Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 243 Bai Qi's Surprise

Chapter 243 Bai Qi's Surprise

"Bai Qi, right? Your subordinates are not strong enough, why don't you do it yourself."

Dai Mubai's words were very straightforward, directly expressing his intention of coming, without concealing the disdain in his heart.

"Just the few crooked melons and cracked dates around you are not enough for my brothers to plug their teeth. I advise you to be realistic, or don't blame me for not saving face for you."

He didn't aim for nothing, just because the men around Bai Qi were indeed a little weaker, and the strongest was only Limit Douluo Yi.

Right now, Bai Qi's god king's cultivation is acceptable. Are these the subordinates around him?Dai Mubai could only shake his head speechlessly.

At this time, another thought popped up in his mind. He clearly remembered that day when they first arrived in the God Realm, the subordinates beside the two people they met were ridiculously strong. With the God Emperor under his command, Dai Mubai muttered to himself. "It seems that we may have met some extraordinary person that day. Leaving aside other things for the time being, that identity background must be unusual."

But then he shook his head again, those people have been dealt with by them, and he doesn't even know where they come from, so what if the background is not simple?
Bai Qi naturally didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, if he knew that he was despised by Dai Mubai, he might turn his face on the spot, and immediately go up and fight him endlessly.

But even so, his face was not pretty. "Hmph! You also need to have that qualification, but since you are so rampant, you will suffer a lot."

"You, you, you, all of you, give me a lesson, and teach me a lesson for this ignorant brat."

Under his orders, all the subordinates around him rushed forward, one by one aggressively rushing towards Dai Mubai and the others.

The ending is naturally without doubt, just a face-to-face effort, these subordinates were settled by Dai Mubai and the others.

Bai Qi's eyes flashed brightly, "God King."

Although it was a bit unexpected, he believed that he would not be wrong.He didn't expect that the four guys in front of him were all god kings, otherwise, it would be impossible to bring down several of his subordinates so easily.

However, his face was still calm, with a very calm look. "very good!"

"Since they were defeated by you, I have nothing to say, let's forget about this matter, let's go..."

Not sloppy at all, Bai Qi beckoned his subordinates to leave quickly, and before leaving, he gave them a meaningful look, not knowing what he was thinking about.

This can be regarded as an explosion, and the surrounding crowd are talking about it.

"The young master of the Bai family has actually left. It seems that these young masters are not easy."

"That's right, it's really not easy to make the young master of the Bai family lose so much face and have to swallow his anger!"

"I can't see it. This Bai Qi is a master who doesn't see rabbits and doesn't scatter eagles. He has suffered such a big loss. Maybe he just went back to rescue soldiers. Don't you forget?"


"You don't want to die, you dare to say such a thing."

As if thinking of something taboo, they kept silent, changed the topic, and skipped the stall.

In short, their expressions were all shocked, the scene in front of them was indeed beyond their expectations, they all looked at Dai Mubai and the others with their eyes.

Being stared at by so many people, several of them couldn't help getting goose bumps all over their bodies, feeling uncomfortable all over.

Ma Hongjun said somewhat unconvinced. "Judging from their tone, it seems that we forced Bai Qi to retreat. It seems to be something extraordinary. Is that kid so extraordinary?"

Seeing a person whom he despises so prestige in the eyes of others, the little fat man felt a little uncomfortable, to put it bluntly, he was just a little angry.

Oscar shook his head, "I don't know, but there is one thing, if we continue to stay here, I guess they will all be unable to resist."


"Playing with monkeys!"

Hearing this, the other three people all looked embarrassed and left the place quickly.

On the other side, Bai Qi didn't stay after leaving, and quickly returned to Bai's house.

As the young master of the Bai family, he naturally has his own yard. This yard is a bit remote, but it doesn't look shabby, but rather elegant.

As soon as he stepped into the door with one foot, a word came from behind, making the shop under his feet stop.

"Bai Qi, I heard that you have disgraced our Bai family this time, why do you still have the face to come back?"

Hearing the strange voice, Bai Qi turned his head.

Not far behind him, he saw a young man in the same luxurious clothes standing there. He knew this man, and he was his elder brother Bai Jun.

However, Bai Qi didn't give him a good face at all. He cast him a squinting look, then walked into his yard silently, and closed the door behind him, ignoring him at all.

Seeing this situation, Bai Jun couldn't help but snorted coldly. "I'll see how much longer you can be arrogant!"

After saying this, Bai Jun also felt ashamed to stay here, because it was obviously a shame to be slapped, so he turned around and left.

The relationship between Bai Qi and Bai Jun has been bad since they were young. As children of aristocratic families, even brothers, there are many conflicts between them.

Especially in recent years, when the Patriarch is about to abdicate, the relationship between them has become even more tense.

Bai Qi has no doubts, as long as Bai Jun is given such a small chance, he will use all means and mercilessly to get rid of himself.

Because Bai Jun has always regarded him as the biggest competitor of the head of the family, they have half fathers, and under the guidance of their mother since childhood, there have been many conflicts between the two of them, and there is no family relationship at all.

This is cruel, and Bai Qi hates it very much. To be honest, he doesn't want to fight for the position of the Patriarch, but if he doesn't fight, the Bai Army may not let him go.

For his big brother, Bai Qi can't understand it best, he will get revenge for his small belly and chicken intestines.As long as he is alive for a day, he will be considered a threat by the white army. They have been like this since childhood, and they have reached the point where they will never die.

If it wasn't because of his strict family rules, once he found out about the murder of his brothers and sisters, he would be expelled from the family at the least, and executed on the spot if he was serious.

If it wasn't for this, Bai Qi would definitely have reason to believe that he wouldn't be alive now.

But even so, Bai Jun made things difficult for him in every possible way, making him feel uncomfortable everywhere.So Bai Qi's current position is very embarrassing, he has to fight, because if he doesn't fight, he will die.

(End of this chapter)

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