandpa, I will go with you then. Hahaha..."

Naturally, Chen Feng also saw such a scene. The reason why he didn't go to see him off was because he was afraid of the sadness of parting at that time. It would be like the autumn wind, but it was very torturous.

"Huh..." Chen Feng took a long breath and said pretending to be relieved. "Finally I'm leaving, I, Chen Feng, should find something for myself to do."

With a relaxed and joyful expression on his face, he turned and walked towards the distance, but his footsteps were a bit heavy, why couldn't he be brisk, maybe he felt uncomfortable, right?
Now on the Douluo Continent, he is probably the only god among human beings.

As early as many years ago, Chen Feng united several forces to carry out a rectification of the entire continent, that is, drove all the gods to the God Realm.

The reason why he did this was because he didn't want the Douluo Continent to have too much strength deviation. In that case, it would be much more difficult for many people to rise up. After all, in this era, it is only lively when there are many people.

As for the second one, Chen Feng wants to get rid of these high-ranking gods because the Douluo Continent has become dilapidated due to several turmoil in recent years.

If you want him to recover, you must stop it from the source.

 Cough cough. The writing of these two articles is a bit like the end, but please don't get me wrong, this is just a transition.

(End of this chapter)

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