Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 241 Baiyang County

Chapter 241 Baiyang County

Hurry up, the four of them finally arrived at the city gate.

In front of their eyes, there stood a city tower tens of feet high, all made of huge stones, and it looked very magnificent.

These boulders are not simple, and their defense is extraordinary. Even if the emperor wants to break through, it will probably take a lot of effort. For this, they can only attribute it to the wealth of the gods.

A few Title Douluo at the city gate were staring at passers-by with burning eyes, looking very majestic.

Looking up, the three powerful characters of Baiyang County came into view, and all four of them shrank their eyes.

Because these three big characters are engraved on the boulder, if there is such a handwriting, it means that a god emperor mentioned the words on it.

Ma Hongjun exclaimed. "My mother! This is just a small town, and there is a God Emperor, which is too extravagant."

He couldn't help but not lose his composure. If there are god emperors in such a small town, it can only mean that God Realm is really a god king, and the god emperor is gone all over the place. It would be strange if he wasn't surprised!

The other three also nodded one after another, although they also thought so in their hearts.

However, this was a middle-aged man who passed by them, and he seemed to be displeased with their ignorance. "Cut! It looks like you are from the countryside. You really have never seen the world."

Dai Mubai's violent temper was so despised by others, he almost ran away on the spot, but fortunately he was stopped by the quick-sighted Tang San.

Winking at Dai Mubai, Tang San said kindly. "Uncle, please give me some advice."

Said, Tang San stuffed a low-grade god stone into his hand.

Speaking of the god stone, this is the currency of the gods, and it is divided into four levels: upper, middle, lower and ultimate.

Among them, the low-grade god stone is mainly used as the currency of soul masters, while the other three levels of Yao Jingxiao are currencies that are specially operated for gods.

This thing is not simple. Although it is currency, it is actually a cultivation resource, and people in the God Realm practice to extract energy from it.

But this is a scarce thing, and it can be said to be precious, and only a few wealthy people can afford it.

As the saying goes, you don't hit a smiling person with your hand, let alone for the sake of money.

The middle-aged man quickly put this low-grade god stone into his arms, as if he was afraid that Tang San would go back on his word.

In fact, Tang San was such a fool in his heart. "Hey. This kid is probably short-hearted, such a good treasure can bear to be taken out."

He is just an ordinary person, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is short-sighted, and he is a full-fledged miser.Don't talk about using the god stone to buy things, even if he doesn't have it for cultivation, let alone this kind of reward.

Speaking of this, he was filled with envy, jealousy and hatred again. "Bah! I can only rely on myself to absorb the aura of heaven and earth to cultivate. It's not like these rich and noble places. This is a good god stone. If I had this resource, I would have developed it long ago. Maybe I'm already a god king now. Woolen cloth."

That's right, he is just a Contra, and a piece of divine stone is already a valuable income for him.

It is estimated that he is now figuring out how to cheat more from the prodigal son in front of him.

He has made up his mind to pay attention, Tang San and the others are the children of that wealthy family, they don't know the price of daily necessities if they are not in charge of the family, they just spend their parents' assets everywhere.

With the money to manage, the middle-aged man's face immediately changed, and he looked grinning. "Hey, young masters, if you have anything you don't understand, you can just ask. I know that I will answer everything, and I will answer everything."

At this moment, he was thinking in his heart, just a few fledgling boys, when grandpa and I coax them to behave, maybe there will be a lot of money right away.

What kind of characters Tang San and the others were, naturally he took a fancy to his thoughts at a glance, but he wanted to know some things first, so he didn't say anything.

"Brother, can you tell us about this Baiyang County? We are new here, and we don't know much about the rules here. I need your advice."

"Hi! Young Master, you are asking the right person. I, Zhao Laoliu, can be regarded as a native of Baiyang County. There is nothing big or small in Baiyang County that I don't know about."

He was happy when he said this.The middle-aged man was worried that he couldn't find any opportunities to show off, but he didn't expect the prodigal son in front of him to come to his door on his own initiative. This can be regarded as a pillow just when he was about to sleep.

"God is really kind to us!" He thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to delay, for fear that the fat sheep who finally came to the door would run away.

"Young masters, our Baiyang County has a history of several thousand years. The three big characters on the gate of the city are said to be the meritorious service of the original city lord. In order to show his merits, a god emperor personally engraved on it."

"Also! Our Baiyang County is not simple. The most powerful person among them is the city lord. He is a late-stage god king, and he is the number one master here."

When he said this, his face was full of pride, as if he was telling the achievements of his ancestors, his face was full of honor.

"Hehe. There are six factions in this city, including Wang, Bai, Zhao, Li, the City Lord's Mansion, and the Black Tiger Gang. There are other forces as well, but they are insignificant compared to these six... "

After listening to his bragging, Tang San and the others finally understood the situation in Baiyang County, the little fat man Ma Hongjun patted his chest and said happily. "It really scared me just now. I really thought that there was a god emperor in this small county! The word "feeling" is bestowed by others!"

"Hey." He smiled wickedly. "It's good if there is no God Emperor, we can move here unimpeded. If there is a chance, we must deal with these forces and take a look at their weight."

But as soon as his words came out, the middle-aged man immediately became dissatisfied. His face was full of anger and a bit of contempt. "Young master, you can't talk nonsense and be careful to bring disaster on yourself."

He really couldn't be angry with this brat, and hearing his tone, he didn't pay attention to Baiyang County, thinking secretly in his heart. "Sure enough, he is a son of riches and honor, but he is so ignorant of the heights of heaven and earth, hehe... If his words happen to be heard by others, they probably don't know how he died."

Coincidentally, when Ma Hongjun said this, he was overheard by a few passers-by, not because they had such a strong sense of honor, but because they wanted to watch the show.

This is the gate of the city, and someone is lying here to say that the six major forces are nothing more than mediocre. Isn't this courting death?
"Damn it, these stunned young men dare to say such things. You have to get out of here quickly, otherwise it will be bad if you implicate me."

Although he had such thoughts in mind, he did not remind Ma Hongjun to be careful not to speak out, but put his relationship aside first. "Young master, I don't know where you come from, but it's wrong for you to comment on our Baiyang County. Although I am weak, I may not see you insulting Baiyang County."

When he said this, he was furious, and he glared at Ma Hongjun with his eyes, as if if Ma Hongjun continued to speak, he would strike.

Just in an instant, this middle-aged man turned into a dignified fighter protecting Baiyang County, his rapid change was really jaw-dropping, this operation made Tang San and the others stunned for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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